
"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

author:Wait for the wind

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"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

Text/Equal wind


Whether it is in the entertainment industry or real life, there are always some people whose choices are amazing. For example, Wang Lin, who has played 52 "bad women" on stage or on the screen and married two rich husbands, her life trajectory is so tortuous and bizarre. When her 53rd birthday was approaching, the actor, who was once scolded by the audience as a "vicious woman", was so happy. Life is so magical, when you think that fate has played with her between applause, she is proud of life, showing the greatest sobriety in the world.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

First, Renmei is not taken seriously by marrying two rich people

Looking back now, Wang Lin actually didn't plan her life too tortuously at the beginning. She was born in an ordinary family, her parents' salary is meager, and she can barely make ends meet on the income of an office worker. However, she is beautiful and has had a soft spot for acting since she was a child. At various family gatherings, Wang Lin is always very active, she will imitate the stars on TV, or perform self-written and directed sketches, which will make the relatives and friends present laugh.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

Although her family is mediocre, Wang Lin has an aunt who loves her very much. This aunt has a very prosperous life, and often takes Wang Lin to high-end restaurants to eat Western food, so that she has received a good education since she was a child. Under the influence of her aunt, Wang Lin learned English and developed the habit of reading. It can be said that it is thanks to the cultivation of her aunt that Wang Lin showed extraordinary temperament and talent when she was young.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

When she was a teenager, Wang Lin already had a burning desire to become an actor. She not only explores the mysteries of acting skills from books, but also pays close attention to the every move of film and television stars. I think this dedication to her dreams is destined to leave a deep mark on her life.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

Sure enough, in 1989, Wang Lin got her wish and was admitted to the Performance Department of Shanghai Theater Academy. There, she befriended a classmate who would later become a star. Due to her excellent grades, Wang Lin was given the opportunity to study at the Moscow State Film Academy in her sophomore year.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

After returning to China, 23-year-old Wang Lin started a new chapter in her career. In 1993, she played the second female lead Zhang Yuemei in the hit drama "Love in the Pearl River", and her young and beautiful face touched countless audiences. It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and after filming this drama, Wang Lin chose to temporarily fade out of the film and television circle.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

It turned out that not long after the drama was completed, a rich man nearly 30 years older than her proposed to her. Although the age difference between the two is a typical "father-daughter love", Wang Lin still accepted the marriage. In this way, this young and promising little girl married into a wealthy family and began to live a gorgeous life as a broad wife.

However, married life was not exactly what Wang Lin wanted. Her husband has been away for a long time to earn a living and has little time to spend at home with her. Despite her material wealth, Wang Lin was empty and lonely in her heart. What made her even more unacceptable was that her husband forbade her to continue her career as an actress. In this way, a dream was strangled at the beginning.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

Faced with a shackled marriage, Wang Lin resolutely chose to divorce. In just 7 years of married life, it came to an abrupt end. Soon after the divorce, Wang Lin married Liu Guojing, a wealthy mainland businessman, and this time she thought she had finally found a home. However, the good times did not last long, and in the 6th year after the birth of her son, Wang Lin divorced again.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

The reasons for the two divorces are related to careers. Whenever Wang Lin wants to return to the entertainment industry, her husbands always obstruct her in every way, hoping that she can keep to herself and be an ordinary housewife. However, for Wang Lin, career is her biggest dream and pursuit, and she does not want to be constrained by marriage.

In this way, Wang Lin married into a wealthy family twice in just a few years, and finally chose to be alone and start a new life with her son. We can't help but admire her courage, and in the face of the temptation of wealth, she resolutely gave up material things and chose the biggest dream in her heart. For a young woman, this is a rare choice.

2. 53 times "bad women" are disgusting

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

But just when Wang Lin gave up her rich life and devoted herself to her career, life gave her a lot of setbacks.

