
A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

author:An Yi Qi Qi H

Big S, a woman whose name shines brightly in the entertainment industry, has repeatedly lost in the game of love. On the other hand, Zhang Lan, with her intelligence and wisdom, was worth as much as 2.5 billion at the age of 65 and became a symbol of wealth. The story of these two women, one is a commentary on failure, and the other is a model of success.

A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

Big S used to be the focus of the entertainment industry, and her name shined on the bright stage. However, on the stage of love, she frequently fell on her heels. From choosing Wang Xiaofei to the final divorce, Big S seems to have been chasing an illusory happiness. But the reality cruelly tells her that happiness does not come by mansions, diamond rings and extravagance, but on the basis of mutual sincerity, understanding and respect.

On the contrary, Zhang Lan, an unassuming but wise woman. She is not a frequent visitor to the entertainment industry, but she has successfully built her own business empire with her ingenuity. She did not choose to cling to fame and fortune, but conquered the mall with strength and wisdom. Her success teaches us that women should not be dependent on men, but rely on their own efforts and wisdom to earn their own dignity and worth.

A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

Big S and Zhang Lan, one is a note of failure, and the other is a model of success. Their stories tell us that love and career need to be managed by reason and wisdom, not on the spur of the moment or by chance. Only in this way can we go further and live better.

A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

Big S's marriage and life choices have aroused widespread concern and discussion in society. Her various behaviors, from divorce to remarriage, from property division to child support, have become hot topics. However, what kind of psychology and motivation are hidden behind these behaviors?

Big S's behavior seems absurd, but it contains profound psychological connotations. After the divorce, her choice seems more like escaping from her own reality, trying to fill the emptiness in her heart through a new marriage. And the material comparison between her ex-husband and her new partner reveals her inner anxiety and uneasiness even more.

A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

From a psychological point of view, Big S's behavior may be rooted in a self-identity crisis. After a divorce, she may feel that her self-esteem and worth have been challenged and is therefore anxious to find security and affirmation through a new marriage. This behavior is common when people are facing a turning point or setback in their lives, trying to calm their inner turmoil by changing their external circumstances.

However, this superficial solution is often only a palliative solution. Big S may have gained a momentary satisfaction and security through a new marriage relationship on the surface, but in essence, it did not solve the fundamental problems in her heart. The establishment of self-identity requires inner self-acceptance and growth, rather than relying on external factors to gain recognition and affirmation.

A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

In addition, the material comparison between the ex-husband and the new partner also reflects the anxiety and uneasiness in Big S's heart. She may be trying to prove her worth and status through this comparison, but this behavior only reinforces her dependence on material things and status, rather than really addressing her inner turmoil and anxiety.

In general, there are complex psychological motivations behind Big S's behavior. She tries to fill her inner emptiness and uneasiness through external marital relationships and material contrasts, but this practice only superficially solves her inner anxiety, but does not actually solve the underlying problem. She needs to reflect and explore her inner world more deeply to find the happiness that truly belongs to her.

A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

Big S showed excessive impulsiveness and selfishness when dealing with her relationship with her ex-husband. She seems to see children as a kind of bargaining chip to protect her interests and status. This practice not only caused harm to the child, but also greatly damaged her image in front of the public.

Her choice of a new partner also reveals inner anxiety and restlessness. Big S seems to want to prove his worth and status by marrying a wealthy and status man. However, this superficial satisfaction is only short-lived, and in essence it does not solve the real problems in her heart.

A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

Big S's behavior reflects a state of mind that pursues material and status recognition on the outside, while ignoring the real needs of the heart. She needs to reflect and explore her inner world more deeply to find the happiness that truly belongs to her.

A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

Big S's behavior is not only impulsive, but also a kind of self-loss and uneasiness in her heart. She tries to fill the emptiness of her heart through external material and marital relationships, but ignores the real needs and desires of her heart.

In modern society, external material and social status is often seen as a measure of a person's success. Big S may have been influenced by this concept and pinned his happiness on the pursuit of material and status. However, this pursuit only superficially solves her sense of emptiness, but in essence fails to satisfy the real needs of her heart.

A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

She may need to reflect and explore her inner world more deeply to find happiness that truly belongs to her. This means letting go of attachments to external material things and status, and instead focusing on the true needs and desires of the heart. Perhaps, through inner growth and self-acceptance, she can find happiness that truly belongs to her.

It also reminds us that while it is important to pursue external material and status success, what is more important is inner growth and contentment. Only by finding inner balance and contentment can we truly have a happy life.

A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

Big S's psychological world is full of contradictions and struggles, which are fully reflected in her behavior. She tries to find inner security and fulfillment through external material things and marriage, but she falls into endless anxiety and restlessness.

After the divorce, she may face challenges to her self-esteem and self-worth, leading her to a desperate desire to prove her worth and status through a new marriage. However, this pursuit only brings temporary satisfaction on the surface, but in reality it does not solve the real problems in her heart.

She seems to be constant

A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

Escaping from one's inner world, trying to fill the emptiness of one's heart through external material. This behavior reflects her inability to face her inner troubles, and she chooses to escape and divert her attention to relieve psychological stress.

However, this practice only superficially solved her inner anxiety, but in essence did not solve the underlying problem. She needs to reflect and explore her inner world more deeply to find the happiness that truly belongs to her. This requires her to be brave enough to face her inner pain and struggles and accept her imperfections in order to achieve true self-growth and inner balance.

A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

Behind Big S's behavior, there are complex psychological motives and inner struggles. She tries to find inner security and fulfillment through external material things and marriage, but she falls into endless anxiety and restlessness. After the divorce, she may face challenges to her self-esteem and self-worth, leading her to a desperate desire to prove her worth and status through a new marriage. However, this pursuit only brings temporary satisfaction on the surface, but in reality it does not solve the real problems in her heart.

She seems to be constantly escaping from her inner world, trying to fill the emptiness of her heart through external material. This behavior reflects her inability to face her inner troubles, and she chooses to escape and divert her attention to relieve psychological stress. However, this practice only superficially solved her inner anxiety, but in essence did not solve the underlying problem.

A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

Therefore, she needs to reflect and explore her inner world more deeply to find the happiness that truly belongs to her. This requires her to be brave enough to face her inner pain and struggles and accept her imperfections in order to achieve true self-growth and inner balance. Only when she can truly understand her inner needs and be brave enough to meet them can she find her true path to happiness.

A good hand! Big S played badly, Zhang Lan is now 65 years old but worth 2.5 billion!

What do you think of Big S's behavior, and how do you think she should handle her feelings?

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