
In addition to Jia Baoyu, there is a man living in the Grand View Garden of "Dream of Red Mansions"! Who is he?

author:The Knights of Brass
In addition to Jia Baoyu, there is a man living in the Grand View Garden of "Dream of Red Mansions"! Who is he?


In Cao Xueqin's "Dream of Red Mansions", Daguanyuan is not only a villa built by Jiafu for Yuanchun Province, but also a fairyland on earth that entrusts the author's life ideals and social ideals.

The Grand View Garden is roughly divided into nine small gardens, each with its own characteristics, like nine miniature worlds, each carrying different stories and emotions.

Everyone knows that Jia Baoyu, the male protagonist of "Dream of Red Mansions", lives in a small garden in the Grand View Garden-Yihong Courtyard, and in addition to Jia Baoyu, there is also a male permanent resident in the Grand View Garden, who is he?

Let's walk into the Grand View Garden of "Dream of Red Mansions" and see who lives in each garden?

In addition to Jia Baoyu, there is a man living in the Grand View Garden of "Dream of Red Mansions"! Who is he?

1. Xiaoxiang Hall (Lin Daiyu)

The first thing that catches your eye is Lin Daiyu's Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

Xiaoxiang Pavilion is located on the left hand side of the Grand View Garden, homophonic "Fragrance Pavilion", as if heralding the fate of Lin Daiyu's fragrance and death.

This garden is quiet and elegant, with swaying bamboo forests and gurgling water, which is an excellent place for Daiyu to appreciate herself and be sentimental.

Daiyu swayed her talents and expressed her heart here, and her poetry and songs, like the bamboo in this garden, are still green and upright despite the wind and frost.

2, Zilingzhou (Jia Yingchun)

Further inside, there is Zilingzhou, which is Jia Yingchun's residence.

Zilingzhou is homophonic to "self-pity island", implying that Yingchun is ill-fated and self-pitying.

Yingchun has a gentle personality, but she can't escape the tricks of fate, her fate is like the purple Ling in the garden, although beautiful but fleeting.

3, Qiu Shuangzhai (Jia Tanchun)

To the north is Qiushuangzhai, where Jia Tanchun lives.

Qiushuangzhai is homophonic "seeking study", implying Tanchun's thirst for knowledge and pursuit of the future.

Tanchun has outstanding talent and resolute personality, and her various deeds in the Grand View Garden all reflect her ingenuity and perseverance.

In addition to Jia Baoyu, there is a man living in the Grand View Garden of "Dream of Red Mansions"! Who is he?

4, Lotus Lotus Champs (Jia Xichun)


The homonym of the lotus root Champs "even fragrant thanks" seems to tell the lonely and noble life of cherishing spring, fragrant like a flower, but it is inevitable to wither the fate.

Xichun has a withdrawn personality, but has a pure heart, although her life is lonely, but also left a unique mark in the Grand View Garden.

In addition, the Lotus Lotus Pavilion near the Lotus Lotus Pavilion and the Warm Fragrance Dock are also her activity venues.

5, Daoxiang Village (Li Kun, Jia Lan)

To the west of Daguanlou is a farmhouse-style courtyard, where the granddaughter-in-law of the Jia family, the grandmother of Jiafu Li Kun and her son Jia Lan live.

Jia Lan is another male resident in the Grand View Garden in addition to Jia Baoyu.

Because Jia Lan is still young and his father Jia Zhu died early, he lives with his mother Li Kun, usually studies in the house or goes to the home school, never participates in Jia Baoyu and his sisters' poetry pairing and dinner parties, and only shows up at large family gatherings, so he has no sense of existence in the Grand View Garden.

In addition to Jia Baoyu, there is a man living in the Grand View Garden of "Dream of Red Mansions"! Who is he?

Daoxiang Village is the most simple garden in the Grand View Garden, but it has a unique pastoral scenery, and Li Kun lives a calm and comfortable life here.

6, Wuyuan (Xue Baochai)

The northernmost garden is Xue Baochai's Wuwu Garden.

The homonym of Luwuyuan is "hate", implying that Baochai and Baoyu have an inseparable fate.

In the Wuyuan Garden, Baochai has won the respect of everyone with her virtuous and virtuous virtues, but in fact, she is quite scheming, and she also hides deep regret and helplessness.

7, Kukutsui hermitage (Miaoyu)

In addition, there is also a Miaoyu temple in the Grand View Garden.

