
Why don't parents nowadays think about buying a house for their daughter? 3 reasons to tell you the answer

author:Mind and body station

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Nowadays, there are very few parents who have thought about buying a house for their daughter, and even fewer parents who have said and done to buy a house for their daughter.

Why don't parents nowadays think about buying a house for their daughter? 3 reasons to tell you the answer

1. There is no money

If parents have both a son and a daughter, but they don't have much money, it is difficult to buy a house for their son, let alone a daughter. Even if she is an only child, if she doesn't have much money, she can not buy a house and not buy a house. Anyway, the house is not the standard for a daughter to get married, unlike a son, even if he has no money, he has to buy a house for his son even if he has no money.

Netizen message: I don't have the strength to buy a house for my daughter, my daughter can still marry if she doesn't have a house, but if I don't buy a house for my son, it is very likely that I won't be able to marry a daughter-in-law. Besides, for the marriage of his son, there is no place to spend the most, only more. Unless I'm so rich, the idea of buying a house for my daughter will come to me in a flash.

Comments: Parents who have a lot of money and no place to spend it, it is trivial to buy a house for their daughter, even if their daughter gets married, they will buy a house for their daughter as a dowry, and even buy a car for their daughter.

Why don't parents nowadays think about buying a house for their daughter? 3 reasons to tell you the answer

Second, either the daughter has an older brother above the daughter or the daughter has a younger brother below the daughter

Many places default to the fact that there is a son in the family, so they do not buy a house for their daughter, unless the daughter recruits a son-in-law, otherwise the daughter marries to whom, the house will be taken to whose house, and most parents will feel panicked.

Netizen message: The marriage custom here is that the man prepares the marriage house, and if the daughter saves money to buy the house before marriage, it is another matter. Although I didn't buy a house for my daughter, my daughter accepted it and didn't complain about me or complain about me. Almost every family on our side is like this, and besides, I have to buy a house for my son, and when my daughter gets married, I can go back to my mother's house, and my mother's house will always be my daughter's home.

Comments: The parents bought a house for their son, although the daughter has no property rights, but the daughter has the right of residence. If the parents buy a house for their daughter, it is almost impossible for the son to live there, and the son will lose even the right to live.

Why don't parents nowadays think about buying a house for their daughter? 3 reasons to tell you the answer

III. Heavy Men and Women

Now there are quite a few parents who still prefer sons over daughters, but they are more obscure than before, and they never admit it, but they are very honest in what they do, not only do they not have the awareness of buying a house for their daughters, but they will leave their family property to their sons.

Netizen message: I only have two daughters, unless I can buy two suites, otherwise I won't buy one, I won't favor one over the other. I have found that many families with both children are not patriarchal, don't listen to how to say, the key is to see how to do it.

Comments: It is not excluded that parents who have not thought about buying a house for their daughters have a tendency to favor sons over daughters.

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