
Spring Action|Propaganda is at the right time, and the safety "police" are accompanied

author:Yan'an traffic police

In order to continue to do a good job in the spring road traffic safety management work and ensure the stability of the road traffic safety situation in the jurisdiction, a large team directly under the traffic police detachment of the Yan'an Municipal Public Security Bureau organized police forces to carry out traffic safety publicity in various forms and in an all-round way in the jurisdiction, and build a solid road traffic safety defense line.

Spring Action|Propaganda is at the right time, and the safety "police" are accompanied
Spring Action|Propaganda is at the right time, and the safety "police" are accompanied
Spring Action|Propaganda is at the right time, and the safety "police" are accompanied
Spring Action|Propaganda is at the right time, and the safety "police" are accompanied

Walk into the community police into the community square of the jurisdiction, through face-to-face preaching, distribution of traffic safety publicity materials, etc., to carry out traffic safety publicity to community residents, focusing on explaining the content of a helmet and a belt, drunk driving, knowing danger and avoiding danger, etc., to send traffic safety knowledge to the masses.

Spring Action|Propaganda is at the right time, and the safety "police" are accompanied
Spring Action|Propaganda is at the right time, and the safety "police" are accompanied

Take to the streets

On weekends, there was a large flow of people in the center street area, and the police seized this opportunity to take to the streets, enter the shops and restaurants along the street to carry out traffic safety publicity. Through the distribution of publicity materials, consultation, answering questions, etc., to explain to everyone the dangers of riding electric vehicles and motorcycles without wearing safety helmets, driving cars without seat belts, drunk driving, and involving licenses and licenses, and guide the masses to consciously resist bad traffic habits and travel safely and civilly.

Spring Action|Propaganda is at the right time, and the safety "police" are accompanied

Since the beginning of the spring semester of the school, the brigade of police has continuously entered the primary and secondary schools in the jurisdiction to carry out traffic safety publicity activities, combined with the age characteristics and travel characteristics of students, with interesting interactive questions and answers, listing typical cases to explain traffic safety knowledge, etc., focusing on explaining traffic safety knowledge to students in terms of safe travel, safe riding, safe riding, etc., and guiding students to consciously develop good habits of abiding by traffic laws and regulations and traveling safely and civilly.

Regardless of spring, summer, autumn or winter

Traffic safety "police" accompany

A large team will continue to be carried out

Road traffic safety awareness campaigns

Travel safely with you

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