
Recently, Baitu Town, Yanji Town, and Longhe Street have done these works~

author:Xiao County Media
Recently, Baitu Town, Yanji Town, and Longhe Street have done these works~
Recently, Baitu Town, Yanji Town, and Longhe Street have done these works~

White Earth Town

A few days ago, Baitu Town carried out an activity to prevent extreme weather science popularization and benefit the people.

Recently, Baitu Town, Yanji Town, and Longhe Street have done these works~

Through the form of on-site publicity, the activity vividly explained the hazards of extreme weather and countermeasures to the masses, answered questions and clarified doubts for the masses, reminded the masses to enhance their awareness of production and life safety and self-protection, and guided the masses to do a good job in emergency prevention of crops, especially greenhouse vegetable and fruit planting, to ensure the safety of people's lives and property. (Wang Haojin)

Yanji Town

A few days ago, Yanji Town organized the cadres and masses of the whole town to participate in the front line of inspection and propaganda work, and did a good job in banning planting and eradicating drugs.

Recently, Baitu Town, Yanji Town, and Longhe Street have done these works~

In the course of the inspection, everyone carefully checked whether there was any opium poppy cultivation in front of the house and behind the house. At the same time, through the villagers' WeChat groups, anti-drug propaganda vehicle broadcasts, household visits, etc., the anti-drug propaganda work will be carried out in a practical way, ensuring that the propaganda does not fall on one household and no less than one person, and building a anti-drug eradication and drug prevention line with the participation of the masses. (Zhang Zhengwei)

Longhe Street

Recently, the Chenjingya Community of Longhe Street has carried out a comprehensive gas safety investigation without dead ends in the jurisdiction.

Recently, Baitu Town, Yanji Town, and Longhe Street have done these works~
Recently, Baitu Town, Yanji Town, and Longhe Street have done these works~
Recently, Baitu Town, Yanji Town, and Longhe Street have done these works~

At each store, the staff patiently and meticulously explained to the residents the role and use of gas alarms and self-closing valves. Through investigation and publicity, we will provide merchants with more targeted gas safety knowledge, and supervise and guide gas safety in combination with the actual situation, and make every effort to do a good job in gas safety.


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