
When girls reach a certain age, they fight for these 10 abilities

author:Ding Ding Yue reads

Girls need to develop more than just basic life skills as they grow and mature.

For girls, when they reach a certain age, it is not their appearance that is fighting, but their inner ability and literacy.

Today I will share with you 10 abilities that girls need to exercise, and we will encourage you:

When girls reach a certain age, they fight for these 10 abilities



Knowing your strengths and weaknesses and being clear about your values, interests, and goals can help girls make decisions that are more in line with their expectations.

For example, knowing oneself also includes accepting one's imperfections.

Self-acceptance means that girls don't blame themselves for their shortcomings or failures, but instead see these as opportunities for growth.

Self-awareness also involves being clear about your own values and belief system. These values and beliefs underpin decisions and behaviors, and they influence how girls see the world and others.


Ability to manage emotions

Learn to control and regulate your emotions and stay calm and rational so that you can better cope with stress and challenges.

Emotion management skills don't mean suppressing emotions, but rather expressing them in a healthy way.

This could include talking to someone you trust, keeping a journal, or expressing emotions through things like creating art.

Girls need to learn to soothe and support themselves when facing negative emotions. This may include positive self-talk, reminding yourself of your achievements and strengths, or engaging in self-motivation.

When girls reach a certain age, they fight for these 10 abilities


Ability to think independently

In the era of information explosion, girls need to learn to sift through a large amount of information to extract useful data and opinions, which requires them to have the ability to distinguish the truth and significance of information.

Girls who think independently are usually confident in their own judgment and decision-making. They do not easily change their opinions because of the opinions of others, but they are also willing to adjust their positions when new evidence emerges.

Have the ability to think independently and analyze problems, not blindly follow the opinions of others, and be able to form their own opinions and judgments.

Through reading, writing, participating in discussions, traveling, and communicating with people from different backgrounds, girls can develop and strengthen their independent thinking skills.


Communication skills

Girls need to be able to express their thoughts and feelings in concise and clear language, avoid vague or overly complex expressions, and make it easy for the other person to understand.

In addition to language, girls also need to pay attention to non-verbal communication, such as body language, facial expressions, and the intonation of voices. These non-verbal messages can enhance or diminish the effectiveness of verbal expression.

Improving communication skills is an ongoing process that requires girls to practice and learn in their daily lives.

By participating in communication skills training, joining speech clubs, participating in social activities and practicing writing, girls can gradually improve their communication skills.

When girls reach a certain age, they fight for these 10 abilities


Problem-solving skills

Girls' problem-solving skills refer to their ability to effectively identify problems, analyze causes, develop solutions, and implement them in the face of challenges, obstacles, or conflicts.

This ability is essential for personal growth, academic success, and career advancement.

When faced with a problem, be able to find a solution quickly and take action to solve the problem instead of running away or complaining.


Ability to learn

Girls need to be willing to actively seek knowledge and skills, rather than passively waiting for knowledge to be imparted.

This includes asking questions, participating in discussions, and finding resources on your own.

Therefore, girls should continue to learn new knowledge and skills, improve their competitiveness, and adapt to the changing social environment.

When girls reach a certain age, they fight for these 10 abilities


Ability to work under pressure

Girls' resilience refers to their ability to remain calm, respond positively and manage their emotions effectively in the face of stress, challenges or adversity.

In the face of stress, girls need to maintain a positive mindset and see challenges as opportunities for growth. This includes shifting the mindset and looking for opportunities to learn and grow from difficult situations.

Girls need to learn to use various relaxation techniques to relieve stress, such as yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, etc.

This helps them stay calm and focused in stressful situations.


Time management skills

Girls need to be clear about their short-term and long-term goals, which helps them prioritize and allocate their time wisely.

and learn to identify which tasks are most important and urgent, and which can be postponed or delegated to others.

It is also necessary to learn to arrange time reasonably, distinguish between work and rest, improve work efficiency, and ensure a work-life balance.

Good time management skills not only contribute to girls' academic and professional success, but also improve their quality of life and enable them to achieve a better work-life balance.

When girls reach a certain age, they fight for these 10 abilities


Ability to work as a team

Girls need to have clear and effective communication skills in order to express their ideas, needs, and feelings in a team and listen to the perspectives of others.

Because teamwork requires every member to be willing to work towards a common goal.

Therefore, girls need to show an attitude of active participation, support for others and shared responsibility.

In order to play an active role in the team, work together with others to achieve team goals.


Planning and goal-setting skills

Girls need to understand their interests, strengths, values and career aspirations in order to develop plans and goals that meet their expectations.

Set clear short- and long-term goals for yourself and create a realistic plan to achieve them.

By setting personal and professional goals, attending relevant training courses and sharing experiences with others, girls can gradually improve their planning and goal-setting skills.

This ability will help them better realize their potential and achieve greater success in their personal and professional lives.

When girls reach a certain age, they fight for these 10 abilities

Write at the end:

These 10 competencies are important for the growth and development of girls, not only helping them to achieve better results in their personal lives, but also enhancing their status and influence in society.

Through continuous hard work and learning, girls can become more independent, confident and empowered individuals