
Donghu Road Kindergarten in Jiangxia District welcomes the supervision and evaluation in 2024

Jingchu Network (Hubei Daily) News (Reporter Lin Shan, Correspondent Chen Kemao, Zhou Jie) On the morning of April 16, the supervision team of the Jiangxia District Education Bureau walked into the Donghu Road Kindergarten in Jiangxia District to carry out on-site assessment and evaluation. The reporter learned from the Jiangxia District Education Bureau that this is the first kindergarten to enter the Jiangxia District Kindergarten Supervision and Evaluation in 2024.

Donghu Road Kindergarten in Jiangxia District welcomes the supervision and evaluation in 2024

Ren Xianmei, the director of the kindergarten, made a self-assessment report on behalf of the kindergarten, and accompanied the supervision team to inspect the appearance of the garden and inspect the one-day activities together with the members of the administrative team. The natural and human environment of the park is integrated, and various representations reflect the footprints of children's exploration of life and learning. In the outdoor activities, the children took the initiative to say hello, and the confident and sunny spirit left a deep impression on the supervision team.

Donghu Road Kindergarten in Jiangxia District welcomes the supervision and evaluation in 2024

"Create a childlike and nurturing environment in a way that children like. Donghu Road Kindergarten in Jiangxia District takes outdoor natural ecological resources as an important source of the curriculum, and moves small bridges, windmills, streams, camping, clay, caves, etc. into the back garden to create a "peach blossom source" in the downtown area.

Donghu Road Kindergarten in Jiangxia District welcomes the supervision and evaluation in 2024

The supervision group consulted the information according to the 6 A-level indicators and 35 detailed rules in the "Kindergarten Supervision and Evaluation Rules". In the satisfaction evaluation and random interviews, parents and teachers praised the work of the kindergarten. The supervision team highly affirmed the achievements of the park in recent years and expressed appreciation for the development trend of the park's "small but fine". At the same time, in order to promote the spiral development of the kindergarten, the supervision group also put forward higher requirements and expectations, hoping to improve the cultural connotation of the kindergarten and deepen the curriculum construction in the later stage, while breaking the spatial boundaries in regional games and actively exploring the linkage and expansion between regions.

Ren Xianmei, the director of the kindergarten, said that the supervision and evaluation of the kindergarten behavior is not only an all-round review of the work of the kindergarten, but also a strong spur to the high-quality development of the kindergarten. Donghu Road Kindergarten in Jiangxia District will continue to uphold the concept of "game empowerment and symbiosis with the sun", and use the confidence of "making real efforts and doing real education" to deepen education, create a sunshine paradise, and promote children's active and confident development.

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