In 2001, Wang Lin played the role of "Aunt Xue" who made her infamous in "Deep Love and Rain". When she played Aunt Xue, she was 6 years older than her daughters Zhao Wei and Lin Xinru, and 2 years older than her son-in-law Gu Juji. But Wang Lin interpreted this pungent and unreasonable "Aunt Xue" vividly, and it was indelible for a long time.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

Since then, the audience's impression of her has been deeply stereotyped in the "bad woman". No matter how much Wang Lin proves that she is gentle and kind, the audience always associates her with various "vicious" characters. In the end, she could only go with the flow and starred in one villain after another.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

If "Aunt Xue" is the beginning of Wang Lin's recognition by the audience, then the next series of classic villains will infinitely amplify her image as a "bad woman". For example, Han Zhaoyi in "The Princess of the World", Dao Mingne in "Meteor Garden", stepmother Ye Chuanping in "Little Times", etc., are all mean, insidious and evil.

Statistics show that up to now, Wang Lin has played 52 roles of "bad women". Playing these characters with dark personalities and despicable behaviors all year round, Wang Lin is not only often abused by netizens, but also misunderstood in real life. When someone sees her, they automatically associate with the image in the play, and classify her as "pungent and vicious".

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

For so many years, Wang Lin could only patiently explain that her nature was actually gentle and kind. She said helplessly in an interview: "Through so many years, I have also become accustomed to playing the role of a bad woman. It seems that fate has indeed arranged for her to be extremely tricky.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

3. Grow old and have a wonderful, positive and optimistic life

Many people may think that if a person is recognized as a "bad woman" by the audience for a long time, she will be quite inferior and introverted. However, for Wang Lin, she is becoming more and more confident and open-minded. Now Wang Lin is not only positive and optimistic, full of happiness, but also full of sober wisdom in the world.

As a 53-year-old single mother, Wang Lin's current life is very exciting and fulfilling. In order to maintain a good body curve, she insists on exercising and dancing every day. Whether it is sweating in the gym or dancing on the stage, you can see Wang Lin's youthful vitality.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

Not only that, but Wang Lin's spiritual life is also very nourishing. She loves to read and always holds a book in her spare time. She also loves to cook, and frequently invites family and friends to her home to taste her craft. Whether it is a healthy life or a spiritual pursuit, Wang Lin has lived her greatest calmness and elegance.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

What I admire most is Wang Lin's wisdom and courage in dealing with others. As an old actor who has been in the entertainment industry for decades, she has long seen through the hot and cold world. But she never cares about the gossip around her, she is quiet and gentle, and she is indifferent.

Even those Internet memes that tied her to "Aunt Xue" and other characters back then, Wang Lin was able to laugh calmly and "play stalks" with netizens. In her own words, she already has a clear understanding of the world, calm and open-minded.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

In the interview, Wang Lin also admitted that he hopes to open a café with a unique flavor, and he doesn't care about profits, but only wants to be happy. It can be seen how noble and transcendent her life pursuit is now. In her, we see a rare calmness and wisdom.

Many netizens commented that although she has married two rich people, what she finally gained was a sobriety in life. She cherishes her current life, loves the acting career she is passionate about, and calmly faces all kinds of opportunities in life. I think this is the greatest happiness in her life.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

In fact, 53-year-old Wang Lin is in bloom. She has been in good shape lately, and her skin is as delicate as Gillian. It is also unique in the fashion circle, and recently appeared in a white feather outfit at Shanghai Fashion Week, with a strong aura and so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off it.

With this face and figure alone, who would have thought that she was already a mother, and even more so a divorced woman with a rough experience? Wang Lin lived out her most positive and life-loving side. It is precisely because of her extraordinary intelligence and rich experience that she can have such a sober understanding of life.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

Fourth, the problem

I have to admit that Wang Lin's life can be said to have experienced all kinds of life. From marrying into a wealthy family when she was young, getting divorced twice to raising her son alone, to finally re-pursuing her career, she has also experienced various ups and downs in life along the way.

"Sober in the world" married two rich men, and has played 52 "bad women" 53, she is so happy

It can be seen that life is not smooth sailing, and bottlenecks and obstacles are always there. However, Wang Lin used her life to explain to us that as long as you maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and always love life, you will be able to live a wonderful life. As she said, she has realized that what she has now is the best in life.

I wonder if Wang Lin's indifferent and sober wisdom of life has also given you some kind of inspiration and reference? Will life push Wang Lin to another peak again? Where will her future development go? Let us wait and see!

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