
In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

author:fresh water

Liuguo Hotel Secret Talk: The Wisdom and Game Behind the Name of New China

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

In the torrent of history, there are always some moments that are fixed for eternity, and there are always some decisions that affect generations to come. In Beijing in 1949, in the Liuguo Hotel, a seemingly ordinary party quietly unveiled the wisdom and game behind the name of New China.

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

At that time, the Six Nations Hotel was not only a place where dignitaries and celebrities from all over the world gathered, but also a stage for various political forces to compete secretly. And in this seemingly ordinary gathering, a group of elites with the future of the country are looking for a suitable name for the new China that will be born.

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

You know, choosing a name for a new country is no trivial matter. It should not only embody the nature and characteristics of new China, but also be able to arouse the people's patriotic enthusiasm and, more importantly, be able to display the demeanor of a great power on the international stage. As a result, the discussion was full of tension and anticipation from the outset.

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

In the heated discussion, various points of view intertwined and collided, as if it was a war without gunpowder. Some people insist on using "Democratic Republic of China" as the name of the country, believing that this title not only embodies the spirit of democracy, but also conforms to the reality of New China. However, this proposal was quickly refuted. Opponents argue that the word "democracy," while important, is too broad, not specific enough, and could easily be exploited by Western countries.

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

While everyone was arguing, a historian stepped forward. He said slowly: "Can we consider using the term 'People's Republic of China'? This title not only emphasizes the power of the people, but also embodies the socialist nature of New China." Moreover, the word 'people' is more easily accepted and understood internationally. ”

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

These words made the eyes of everyone present light up. Yes, why not use the word "people" as the core of the country's name? This title not only conforms to the reality of New China, but can also arouse the people's patriotic enthusiasm.

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

However, just when everyone thought that the problem was about to be resolved, some people raised a new question: "Although the name 'People's Republic of China' is good, will it be confused with the old China's 'Republic of China'? After all, the name 'Republic of China' has deep roots in history. ”

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

As soon as this question was raised, it immediately aroused deep thought among everyone present. Indeed, how to avoid confusion with the "Republic of China" in old China is an issue that needs serious consideration. After some intense discussion and debate, everyone finally reached an agreement. They decided to add some modifiers or suffixes to the title "People's Republic of China" to distinguish it from the "Republic of China" in old China.

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

Thus, a new name was born - "People's Republic of China". This title not only reflects the nature and characteristics of the new China, but also avoids confusion with the old China. It is concise and clear, easy to remember and disseminate, and has become a beautiful business card of New China.

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

Although this secret conversation in the Liuguo Hotel is only a small episode on the road to the construction of New China, it shows the wisdom and courage of the ancestors. It is precisely these wisdom and courage that have laid a solid foundation for the development of New China.

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

In addition to this secret talk, there are many other little-known stories and details on the road to the construction of New China. For example, the design process of the national flag of the new China is full of creativity and ingenuity. Among the many design schemes, the five-star red flag stands out with its bright colors and unique composition, and has become a symbol of new China. The red color of the five-star red flag represents revolution and victory, and the five yellow stars symbolize the alliance of workers and peasants under the leadership of the working class. This design not only embodies the nature and characteristics of New China, but also stimulates the patriotic enthusiasm of the people.

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

In addition, the creation of the national anthem of New China has also experienced twists and turns. Among the countless songs, after layers of screening and revision, the "March of the Volunteers" was finally determined as the national anthem of New China. With its passionate melody and profound connotation, this song inspires the people to work hard for the construction of New China.

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

At the same time, the design of the national emblem of New China also embodies the efforts of many artists. The elements of Tiananmen Square, gears and ears of wheat on the national emblem represent the political, industrial and agricultural aspects of New China, respectively. This design not only shows the image of New China, but also reflects the common will and expectations of the people of the whole country.

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

Although these stories and details may seem insignificant, they constitute an important chapter in the construction of New China. They not only show the wisdom and courage of our ancestors, but also provide us with valuable experience and inspiration.

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

As future generations, we should remember this history and cherish the hard-won peace and prosperity. At the same time, we should continue to carry forward the wisdom and courage of our ancestors, continue to explore and innovate, and contribute to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

On the road ahead, we may still encounter various challenges and difficulties, but as long as we have firm faith and move forward bravely, we will be able to create a more brilliant future. Let us work together for the future of the Chinese nation!

In 1949, Huang Yanpei advocated retaining the abbreviation of the "Republic of China", and Situ Meitang was angry: I don't!

In addition, the economic recovery and development in the process of building New China are also eye-catching. In the face of the situation of a hundred wastes waiting to be rebuilt, the ancestors adopted a series of effective measures and policies with firm belief and unremitting efforts. They have vigorously developed industry, agriculture, and transportation, thus promoting the rapid recovery and development of the national economy. At the same time, they also focus on improving people's lives and raising people's living standards. These efforts enabled New China to achieve economic recovery and social progress in a short period of time.

In the field of culture and education, New China has also made remarkable achievements. Through the popularization of education and the popularization of cultural knowledge, the quality of the people of New China has been markedly improved. At the same time, New China also attached importance to the development of science and technology and cultivated a large number of outstanding scientific and technological talents. These talented people have provided strong support and guarantee for the modernization of New China.

On the international stage, New China has also displayed the demeanor of a great power. By actively participating in international affairs and promoting peace and cooperation, New China has won wide recognition and respect from the international community. New China's international status is increasing day by day and it has become an important force for safeguarding world peace and development.

These achievements and progress are inseparable from the wisdom and courage of our ancestors. They rely on unwavering conviction and perseverance