
CCTV "Both Sides of the Strait", current affairs commentator Yin Naijing re-emerged, and netizens said they were not welcome

author:The owner of the water workshop

CCTV "Both Sides of the Strait", current affairs commentator Yin Naijing re-emerged, and netizens said they were not welcome

CCTV "Both Sides of the Strait", current affairs commentator Yin Naijing re-emerged, and netizens said they were not welcome

How many viewers still insist on watching CCTV's Chinese International Channel (CCTV-4) "Both Sides of the Strait"? Because the premiere time is 11:30 a.m. every day, which happens to be the lunch time of many Chinese families, and the most popular time used to be the dinner program of many middle-aged and elderly male audiences, and the hosts Li Hong and Sang Chen were also very popular. And now whether it is the show itself, the two beautiful hosts, and many specially invited current affairs commentators, they have fallen off the altar, and the audience's evaluation is not what it used to be.

CCTV "Both Sides of the Strait", current affairs commentator Yin Naijing re-emerged, and netizens said they were not welcome

The main reason for this: A TV commentary program still does not have any deterrent effect, and those current affairs commentators who invite them to participate in the discussion often talk about it, and the output is all inconclusive topics, and none of them have substantive significance, and the audience naturally does not like it after watching too much. Speaking of current affairs commentators on "Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait", two people are invited to each episode of the program, one in the Beijing studio and the other in the Taipei studio, to analyze and comment with the host in the "Hot Perspective" section.

CCTV "Both Sides of the Strait", current affairs commentator Yin Naijing re-emerged, and netizens said they were not welcome

may be due to the fact that it is only half an hour long, "Both Sides of the Strait" from the host to the current affairs commentator, the speed of speech is relatively fast, giving people a feeling of urgency. The program has been broadcast for 28 years from 1996 to 2024, and I am personally impressed by current affairs commentators, including Qiu Yi, Cai Zhengyuan, You Zixiang, Zheng Xuping, Jiang Minqin, Tang Xianglong, and Yu Qiang from the mainland. The more controversial is Lai Yueqian, who has a lot of hand movements but no insight, pretending to be posturing and moaning without illness.

CCTV "Both Sides of the Strait", current affairs commentator Yin Naijing re-emerged, and netizens said they were not welcome

Of course, there is also a female current affairs commentator in Taiwan who has to be mentioned, she is Yin Naijing. Yin Naijing, a well-known media person in Taiwan, her husband was the director of the mainland news center of Taiwan's "China Times", and reporter Wang Mingyi. Around 2014, Yin Naijing participated in the recording of the "Cross-Strait" program many times, and in the "Yin Naijing Comments on Taiwan's Weekly Current Affairs" section tailored for her, Yin Naijing's output was clear and reasonable, which became a major highlight, and she herself expanded her popularity in the mainland.

CCTV "Both Sides of the Strait", current affairs commentator Yin Naijing re-emerged, and netizens said they were not welcome

Later, for unknown reasons, current affairs commentator Yin Naijing suddenly disappeared from the CCTV screen. Recently, Yin Naijing appeared in "Both Sides of the Strait" after many years, but the comments are no longer as sharp as in the past, and they seem to be eloquent, but they are actually empty and overtasted. It's just that the attitude of the current mainland audience towards Yin Naijing has changed a lot, many netizens expressed their diswelcome to Yin Naijing, and some people called her "two-faced, wall-topping", and some people asked: "Resolutely opposed, who invited her to come? Why did you invite her?"

CCTV "Both Sides of the Strait", current affairs commentator Yin Naijing re-emerged, and netizens said they were not welcome

It turns out that netizens have not forgotten that Yin Naijing once publicly commented on the Taiwan media. During the new crown period, Yin Naijing's evaluation of the mainland cabin hospital on TVBS, the disdain and ridicule between words, can be heard by everyone. Although three years have passed, the Internet has a memory, how can the audience forget the salt that Yin Naijing sprinkled on the hearts of mainland audiences? Therefore, many netizens do not support Yin Naijing's participation in the recording of "Both Sides of the Strait", not to vent their personal anger.

CCTV "Both Sides of the Strait", current affairs commentator Yin Naijing re-emerged, and netizens said they were not welcome

However, after not appearing in the mainland media for several years, Yin Naijing's face is not as soft as in the past, and her eyes are a little more aggressive. Sang Chen asked her 4 questions, none of which gave a positive answer, and none of them had a conclusion. The point of view has always remained neutral, so he belongs to the kind of "talking about people when he sees people, and talking about ghosts when he sees ghosts", and no one can be offended on the surface, which is also the characteristic of most current affairs commentators on "Both Sides of the Strait", Yin Naijing began to follow the trend.

CCTV "Both Sides of the Strait", current affairs commentator Yin Naijing re-emerged, and netizens said they were not welcome
