
6 little-known differences between men and women

author:Simple psychology
6 little-known differences between men and women
6 little-known differences between men and women

Some of the psychological differences between men and women are visible to the naked eye. Here are 6 of the more little-known differences between men and women that the latest scientific research has uncovered:

1. Women are better at perceiving expressions of disgust

Conventional wisdom and a series of past studies have shown that women have higher emotional intelligence (EQ) than men.

A paper published in the journal Emotions adds another subtle twist to this long-running debate. The researchers measured the extent to which men and women recognized emotions through facial expressions from a series of photographs and found that women were significantly better at identifying feelings of disgust.

Researchers cite the theory of introduction as a possible explanation: women may be more sensitive to potential pollutants in the environment due to the natural nature of "fertility" and are therefore more likely to recognize signals of disgust. Conversely, men may show less sensitivity to disgust as a way to emphasize their strength and masculinity.

2. Men show more loneliness early in life, and women report this more in later life

The common impression of loneliness is that loneliness increases with age. Our lives begin with a wide and vibrant social network, where people go their separate ways and friends and acquaintances drift apart over time.

But do general impressions correspond exactly to reality? A paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology examines how loneliness develops and changes over a lifetime. Interestingly, the researchers found that the trajectory of loneliness throughout life had a strong relationship with gender – men experienced more loneliness in middle age and women experienced more loneliness in old age.

6 little-known differences between men and women

▷ "This is the first time in this life"

3. Men spend more time relaxing than women, but satisfaction is significantly higher among women

Scientists at the University of Barcelona in Spain have found that men spend more time in leisure activities than women in a day. This is based on a study of 869 Spanish men and women between the ages of 18-24. The researchers asked participants to report the amount of time they put into a variety of leisure activities, such as watching TV, hobbies, socializing with family and friends, practicing a sport, participating in cultural activities, or hosting events.

The results showed that men did about 113 minutes of leisure activities per day on average, while women totaled about 101 minutes. (These numbers reflect weekday averages, not weekends.) This may not sound like a big difference, but it will increase over time. At this rate, men will spend an hour and a half more per week, or 70 more hours per year for leisure activities.

However, there is a catch: when asked to report satisfaction from leisure activities, women's satisfaction was significantly higher. So, while men have more leisure time than women, women actually enjoy leisure activities more than men.

4. In a way, women and men may be speaking 2 different languages

A team led by Priyanka Joshi, a psychologist at San Francisco State University, studied the extent to which men and women relied on "communicative abstraction" to verbally express ideas and emotions. Communicative abstraction refers to the tendency of people to use "abstract language that focuses on grand visions and goals" rather than "concrete language that focuses on details and means of implementation" in communication.

Interestingly, they found that men were more inclined to speak abstractly than women.

Joshi and her team say, "The conventional wisdom is that women tend to talk about the specifics, while men tend to talk about the bigger picture. Through a series of studies, we found that men's communication styles are indeed more abstract than women's. 」

6 little-known differences between men and women
6 little-known differences between men and women

▷ "This is the first time in this life"

5. Personality differences between the sexes are evident at an early age

Psychologists usually use the "Big Five" traits to describe a person's personality: extroversion, agreeableness, openness, neuroticism, and conscientiousness.

A recent study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology applied the Big Five personality framework to girls and boys (between the ages of 9 and 13) with the aim of understanding which personality traits exhibit the greatest differences and which exhibit the greatest continuity during these formative periods.

The researchers found two key differences:

1. Female adolescents show a higher level of responsibility than males in their early years. From the age of 9 to 13, women also have a greater sense of responsibility than men.

2. Neuroticism is also translated as emotional stability, people with high levels of neuroticism are more likely to be emotional, experiencing feelings such as anxiety, worry, fear of loneliness, etc. The researchers found that while both boys and girls showed lower levels of neuroticism at age 9, boys experienced a greater decline in neuroticism over time than girls.

6. Extroverted men are more likely to be romantic than extroverted women

Male extroverts are similar to female extroverts in many ways. For example, they all spend a lot of time communicating with others, and they both have huge social networks – both online and in real life.

But there are some important differences. A recent study published in the journal Social Psychology and Personality Sciences found that extroverted women showed less propensity to experience romantic happiness and were less likely to have a high degree of professional identity than extroverted men.

That's not to say that extroverted women can't have both of these things, it's just that it's a little more natural for extroverted men.

6 little-known differences between men and women

▷ "This is the first time in this life"

At last

Most psychologists agree that there are stable and predictable personality differences between the sexes. One study found that knowing a person's personality traits, but not their gender, had about an 85% chance of correctly guessing their gender. Personality and other psychological traits do not fully reveal a person's gender, but they are a good reference.

This article is compiled, original link: Author: Mark Travers Compilation & Editor: Birdman Editor: Han Bing

6 little-known differences between men and women

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6 little-known differences between men and women