Located in a corner of the garden, it is quiet and quiet, and it is a place where Miaoyu practiced.

Although Miaoyu is in the red dust, her heart is towards Buddhism, and her existence adds a touch of mystery to the Grand View Garden.

In addition to Jia Baoyu, there is a man living in the Grand View Garden of "Dream of Red Mansions"! Who is he?

8. Yihong Courtyard (Jia Baoyu)

The last garden in the Grand View Garden is Yihongyuan. This is Jia Baoyu's residence, and it is also the most prosperous and lively garden in the Grand View Garden.

Yihongyuan's homonym "Lost Red Courtyard" seems to indicate that Baoyu will eventually lose everything he cherishes. In Yihong Courtyard, Baoyu and his sisters are playing and playing, and his life is full of joy and warmth, but behind this joy, there is a deep tragedy.

9. Provincial villa (Jia Yuanchun)

As the main garden of the Grand View Garden, the Provincial Family Villa is the main place for the activities of the Provincial Princess, showing luxury and magnificence.

The provincial villa is located in front of the main hall of the Grand View Garden, and the plaque on the stone archway is engraved with the words "provincial villa", which is simple and simple.

The whole villa covers a vast area, there are many houses, the courtyard layout is exquisite, each courtyard in addition to the main house where the master lives, there are also the side halls of the girls and mothers-in-law, showing the dignity and style of the Jia family.

The architecture and furnishings of the villa are magnificent and breathtaking. The splendid palace and the fragrant Guilan make people feel like they are in a fairyland. When the concubine was provincial, she felt that her luxury was excessive, which showed her magnificence.

But when Concubine Yuan was provincial, she didn't stay overnight, and left in a hurry before dawn, and then never came back, which is a pity.

In addition to Jia Baoyu, there is a man living in the Grand View Garden of "Dream of Red Mansions"! Who is he?

10. Where does Shi Xiangyun live?

Shi Xiangyun is the daughter of the Shi family of the "Four Families" and the niece and granddaughter of Jia's mother.

Shi Xiangyun usually lives in her own house, but she often comes to visit, and she does not have a fixed place to live in the Grand View Garden. She sometimes lives with Lin Daiyu, and sometimes with Xue Baochai.

This is because Shi Xiangyun's status in the Jia family is relatively special, and she is not a direct blood relative of the Jia family, so she has not arranged a fixed residence for her.

However, no matter where she lives, she is a very important and popular figure in the Grand View Garden.

In addition to Jia Baoyu, there is a man living in the Grand View Garden of "Dream of Red Mansions"! Who is he?

11. Who is listed among the twelve hairpins of Jinling, but does not live in the Grand View Garden?

Wang Xifeng and her daughter Jia Qiaojie, they usually do not live in the Grand View Garden, but live in their own home in Rongguo Mansion, of course, they will also come to visit when there are important activities in the Grand View Garden.

12. Who is listed among the twelve hairpins of Jinling, but I haven't seen the completion of the Grand View Garden?

Qin Keqing died early after only a few appearances in "Dream of Red Mansions", and the Grand View Garden was built after her death, so she didn't have the opportunity to see it.

In addition to Jia Baoyu, there is a man living in the Grand View Garden of "Dream of Red Mansions"! Who is he?


The nine small gardens in the Grand View Garden of Dream of Red Mansions have their own characteristics and carry different characters and stories.

They are intertwined and together form the bustling and complex world of the Grand View Garden.

In this world, each character has his own destiny and trajectory, and their joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows are vividly displayed in these nine gardens.

When we walked into the Grand View Garden, it was as if we had entered the world of the Dream of Red Mansions. In this world, we can see Lin Daiyu's talent and arrogance, Xue Baochai's shrewdness and helplessness, and Jia Baoyu's infatuation and rebellion...... These characters, their fates and choices, have become a mirror for us to think about life and understand society.

In addition to Jia Baoyu, there is a man living in the Grand View Garden of "Dream of Red Mansions"! Who is he?

At the same time, these nine gardens in the Grand View Garden also symbolize different life circumstances and value orientations. They are quiet, bustling, lonely, or lively, all of which reflect the inner world and emotional state of the characters. Through these gardens, we can have a deeper understanding of the inner world of the characters, and we can also grasp the ideological connotation of this great work of Dream of Red Mansions more comprehensively.

By exploring the Grand View Garden, we can have a deeper understanding of the essence and charm of the Dream of the Red Chamber, as well as a more comprehensive appreciation of the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture.