
This is what young people want to marry

author:Southern girl Tan Meng

There are indeed many young people nowadays, people in their thirties who are still single.

It's as if I'm not in such a hurry to get married, and I don't want to get married at all.

I have to say that many people's evaluation of contemporary young people is that young people do not desire marriage and do not want to get married.

In fact, there are many single people, and there are many older single people, but that does not mean that young people reject marriage, do not want to enter into marriage, and even really do not want to get married.

Life is lonely, and most young people still don't want to live their lives in a mess like this.

I still crave a good love and a warm harbor.

Yes, it's not that young people don't want to get married, it's just that a good balance has not been found between men and women, and many people have not found the person they want. In this era, young people still want to get married, but the marriage they want is not the same as before.

This is what young people want to marry

If you have feelings, treat them well.

If you just want to get married, it's never a difficult thing to do.

In the past, when people reached the age, even if they didn't understand each other, they could just meet once, they could enter into marriage, and they got married for the sake of getting married, and they were more blind to it, and this kind of marriage was really easy, but young people didn't want it.

I hope to marry the person I like, and I hope that the person I like also wants to marry me.

They all have that will, they all think that the other party is a very good person, and they are willing to go with each other to go on the road ahead.

Two people appreciate each other, have some admiration, can talk, the three views are more consistent, they always want to see each other, and they will be full of joy whenever they meet.

It is a person who likes it very much, recognizes it very much, and wants to have it, and they all regard each other as the only one, and they are very firm in this relationship.

Not only that, but when I usually get along, I am also very attentive, I will take the initiative, I will care, I will care, and I will feel distressed. will use practical actions to give, to do something for the other party, to make the other party feel that this relationship is worth it.

It's not because I can't stand the eyes of the outside world that I have to be trapped in the form of marriage and be bound by marriage, but because I am willing to walk into the besieged city of marriage, willing to give up my freedom because of each other, and feel that this is what I want, which is really meaningful.

This is what young people want to marry

Collaboration and shared commitment.

In many marriages, men are very tired, even if they work hard to make money, they are always disliked and never have a breather.

Women are also very aggrieved, they always need to be responsible for a lot of housework, to take care of children, and at the same time, they must also make good money, they can't get love at all, they are not as good as before when they are disliked, and they are always treated as outsiders.

They all feel very lost, they all feel very boring, they are all resentful, they don't know what they have, and they are just miserable when they try their best, and they are not as good as a person.

Needless to say, when marriage is just like this, then it will naturally scare many people and make people prohibitive.

What young people crave has never been such a chicken feather, living like enemies, is that each other is really a whole, each other feels that the other is the most important, and the two people have a friendly division of labor to support this family.

Men will work hard, will maintain women, will share housework, will accompany children, treat women as a family, women will work hard when needed, will be considerate of men, will see that men are not easy, will be husband and wife.

They are all willing to pay for this family, and they can see each other's contributions, not just self-righteousness.

There is no one else, just each other, loyal enough to each other, and constantly making adjustments to each other to make the relationship more harmonious and harmonious.

This is what young people want to marry

Mutual understanding, happiness.

When people get along with each other, any two people get close, there will be all kinds of contradictions.

For contradictions, if they will only stand in their own perspective, speculate on each other with their own ideas, and fail to communicate well with each other and understand each other's difficulties, then each other will only feel very tired and very blocked.

After a long time, the affection will be gone, and they will only feel very painful and want to escape.

Too many marriages are like that, there is no happiness at all, some are just all kinds of suspicions, calculations, and incomprehension.

At present, young people really don't like that kind of marriage model, they really don't want to find themselves unhappy, they want to marry a person, they love each other before marriage, they understand each other very well, and after marriage, they can often communicate with each other and understand their ideas.

can solve problems and resolve conflicts together, instead of letting those trivial things consume each other's feelings, leaving only speculation.

If you can always speak well, seek common ground while reserving differences, do your duty, understand more, and often feel the sweetness and happiness, young people will really want to indulge in it, and they don't want to be alone and lonely.

Throughout their lives, everyone will do a lot of things, and no matter what they do, all they ask for is to hope that they can live a better life and be happier, and if they can, then there is no reason to refuse.

This is what young people want to marry

It's not that young people don't want to get married, they just want a more quality relationship.

I hope that the other party is a good person, and I hope that love and marriage are relatively smooth.

Whether it is a man or a woman, in fact, they all think like this, but a good man, I have never met such a woman, a good woman, and I have never met such a man.

They are all tempting, they are all weighing, they are all waiting, they are all worried, they are all thinking more, and they are not so brave.

This is a phenomenon brought about by a shift in mindset, and it will take some time to find a new balance.

In this regard, I hope that both men and women can become better and make themselves a qualified self and a qualified partner.

Be yourself first, and then find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Text / Tan Meng
