
Uterine fibroids prefer these 4 types of women, and you should be vigilant when these 4 signals appear!

author:The official micro-course of the big doctor

  With the acceleration of the pace of modern life and the change of dietary habits, uterine fibroids have gradually become a major hidden danger to women's reproductive health. This benign tumor, which is common in the female reproductive system, has also increased in recent years in young women. Therefore, it is important to understand the high incidence of uterine fibroids and their early symptoms for women's health.

Uterine fibroids prefer these 4 types of women, and you should be vigilant when these 4 signals appear!

  So, which women are more likely to be "favored objects" for uterine fibroids?

First of all, obese women may have elevated estrogen levels due to higher levels of body fat, which can increase the risk of developing uterine fibroids.

In addition, drug abuse, especially hormonal drugs, can also interfere with the normal metabolism of hormones in women's bodies, increasing the risk of disease.

Women with long-term mental depression may also lead to estrogen abnormalities due to the influence of emotional stress, becoming a high incidence of uterine fibroids.

Older infertile women are also easy to become the "target" of uterine fibroids due to the lack of protective effect on the uterus during pregnancy and lactation.

Uterine fibroids prefer these 4 types of women, and you should be vigilant when these 4 signals appear!

  So, how to detect the clues of uterine fibroids early? The following four symptoms need to arouse the vigilance of female friends:

  1. Abdominal mass: When the uterine fibroid gradually grows and exceeds a certain size, a mass may be felt in the abdomen.

  2. Frequent urination and urgency: Uterine fibroids may compress the bladder, resulting in symptoms such as frequent urination and urgency, and in severe cases, it may even be difficult to urinate.

  3. Increased vaginal discharge: Uterine fibroids may cause an abnormal increase in vaginal discharge accompanied by a peculiar smell, which is a sign that needs attention.

  4. Abnormal menstruation: Uterine fibroids may affect the normal cycle and volume of menstruation, resulting in increased menstrual flow and prolonged menstruation.

Uterine fibroids prefer these 4 types of women, and you should be vigilant when these 4 signals appear!

  In the face of uterine fibroids, female friends do not need to panic too much. It is a common benign tumor in the female reproductive system, as long as we remain vigilant, once we find the above uncomfortable symptoms in the body, go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time, such as non-invasive focused ultrasound ablation surgery through Haifu knife equipment, you can effectively control the condition and protect your health. At the same time, maintaining good living habits and mentality is also an important measure to prevent uterine fibroids.