
The formation of the four bodhisattva dojos

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The formation of the four bodhisattva dojos


#观音菩萨的保佑#五台山, as a vital holy place in Buddhism, it is also one of the dojos where Manjushri preaches the scriptures. According to legend, during the reign of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty, the Taoist priests of Wutai Mountain did not approve of Buddhism building temples here. Eventually, however, Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty personally presided over a debate contest between a Taoist priest and two monks at the White Horse Temple in Luoyang. As a result of this game, the two monks achieved a Buddhist victory and succeeded in gaining the right to rebuild the temple.

Mount Emei is also one of the famous holy places in Buddhism, and is praised as the dojo of Fuxian Bodhisattva. It is rumored that during the Yongping period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there lived an old man who made a living by collecting medicine under the eaves of Mount Emei. One day, while collecting medicine in the mountains, he happened to catch a glimpse of an elk. So, he tracked it all the way to the Golden Dome, but the elk suddenly disappeared from the cliff. At the same time, a purple cloud rose from the cliff. This wonderful sight touched the old man deeply. Subsequently, he found the monk in the temple and informed him of the wonder. The monk of Baozhang believed that this was the manifestation of the Bodhisattva. Because of this, the old man spontaneously raised funds and established the Puguang Temple in Mount Emei to worship the Bodhisattva Fuxian. Since then, Mount Emei has established the dojo of Fuxian Bodhisattva and has become one of the important holy places of Buddhism.

The formation of the four bodhisattva dojos

Puxian Bodhisattva Figure

Putuo Mountain, as one of the famous Buddhist monasteries, also has a legendary story behind it. It is said that during the Western Han Dynasty, there was a Taoist priest named Meifu, who had cultivated here, hence the name. The history of Buddhism in Mount Putuo can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty. According to legend, there was a monk who witnessed the appearance of Guanyin Bodhisattva at Chaoyin Cave. Since the Song Dynasty, Mount Putuo has gradually become the official dojo of Guanyin Bodhisattva. The imperial court has repeatedly taken the Pure Land of Buddhism and Putuo Mountain as the main theme, surrounded by the ocean. Due to the widespread appearance of Guanyin Bodhisattva in this place, Putuo Mountain has become one of the important holy places for Buddhist believers to worship, practice and seek Buddha.

Jiuhua Mountain is the hardened dojo of the King of Jizo Bodhisattva. Legend has it that in 719 A.D., a monk stepped at the foot of Jiuhua Mountain. He saw that the mountain peaks were towering into the clouds, the clouds and mist were shrouded, and the climate was cool in all seasons, which was really an excellent place for cultivation. So, he resolutely decided to stay here and began to cultivate in Jiuhua Mountain. This walking monk is Master Jinqiao Jue. He built a house in Jiuhua Mountain for decades, and time passed, and by 794, Master Jin Qiaojue was already 99 years old. In the same year, he suddenly gathered the people to say goodbye and sat down in the room. At that time, the mountains were filled with clouds and mist, auspicious light was shining, birds were chirping, and firelight was surging, and the body of Master Jin Qiao Jue was placed in the cold. Three years have passed, and his body color is still bright as life, his hands are soft and knotted, and his voice is like a golden lock of Arhat. The story spread quickly, and the fame of Jiuhua Mountain also grew.

The formation of the dojo of Wutai Mountain was not achieved overnight, but after a long period of precipitation. At first, Mount Wutai may have been just an ordinary mountain, but with the spread and development of Buddhism, it gradually became a sacred place in the minds of Buddhists.

The formation of the four bodhisattva dojos

Guanyin Bodhisattva figure

In the course of the development of Mount Wutai, Buddhists have established numerous temples and monasteries here with perseverance and persistent pursuit of Buddhism. These temples are not only symbols of the Buddhist faith, but also important carriers of Buddhist culture.

The formation of the dojo on Mount Wutai is inseparable from the efforts and dedication of Buddhists. They worked the land to spread the Dharma, and the fame of Mount Wutai gradually spread. Thanks to the efforts of Buddhists, Mount Wutai has become an important center of Buddhist culture.

The formation of the dojo of Mount Emei has also gone through the tempering of the years. The old man in the Yongping period of the Eastern Han Dynasty may just be an ordinary medicine picker. However, his adventure became an important opportunity for the formation of the Emeishan Dojo.

Since then, the Buddhist culture of Mount Emei has flourished. There are many temples and incense is flourishing. Buddhists practice here with devotion and pursue the true meaning of the Dharma. The natural scenery of Mount Emei complements the Buddhist culture, attracting countless believers and tourists to come for worship and sightseeing.

The formation of the dojo in Putuo Mountain also has its unique historical background and cultural connotation. The appearance of Guanyin Bodhisattva has made this originally ordinary island a sacred place in the hearts of Buddhist believers.

Since the Song Dynasty, the fame of Putuo Mountain has become more and more resounding. The attention and support of the imperial court has injected a strong impetus into its development. In the long course of history, the Buddhist culture of Putuo Mountain has been inherited and developed, and has become an important part of Chinese Buddhist culture.

The formation of the dojo of Jiuhua Mountain is inseparable from the penance of Master Jinqiaojue. His tenacity and perseverance laid a solid foundation for the development of Buddhism in Jiuhua Mountain.

The Buddhist culture of Jiuhua Mountain, with the Jizo King Bodhisattva as the core, contains rich philosophy and wisdom. The fame of Jiuhua Mountain is far and wide, attracting many believers and tourists to come to worship and explore.

Each of the four bodhisattvas has its own unique history and cultural connotation. They are not only an important symbol of the Buddhist faith, but also a treasure of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation.

Wutai Mountain, Emei Mountain, Putuo Mountain and Jiuhua Mountain, these four Buddhist holy places, carry the piety and faith of countless believers. They have witnessed the spread and development of Buddhism in China, as well as the long history and splendid culture of the Chinese nation.

In today's society, the ashrams of the Four Great Bodhisattvas still attract many tourists and devotees. People come here not only to enjoy the beautiful natural scenery, but also to experience the breadth and profundity of Buddhist culture.

The formation of the four bodhisattva dojos

Jizo King Bodhisattva Figure

The dojo of the four bodhisattvas is a precious cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. We should cherish and protect these sacred sites so that they can continue to be passed on and developed.

Let's walk into the dojo of the four bodhisattvas, feel the solemn and sacred atmosphere, and appreciate the profound Buddhist culture. Here, we may be able to find inner peace and tranquility, and realize the true meaning of life. #图文创作打卡挑战活动#