
"Customized" police mailbox to protect campus security

author:Ping An Tang River
"Customized" police mailbox to protect campus security

"If you have anything to say, please send it to the police mailbox in time, and we will keep it confidential for you. ”

"24 hours online, just for your healthy growth!"


"Customized" police mailbox to protect campus security

In order to better care for the healthy growth of minors, prevent the occurrence of undesirable phenomena such as bullying and bullying on campus, and protect the health of young students, the Sizhou Police Station of the Tanghe County Public Security Bureau has opened "police uncle mailboxes" in 9 primary and secondary schools in the jurisdiction to directly reach "students who want to say nowhere to say, who are difficult to speak, and who dare not say"

"Customized" police mailbox to protect campus security

Recently, the people's auxiliary police of the Sizhou Police Station combined with the growth law and psychological characteristics of young students, and came to the first primary school, the second primary school, the fourth primary school, the sixth primary school, the west campus of the first junior high school, Xingjiang Middle School, and the first high school campus in the jurisdiction, and hung up the "police uncle's mailbox", further extending the tentacles of the protection of minors, and effectively enhancing the anti-bullying awareness and campus security of minors.

During this period, the institute will collect letters in a timely manner, understand the demands and wishes of minors, and through continuous exploration, broaden communication channels, build a "bridge" of communication between the majority of minors in school and the police, and open their hearts to young students to the greatest extent, so that they can truly express their thoughts and circumstances without scruples, so as to better help teenagers grow up healthily.

"Customized" police mailbox to protect campus security

In the next step, the community auxiliary police of the institute will continue to deepen this work, increase the intensity of legal education and safety publicity, and improve students' legal awareness and safety prevention ability. At the same time, we call on all sectors of society to pay attention to the problem of school bullying, and urge parents to strengthen the education and supervision of their children, cultivate children's good morals and behavioral habits, and let children know how to respect others and abide by the law by hanging a conspicuous "police uncle's mailbox".

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