
Men are the most weak and weak after drinking, and they can't help the fun, which is to detoxify alcohol, not to tonify the kidneys!

author:Director Yang Fengxiang
Men are the most weak and weak after drinking, and they can't help the fun, which is to detoxify alcohol, not to tonify the kidneys!

Male compatriots can drink two glasses when they are fine, but they must not drink too much. For men, alcohol is really "poisonous".

Zongjin standing is based on the abundant essence of the viscera, and gradually completes the entire standing process. After entering the human body, it will first hurt the spleen and stomach, resulting in a lack of qi and blood biochemistry, which will further lead to the depletion of essence, lack of essence, and it is difficult for the tendons to stand up.

If the alcohol heat is combined with phlegm, dampness, and blood stasis in the body, it is easy to turn poison and infect the internal organs.

Men are the most weak and weak after drinking, and they can't help the fun, which is to detoxify alcohol, not to tonify the kidneys!

A patient once came to see me. Because of his work, he often went out to socialize, and drank with clients until late at night, and this habit lasted for five or six years. It wasn't until I left my job that I finally stopped drinking. But later, whether it was taking medicine or going to the hospital for recuperation, Zongjin could not return to the original level. Either you can't get up at all, or you just get up and go soft immediately.

After observation, it was found that the tongue coating was white and thick, the tongue was dark red, and the veins were stringy. My syndrome is that alcohol hurts qi, qi deficiency and dampness, and liver and stomach qi stagnation.

Men are the most weak and weak after drinking, and they can't help the fun, which is to detoxify alcohol, not to tonify the kidneys!

So he prescribed this medicine: Pueraria lobata, Radix Radix, Shengbaizhu, Zexiao, Poria Cocos, Raw Barley, Tongcao, Bupleurum, Tangerine Peel, and Yujin.

Pueraria lobata can relieve fever and quench thirst, Radix radix can invigorate qi and spleen, and moisten the lungs; Atractylodes atractylodes can strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, dry dampness and water.

Both Ze Epsom and Poria cocos can help to drain excess water from the body, and raw barley can strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea, clear away heat and pus.

Tongcao can clear away heat and diuresis, ventilate and lower milk; Bupleurum can reconcile the surface and inside, soothe the liver and relieve depression; tangerine peel can regulate qi and strengthen the spleen, dry and damp phlegm; and tulip

Promote blood and relieve pain, relieve depression, clear the heart and cool the blood, and reduce gallbladder and yellowness.

This recipe is mainly used to dissolve alcohol and poison, assist in replenishing Zhongjiao, and reach the liver and spleen.

After taking 1 course of treatment, the alcohol toxicity was greatly reduced, and the Zongjin gradually became stronger, and then continued to take 1 course of treatment, the alcohol poison was dissipated, Zhongjiao Jianyun, and the liver qi was normalized. Now the tendon has returned to normal levels, because the patient has also quit the habit of drinking and has not relapsed.

Men are the most weak and weak after drinking, and they can't help the fun, which is to detoxify alcohol, not to tonify the kidneys!