
The best matching age for couples.

author:Danko Techu Kojiji
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.
The best matching age for couples.

The world is full of red dust, and fate is tied by a thread,

When looking for a good mate, don't be afraid of the passage of time.

Husband and wife join hands to spend the stormy year together,

The best match for the year, the heart is self-distinct.

When I remembered my youth, the peach blossoms were red,

The young man's love is open, looking for the person of his dreams.

At that time, I didn't know sorrow, but I only wanted to share a white head,

The years have passed in a hurry, and looking back is not yesterday.

Where to find a good couple, don't ask the will of heaven,

Love is as deep as the sea, and fate is unstoppable.

Men should be self-reliant, women should be virtuous,

In mutual support, the years are longer.

Husband and wife are in the same boat, sharing wind and rain,

Age is not the key, the heart is true.

Although youth is fleeting, true love never grows old,

Hand in hand, there are no regrets in this life.

Mo Dao is red-faced, I just wish for a long time,

Although the years are ruthless, the human heart is affectionate.

Husband and wife support each other and spend life together,

The best match is the moment.

In the rolling red dust, looking for the road of true love,

Not afraid of the urging of the years, I only wish that the love will last forever.

Husband and wife walk together, through the wind and rain together,

There are no regrets in this life, and we will go to the Baitou League together.

There is a lot of bitterness in the world, and it is difficult to find true love,

Husband and wife support each other and spend life together.

Age is not a boundary, the heart is the fate,

The true love will never change, and this life will linger.

The red dust rolls by, looking for the person in your dreams,

Husband and wife hold hands and ride through the storm together.

Although the ages are different, the hearts are closely connected,

The best match year is this time.

The world is prosperous, only pay attention to it,

Husband and wife join hands to spend this spring together.

Don't ask how old you are, you just want your love to last forever,

When the best match is made, that's when it's true.

The years go by in a hurry, and the truth will never change,

Husband and wife are in the same boat and spend the stormy period together.

Age is not a boundary, it is strange that the heart is compatible,

Hand in hand, there is no separation in this life.

In the chaos of red dust, looking for the trace of true love,

Husband and wife rely on each other and spend the winter of life together.

Although the ages are different, the love follows closely,

The best match is now.

The years are like flowing water, and the true love never fades,

Husband and wife hold hands and spend the wind and rain together.

Don't ask how old you are, I just want to be there,

When the best match is love.

The red dust is troubled, and it is difficult to find true love,

Husband and wife support each other and spend life together.

Age is not the key, heart is the fate,

The true love will never change, and this life will linger.

The years have passed in a hurry, and the true feelings have always left traces,

Husband and wife are connected and spend the stormy morning together.

Don't ask how old you are, you just want to be more affectionate,

The best match for the year is true at this time.

Looking in the red dust, true love is hard to find,

Husband and wife support each other and spend life together.

Although the ages are different, the hearts are closely intertwined,

This is when the best match is made.

Although the years are in a hurry, the truth will never be forgotten,

Husband and wife are connected and spend the wind and rain together.

Don't ask how old you are, you just want to be longer,

The best match for the year is at this time.

The red dust is prosperous, and the true love will remain forever,

Husband and wife are in the same boat and spend the wind and rain together.

Age is not a boundary, the heart is true,

Hand in hand, this life is deeply affectionate.