
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢

author:Jiangsu Armed Police
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢

Be a good lantern messenger

Build a strong political home

Recently, the Taizhou detachment has strictly organized the "three meetings and one good" political instructor competition

Seventeen political science faculty members from different positions gathered together

苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢

The water of the living source and the wood with deep roots

Accumulate knowledge

Speeding up the theory update

Check the depth of your skills

苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢

How to guide the failure of the wish to receive meritorious service awards? How to crack the addiction to mobile phones?

Focusing on grassroots ideological education "thrombosis"

Focus on the problem to find the "root cause"

Anchor the key to find a "good prescription"

苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢

Impress people with "heart".

Attract people with "innovation".

Use the most vivid and concise language

Bring a "feast" of ideas

苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢

Test the foundation, look at the strain than the style, and talk about the teaching

A ruler to measure to the end

The on-site referee scored brightly

苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢

Down-to-earth action

Painstaking struggle

Perseverance in faith

Although the road is far, it is coming, although it is difficult to do, it will be done

苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢
苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢

The detachment will summarize and promote the experience of "three meetings and one good", and make every effort to promote the construction of the political teaching team to a new level

Contributed by: Zhang Liangliang, Lian Zhengchao, Xuan Chengang

苏韵风采 | 三尺讲台“政”交锋,淬火强能为打赢

Editor-in-chief: Tan Zhenghong

Editor-in-chief: Li Qingfang

Editor on duty: Zhang Shuchen