
In the "Fudan Eighteen Donkeys" incident, the 24-year-old martyr who sacrificed his life rescued 18 ungrateful white-eyed wolves

author:Fish talk about the past and the present
In the "Fudan Eighteen Donkeys" incident, the 24-year-old martyr who sacrificed his life rescued 18 ungrateful white-eyed wolves

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On the top of the Yellow Mountain, a faint trace of blood has not completely dissipated, and a touching scene of life and death rescue tragedy once occurred here. Zhang Ninghai, a brave young police officer who was only 24 years old, sacrificed his precious life to save 18 classmates from Fudan University who were in a desperate situation, and his youth came to an abrupt end under unforeseen circumstances.

Officer Zhang's departure has caused huge waves in the online public opinion circles. Many netizens with a heart of justice spontaneously organized a memorial ceremony and even lit incense sticks to express their endless sorrow for this heroic soldier, while others were shocked and angry at the root cause of the tragedy - the indifference of the 18 lucky surviving Fudan students to the life-saving benefactor caused strong dissatisfaction and condemnation from the whole society.

Let us travel through time and space to review this heart-wrenching history, to deeply analyze the cause and effect relationship, and to feel the heavy and profound lesson of life education.

The origin of all disasters can be traced back to that cold day in December 2010. Although the harsh winter shrouded the entire Yellow Mountain, it did not extinguish the burning fire of exploration in the hearts of the 18 Fudan University students.

In the "Fudan Eighteen Donkeys" incident, the 24-year-old martyr who sacrificed his life rescued 18 ungrateful white-eyed wolves

As students from well-known universities, they are full of energy, enthusiasm, and endless longing for the unknown world. So, they quietly began to plan an unforgettable donkey trip, with all kinds of outdoor equipment available, but only ignoring the all-important safety concern.

The preparations for the trip were in full swing, and 18 people impatiently boarded the train to Huangshan and embarked on this adventure that was destined to be full of ups and downs. Along the way, although they are equipped with advanced GPS navigators and detailed maps, they will inevitably struggle when faced with sudden difficulties due to their lack of experience.

As expected, as soon as they stepped into the unexplored area, they lost their GPS device by the creek and lost their direction completely.

should have stopped the loss in time and turned around, but these young people were overconfident and stubborn, and they gritted their teeth and persevered. Relying only on a rudimentary map, they went further and further without hesitation, and finally fell into an irreparable predicament.

In the "Fudan Eighteen Donkeys" incident, the 24-year-old martyr who sacrificed his life rescued 18 ungrateful white-eyed wolves

Nature's creation is deep and great, and the downpour of rain hits their cheeks, and the bitter cold wind seems to penetrate the bone marrow. Some of the exhausted team members were out of breath and couldn't lift their hands and feet, and even began to whisper begging to give up, but more partners chose to be tenacious and not give up easily.

In this way, they left the familiar world behind and stepped into a new and unknown land.

When the 18 students were in limbo, almost on the verge of collapse, a faint glimmer of hope finally appeared. One of them quickly sent a signal for help to his relatives, who immediately called the police to ask for assistance.

Taking precautions and saving people from danger is the unshirkable responsibility and mission of every public security officer and policeman. Therefore, public security forces from all over the country quickly gathered and went all out to devote themselves to this life-and-death rescue operation.

In the "Fudan Eighteen Donkeys" incident, the 24-year-old martyr who sacrificed his life rescued 18 ungrateful white-eyed wolves

No one could have imagined that it would be so difficult to find the whereabouts of these young people. After a lot of hardship, the rescuers finally found them on a remote trail in Huangshan at nightfall.

As experienced rescuers, they should have set up camp in place, rested for a while, and waited for dawn before moving on. However, the group of university students, who had been hit by the bitter cold, once again expressed their determination to evacuate immediately, ignoring the advice of rescuers.

Just when the situation was becoming more and more tense, a young police officer who was only 24 years old stepped forward, and he was Zhang Ninghai.

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped on the bumpy path without hesitation and groped his way forward. The search for a way out is a silent battle, with winding trails, thorny and sometimes steep cliffs.

In the "Fudan Eighteen Donkeys" incident, the 24-year-old martyr who sacrificed his life rescued 18 ungrateful white-eyed wolves

Officer Zhang never flinched in the slightest, he was just trying to lead this group of young people out of their predicament.

