
【Night Reading】The power of turning thoughts

author:Micro will be happy
【Night Reading】The power of turning thoughts
【Night Reading】The power of turning thoughts
【Night Reading】The power of turning thoughts

Learn to change your mind and take adversity as a practice in life Issue 511

【Night Reading】The power of turning thoughts

Kick negative thoughts out of your mind,

Face everything with an optimistic attitude,

All adversity is the reward of the years.

【Night Reading】The power of turning thoughts

Turning big things into small things

Change your thinking and treat the road of your life as a continuous mountain range.

On second thought, life isn't a big deal.

I've heard a saying:

"No matter how big things are today, they will be small things tomorrow;

No matter how big this year is, next year is just a story. ”

In life, people are bound to suffer setbacks and failures.

No matter how difficult it is, it will always pass with time,

Dissipation is a passing cloud.

In that case, why not learn to change your mindset,

Look at your current situation with a future perspective.

Treat the big things as small, turn the small things into small things,

Even if life is difficult for you, you can walk through it calmly.

【Night Reading】The power of turning thoughts
【Night Reading】The power of turning thoughts

Turning the mind is to turn the difficult into the easy

In life, we are often frightened by grand goals,

I feel like I can't do it.

You can think of it another way, all the hemp balls,

It also starts with a thread.

Farther away, step by step,

You can always reach your destination.

No matter what you do, staring at the outcome will only make you afraid.

Pull your eyes to the present, and strive to complete a small step at the moment,

in order to gradually write a satisfactory ending.

When you are occupied by negative thoughts,

The difficulties will be infinitely magnified.

On the contrary, when you begin to look directly into the abyss, no longer afraid of challenges,

You will find that everything has its workaround.

Facing the obstacles with a different way of thinking, no matter how difficult to overcome,

It will also be stepped over by you step by step.

In this life, the ups and downs of circumstances,

Everyone has their own hurdles to overcome.

If you face it with a negative attitude,

Life is full of tribulations and hardships.

And learn to change your mind, and take adversity as the practice of life,

Think of the dead end as a way out of a corner.

No matter how difficult the situation, no matter how rough the fate,

It's just a small episode in ordinary life.

Stay optimistic and move forward,

Something good will happen in the future.

(To listen to more "Night Reading" articles, please pay attention to the WeChat public account of Weijiangle.) )

Reader Qiu Wanyong, anchor of "Jiangle News".

【Night Reading】The power of turning thoughts

Source: Xinhua News Agency, One Book Every Night, etc. Editor: Zhang Jingning Preliminary review: Yu Chengyao Review: Xiao Guoping Final review: Xiao Jiuhui Business cooperation, news clues, and cracking down on fake news reports: 0598-2322923 Submission email: [email protected]

【Night Reading】The power of turning thoughts
【Night Reading】The power of turning thoughts

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【Night Reading】The power of turning thoughts
