
It's too similar, the Internet celebrity with 5 million followers hit the fugitive in the face, and the police response is verifying

author:Forever happy droplets

Recently, "Macau Lei Shao", who has 5 million followers, has been embroiled in an unprecedented storm of public speculation because of his face that bears a striking resemblance to a murder fugitive. Netizens have their own opinions, and they have listed all kinds of coincidences that seem to be "ironclad" evidence, trying to associate Lei Shao with the fugitive criminal. In the face of surging public opinion, Lei Shao himself firmly denied it: "It's really not me, it just looks like it." So, what is the truth? If it is really as netizens suspect, is it possible that there is such a calm and calm fugitive?


First of all, let's see why netizens have such strong doubts about "Macau Lei Shao". The four reasons are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, piecing together a plausible associative picture:

It's too similar, the Internet celebrity with 5 million followers hit the fugitive in the face, and the police response is verifying
It's too similar, the Internet celebrity with 5 million followers hit the fugitive in the face, and the police response is verifying

(1) The face is the same

The eyes of netizens first focused on the simulated portrait. The simulated portrait of the suspect released by the police is staggeringly similar to the face of "Lei Shao in Macau". The contours of the eyebrows and eyes, the direction of the bridge of the nose, and even the curvature of the corners of the mouth seem to be copied and pasted according to Lei Shao's face. This strong visual impact undoubtedly provides the most intuitive evidence for skeptics.

(2) 生辰八字,恰巧吻合

Looking at the age and place of birth, the two are surprisingly consistent. Lei Shao and the fugitive were both born in 1987 and are now both 37 years old. What's even more coincidental is that the two are also from the vast land of Inner Mongolia. Such an accurate age and geographical match undoubtedly adds more mystery to this "face-bumping turmoil".

It's too similar, the Internet celebrity with 5 million followers hit the fugitive in the face, and the police response is verifying

(3) Early experience, hidden suspicions

Looking back on Lei Shao's road to fame, he emerged as a "social person" on the online platform in the early days, and his irascible personality was also known. Such a past experience seems to be in line with the public's stereotype of some criminals involved in gangsters, and people can't help but think: Could this be a portrayal of his life before he absconded?

(4) Psychological quality, beyond ordinary people?

However, in the face of various doubts from netizens and the verification pressure of the police, Lei Shao behaved quite calmly, insisting that he was just "lying down". This begs the intriguing question: If he was indeed the murder fugitive, could he have been so calm in the face of public scrutiny and police investigation? After all, it would be difficult for most fugitives to be so calm in the face of such high-profile attention and rigorous investigations.

It's too similar, the Internet celebrity with 5 million followers hit the fugitive in the face, and the police response is verifying

So, what is the truth? Is it over-interpreted by netizens, or is Lei Shao really unspeakable? The police are verifying the work, and we can only wait for the official conclusion. After all, whether in real life or in the Internet world, similar looks cannot be used as a basis for conviction, and deeper investigation and conclusive evidence are the key to solving the mystery.

It's too similar, the Internet celebrity with 5 million followers hit the fugitive in the face, and the police response is verifying
It's too similar, the Internet celebrity with 5 million followers hit the fugitive in the face, and the police response is verifying

As for whether there are fugitives who can deal with them so calmly, in reality, there is indeed no shortage of criminals with extremely high psychological quality, who may use various means to disguise their identities and even remain calm in the public eye, but this is only a minority after all. For "Macao Lei Shao", only the professional investigation and rigorous chain of evidence by the police can completely clear up or confirm these confusing speculations.

It's too similar, the Internet celebrity with 5 million followers hit the fugitive in the face, and the police response is verifying

Write at the end

What the truth is, we still have to wait for the results of the authoritative investigation by the police. In this real-life version of the "who's undercover" game, every detail can be a key clue to uncover the truth, and time will eventually give a fair answer.

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