
In the TV series ratings rankings, "City in the City" ranked last, with the first rating as high as 2.4

author:It's 3 pieces of candy

Recently, the TV series ratings list has been released, and various works have been unveiled, which has aroused heated discussions among the audience. Among them, dramas such as "Walking with the Phoenix", "Riding the Wind and Waves", "Today's Them", "Surgery Live Room" and "City in the City" have received varying degrees of attention. However, behind the seemingly prosperous screen, the authenticity, logic and detail handling of these stories have caused a lot of controversy and deep thinking.

First, let's take a look at "Walking with the Phoenix". This drama is set in costume mythology and tells a legendary story that transcends time and space. However, it is this surreal setting that makes the audience question its authenticity while enjoying its wonderful plot. Although the elements of gods and demons in myths and stories are common in ancient literature, in modern society, do these elements still have credibility? In addition, whether the plot development and character creation in the play are logical is also the focus of heated discussion among the audience. For example, some of the plots are exaggerated, and the characters' actions sometimes seem abrupt, which makes the audience doubt the authenticity of the series.

In the TV series ratings rankings, "City in the City" ranked last, with the first rating as high as 2.4

Let's talk about "Riding the Wind and Waves". This period drama is set in Huludao Xingcheng, showing the style of an era. However, precisely because it is set in a specific historical period, the audience also has stricter requirements for its authenticity. The scene layout, costumes, props, and character language in the play all need to stand the test of history. However, in the actual viewing process, the audience found that there were some details in the play that were inconsistent with historical facts, such as some architectural styles and costume styles that were obviously inconsistent with the historical background at that time. The lapse in these details not only affected the authenticity of the series, but also made the audience question the rigor of the production team.

Next up is "Today's Them". This drama takes feminism as the starting point and explores the living conditions and value pursuits of modern women. However, it is this sensitive social issue that makes the audience pay attention to the plot while also putting forward higher requirements for the logic and details of the series. In the play, the portrayal of female characters and plot development sometimes seem too deliberate and didactic, making the audience feel a little blunt and far-fetched. In addition, the discussion of women's issues in the play does not go deep into the core issues, and only stays on the surface, which makes the audience question the logic and depth of the series.

In the TV series ratings rankings, "City in the City" ranked last, with the first rating as high as 2.4

And "Surgery Live Room" is a drama set in medical care. Because of its professionalism and rigor, medical dramas have particularly strict requirements for authenticity and logic. However, in this drama, the audience found some errors in medical common sense and loopholes in logic. For example, some surgical procedures are simplified or exaggerated, making the viewer doubt their authenticity. At the same time, the reactions and handling of medical problems by the characters in the play are also unprofessional, which makes the audience question the professionalism of the series.

Finally, let's talk about "City within a City". This drama starring powerful actors Yu Hewei and Bai Yufan tells a story about the workplace. However, it was this seemingly ordinary workplace drama that caused controversy among the audience in terms of details. The depiction of the workplace environment and the handling of the relationship between the characters in the play are too simplistic and one-sided, and fail to truly reflect the complexity and diversity of the modern workplace. In addition, the development of some plots in the play also seems unreasonable and coherent, which makes the audience question its logic.

In the TV series ratings rankings, "City in the City" ranked last, with the first rating as high as 2.4

To sum up, these TV series have certain controversies and deficiencies in terms of story authenticity, logic, and detail processing. These controversies not only reflect the audience's high demand for the quality of TV dramas, but also reflect the challenges and difficulties that TV drama production teams need to face in the creative process.

However, it is precisely these controversies and shortcomings that provide more room for thinking and improvement in the creation of TV dramas. For the production team, they should pay more attention to the study of professional fields such as history and medicine to ensure that the series does not make obvious mistakes in terms of authenticity. At the same time, they should also pay more attention to logic and rationality in plot development and character building, and avoid blunt and far-fetched plots.

In the TV series ratings rankings, "City in the City" ranked last, with the first rating as high as 2.4

For the audience, they should maintain a rational and objective attitude, and objectively evaluate and discuss the TV series. While appreciating the plot, we should also pay attention to the performance of the drama in terms of authenticity, logic and details, and put forward reasonable suggestions and opinions to promote the healthy development of the TV series.

In addition, we also need to recognize that as a cultural product, the way TV dramas are created and presented is influenced by a variety of factors. While pursuing authenticity and logic, the production team also needs to take into account factors such as the aesthetic needs of the audience and market demand. Therefore, we can't just evaluate the quality of a TV series based on authenticity and logic, but also need to consider its overall artistic effect and viewing value.

In the TV series ratings rankings, "City in the City" ranked last, with the first rating as high as 2.4

In short, as an important cultural phenomenon, TV dramas are worthy of our in-depth thinking and discussion in terms of authenticity, logic and detail. Through continuous improvement and innovation, we believe that the future TV series will be more exciting and excellent, bringing more abundant visual feast and spiritual enjoyment to the audience.

I think that these TV series, as modern cultural products, undoubtedly reflect the style of the times and the needs of the audience. While pursuing high ratings, they are also trying to innovate, whether it is the fantasy imagination of costume myths or the emotional reproduction of period dramas, they are trying to touch the hearts of the audience. However, the lack of authenticity and logic, like the flaws on the jade, makes people feel regretful while appreciating. In this era of information explosion, we are looking forward to those masterpieces that can stand up to scrutiny, have both depth and breadth, which can not only make us relax in entertainment, but also trigger us to think deeply about life and society.

In the TV series ratings rankings, "City in the City" ranked last, with the first rating as high as 2.4

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