
Why do some people keep giving birth to boys and some keep giving birth to girls, the doctor tells the truth

author:Jiang said bluntly
Why do some people keep giving birth to boys and some keep giving birth to girls, the doctor tells the truth

In the traditional habits of the Chinese nation, parents will feel very happy when there is a boy and a girl in the family. However, for some families, it has not been possible.

Many of their families either give birth to boys or girls, which also makes the husband and wife very distressed, what is the reason for this?

Why do some people keep giving birth to boys and some keep giving birth to girls, the doctor tells the truth

1. The reason for having a boy or a girl

In the biology class of junior high school, I believe that many students have learned some physiological knowledge under the guidance of the teacher, and the probability of having a boy and a girl is scientifically the same, both are 1/2. It is worth noting that this is in the absence of external environmental influences.

For example, the birth of a boy or a girl is mainly determined by the male Y chromosome.

If the man provides the X chromosome, the baby girl will be born after the pregnancy in October.

Unlike in this case, if the man provides the Y chromosome, a baby boy will be born.

This explanation, while scientific, is not convincing.

Why do some people keep giving birth to boys and some keep giving birth to girls, the doctor tells the truth

Because in many families, there is always a very strange phenomenon, they either give birth to boys or girls, why is that?

In fact, this is related to genetic factors in some families.

Because in this part of the family, the male Y chromosome gene is very strong, so the vast majority of the babies born are male.

In other families, males have relatively strong X genes, so most of the babies they give birth to are girls, which is very confusing for both parents.

Why do some people keep giving birth to boys and some keep giving birth to girls, the doctor tells the truth

However, with the continuous change of people's ideological concepts, there is not much difference between having a boy and a girl.

Girls are also able to take on the role of half the sky in this society, which makes their parents very proud.

There are also some men who have poor Y chromosome activity due to their work environment, and are more likely to provide the X chromosome, which will always cause the situation of giving birth to girls.

Why do some people keep giving birth to boys and some keep giving birth to girls, the doctor tells the truth

2. Other factors for giving birth to boys and girls

According to medical research, the Y chromosome is suitable for survival in an alkaline environment.

Under normal circumstances, the pH level of the human body is stable.

However, as the age increases, the alkaline environment in the female body becomes weaker and weaker, and the acidic environment becomes stronger and stronger, so the probability of having a girl will also increase.

For couples, if they want to have a boy, it is best to try to conceive at a young age.

On the contrary, if you want to have a girl, it is better to postpone the age of trying to conceive and try to conceive around the age of thirty.

Why do some people keep giving birth to boys and some keep giving birth to girls, the doctor tells the truth

When it comes to diet, women can also choose to consume some foods.

If you want to have a boy, you need to eat more legumes or grains, so that the woman is in an alkaline environment, and the probability of having a boy will continue to increase.

However, for women, if the work pressure is too high, acidic substances will also be produced in the body, so it is not easy to have a boy.

It is also said that among both men and women, if the female personality is stronger, they dominate the family, and the probability of having a boy will be much greater.

However, these are external factors and do not directly determine the birth of a boy or a girl by a pregnant mother.

For the sake of the health of future generations, newlyweds and newlyweds should also maintain a healthy lifestyle during the process of preparing for pregnancy.

Why do some people keep giving birth to boys and some keep giving birth to girls, the doctor tells the truth

3. How to have a healthy baby

With the continuous progress of society, it is no longer important to have a boy or a girl. As long as you can give birth to a healthy baby, it is a very happy thing for a family. Newlyweds, in particular, are mostly eager to have a healthy baby.

In fact, the best age for a woman to have children is between the ages of 22 and 28. If a woman fails to give birth to a healthy baby during this time, it will become more difficult to get pregnant later in the future.

In order to help everyone have a healthy baby, doctors also recommend that young couples should complete their birth plan before the age of 30.

Why do some people keep giving birth to boys and some keep giving birth to girls, the doctor tells the truth

During this precious time, if women are busy with their own work, they are likely to become advanced maternal age.

Because advanced maternal age faces many dangers, everyone should try to avoid them in their daily life. If you really put it off until after the age of 40 before you plan to have children, you must also make a lot of mental preparations.

After all, the psychological pressure faced by advanced maternal age is still very high. During pregnancy, on the one hand, it is necessary to supplement more folic acid, and on the other hand, it is necessary to properly relieve mental stress, which is very useful for giving birth to a healthy baby.

Why do some people keep giving birth to boys and some keep giving birth to girls, the doctor tells the truth


In general, having children is a major event in life, and everyone must pay attention to this in their daily life. Of course, because of different genetic factors and different living environments, some couples keep having boys, and some couples keep having girls.

After all, girls are also the pillars of the family, and this concept has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so everyone should also look at the matter of giving birth to boys and girls with a normal heart in daily life.