
Tariff wars may be coming again!

author:Plum Cool

This article is reprinted from the WeChat public account: Boer Meow

Tariff wars may be coming again!

Mrs. Yellen came to China with her rucksack and her computer bag, but no one carried her bag, and her image was so simple that she looked like an old woman in the next village. The old lady loves food, and no matter where she goes, the first thing is to taste it, and she says that food is one of the best ways to get to know a place. Cantonese cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Yunnan cuisine, the old lady is very fond of it.

The old lady is very kind and kind, giving people the impression that she is harmless to humans and animals. If you think that the old lady is here to ask for China, then you are wrong.

When she was still in China, the old lady let go of cruel words. After returning to the United States, the old lady's cruel words were like machine gun fire.

Tariff wars may be coming again!

In an interview with Zakaria, the old lady said she would not rule out any options, including additional tariffs on Chinese products, to fight back against China's overcapacity and dumping.

The old lady seems to have run out of our country's overcapacity, telling Zakaria that in discussions with her Chinese counterpart, she has made it clear that the issue concerns not only the United States, but other countries, including Europe, Japan, India, Mexico, Brazil, and others.

Tariff wars may be coming again!

The old lady's implication is that in order to deal with China, she will not go it alone, but will unite all the countries that can be united, including developed and developing countries, especially emerging market countries.

Tariff wars may be coming again!

The old lady specifically mentioned emerging market countries, obviously intentionally, because most of the emerging market countries have friendly relations with China, and the old lady wants to kick off this relationship.

The old lady seems to have a lot of grievances against our country, and she has repeatedly accused our country of unfair economic behavior, including treating American companies differently from foreign companies in China, and distorting the global market through huge subsidies and overproduction.

Don't underestimate the old lady, the old lady's career is to continue to create historical records. Her husband is a Nobel laureate in economics, and she herself is the first female chairman of the Federal Reserve in the history of the United States and the first female secretary of the Treasury in the history of the United States. The old lady not only has a huge influence on the economic decisions of the White House, but her voice also carries weight in Europe.

Tariff wars may be coming again!

President Biden has already said that he is looking at imposing additional tariffs on electric vehicles in China. The European Union is also investigating subsidies for electric vehicles in China.

This time, when the old lady came to China, too many people thought that she had come to beg us to buy US Treasury bonds, which was really a big mistake. The old lady came with a mace, and there is no more obvious signal that the tariff war is likely to be coming again.