
Shocked! What would an ancient eunuch do to his wife after marrying a wife? Ordinary women could not accept it!

author:Xiao Chen's story


In the ancient Chinese court, eunuchs were a special kind of existence, and their lives, emotions and relationships have always been full of mystery and controversy. Among them, the phenomenon of eunuchs marrying wives has caused a lot of speculation and discussion among later generations.

Shocked! What would an ancient eunuch do to his wife after marrying a wife? Ordinary women could not accept it!

Ancient eunuchs, everyone knew that the body structure was not complete, but why did they still marry wives? What is the purpose of marrying wives, and what are the reasons behind these behaviors? Let's explore together!


We need to understand that the phenomenon of eunuchs taking wives is not universal. In ancient society, eunuchs had a special status, and although they lived in the court, they could not have a complete family life like normal people because of their physical defects. However, this does not mean that eunuchs do not have emotional needs or interpersonal contacts. On the contrary, in the closed environment of the court, the eunuchs developed their own unique lifestyles and social circles.

Shocked! What would an ancient eunuch do to his wife after marrying a wife? Ordinary women could not accept it!

The situation of eunuchs marrying wives mostly happened to those eunuchs with high status and certain power. The purpose of marrying wives is often to satisfy psychological needs, such as seeking companionship and taking care of daily life. However, due to the physical defects of the eunuchs, they were unable to carry out a normal conjugal life with their wives, which led to an extremely complicated relationship between them and their wives.

Shocked! What would an ancient eunuch do to his wife after marrying a wife? Ordinary women could not accept it!

In this context, some eunuchs will make their wives bear some cruel things. These behaviors include, but are not limited to, subjecting wives to heavy household chores, enduring physical abuse, and even beating wives as a tool for eunuchs to vent their emotions.

Shocked! What would an ancient eunuch do to his wife after marrying a wife? Ordinary women could not accept it!

On the one hand, the appearance of these cruel acts reflects the inferiority complex and distortion in the hearts of the eunuchs, who try to make up for their physical defects by controlling their wives;

Shocked! What would an ancient eunuch do to his wife after marrying a wife? Ordinary women could not accept it!

On the other hand, it also reflects the discrimination and prejudice against the group of eunuchs in ancient society, which made them suffer a lot of injustice and pressure in their lives. An in-depth analysis of the reasons behind these behaviors shows that the phenomenon of eunuchs letting their wives do cruel things after marrying them is actually the result of a combination of factors. The eunuchs' physical defects lead to low self-esteem and distortion in their hearts, and they try to find a psychological balance by controlling their wives, and at the same time, they are afraid that they will have no one to take care of them when they are old.

Shocked! What would an ancient eunuch do to his wife after marrying a wife? Ordinary women could not accept it!

The feudal etiquette and morality of ancient society were prejudiced against the eunuch group, which put them in a disadvantageous position in terms of social status and interpersonal relationships, and this pressure also indirectly led to their cruelty to their wives. Power struggles within the court and complicated interpersonal relationships were also important triggers for the eunuchs' abnormal behavior after marrying wives.

We should also see that not all eunuchs will be cruel to their wives. Some eunuchs, after marrying wives, will establish a mutually supportive and interdependent relationship with their wives to get through the difficult moments in their lives together. These eunuchs were gentle and considerate to their wives, and did their best to give them love and care.

Shocked! What would an ancient eunuch do to his wife after marrying a wife? Ordinary women could not accept it!


In general, the phenomenon of ancient eunuchs marrying their wives and letting their wives do cruel things is a complex and sensitive topic. It involves many aspects of culture, morality, power, etc. in ancient societies. By delving deeper into this phenomenon, we can better understand the living conditions and inner world of ancient eunuchs, and we can also reflect on the tolerance and respect for different groups in modern society. At the same time, we should also be aware that history is a complex and pluralistic process, and the emergence of any phenomenon has its specific historical background and causes. When exploring historical issues, we should maintain an objective and rational attitude and avoid over-interpretation or biased judgment.