After all, fate still played tricks on people's hearts. Just as Officer Zhang was about to find the exit, an accident happened that put the entire rescue operation in a desperate situation - his steps suddenly lost control, and then fell into the bottomless abyss, and his young life disappeared with regret.

In the face of such a cruel reality, the 18 people remained indifferent, insisting on immediate evacuation, turning a deaf ear to their comrade-in-arms, Officer Zhang, who shared life and death.

When the situation became precarious and the rescue team was in a difficult situation, they had to go against their own will, with perseverance and determination, to overcome many difficulties and successfully bring the 18 trapped Fudan University students out of danger.

In the "Fudan Eighteen Donkeys" incident, the 24-year-old martyr who sacrificed his life rescued 18 ungrateful white-eyed wolves

After some arduous efforts, all 18 students from Fudan University were finally rescued at around 10 a.m. the next morning. After experiencing this ordeal of life and death, they were extremely lucky to get rid of the clutches of death and turn the crisis into safety!

In order to allow them to return to normal life as soon as possible, the rescue team sent them to the warm campus, so that they could breathe the familiar atmosphere of the city again. It was expected that this group of young people would feel relieved and grateful.

What happened next left everyone present in disbelief.

This group of young students who escaped death from the desperate situation of Huangshan did not have the slightest sense of shame towards their comrade-in-arms, Officer Zhang Ninghai, who lived and died with them, and even did not care about his life and death, and did not understand and confirm him in any way.

In the "Fudan Eighteen Donkeys" incident, the 24-year-old martyr who sacrificed his life rescued 18 ungrateful white-eyed wolves

Instead, they hurriedly boarded the train back to school as soon as possible, trying to get out of this nightmarish experience, get rid of all the trials of life and death, and return to the leisurely life of the past.

In the face of those rescue heroes who came from thousands of miles to save their lives, they behaved so indifferently, so lacking the most basic gratitude, and so lacking basic human care for their comrades-in-arms who had fought side by side.

Did this group of young people turn a blind eye to their life-savers, or did they not regard Officer Zhang's heroic deeds as a life-saving grace at all? Whatever the reason, their behavior undoubtedly shocked all the witnesses present, and they all expressed their incomprehension and even sneered.

After all, this large-scale rescue operation, in which the police and the people participated, cost a huge amount of manpower, material and financial resources, and their rash and ungrateful attitude is really laughable.

In the "Fudan Eighteen Donkeys" incident, the 24-year-old martyr who sacrificed his life rescued 18 ungrateful white-eyed wolves

Officer Zhang's heroic sacrifice has aroused widespread concern in the whole society in a short period of time. The public opinion on the Internet was huge, like a cold snap, violently impacting the behavior of these 18 Fudan University students, accusing them of being cold-blooded and ruthless, and even putting on the hat of "white-eyed wolf".

"How can you do this to your life-saver?" "Is this the talent that comes from a well-known university?" "Such a breach of trust is simply an insult to the hero!" Doubts poured down like a torrential rain, leaving these young people with nowhere to hide.

In the midst of this huge storm of public opinion, we are pleasantly surprised to find that a rational and calm force is quietly emerging, trying to provide a more impartial, objective and logical interpretation of this incident from the perspective of law.

First of all, it is striking that, with regard to the 18 students who suffered accidents in the accident, they have an indisputable right to seek assistance as travellers, in accordance with the express provisions of section 82 of the Tourism Act.

In the "Fudan Eighteen Donkeys" incident, the 24-year-old martyr who sacrificed his life rescued 18 ungrateful white-eyed wolves

At the same time, in order to prevent violations of legal obligations, Article 15 of the same law imposes corresponding liability on them for violating relevant safety warnings or failing to obey the instructions of rescue personnel.

Second, we need to delve into the rights and obligations of Officer Zhang and other rescue workers who died heroically in this incident. The relevant laws in force provide maximum legal support and personal protection for the conduct of the police in rescue operations;

It is precisely because of Officer Zhang's fearless courage and selfless dedication that he successfully saved the young lives of 18 college students. His feat is a manifestation of the brilliance of humanity and the value of life, which makes us deeply admire and praise this hero in addition to grief.

We cannot ignore the regrettable and heartbreaking indifference of the 18 survivors towards their life-savers, and that their actions have undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the entire higher education system, causing people to have deep doubts and worries about the direction of future talent training.

In the "Fudan Eighteen Donkeys" incident, the 24-year-old martyr who sacrificed his life rescued 18 ungrateful white-eyed wolves

There is no doubt that we need to deeply reflect on the core of this issue, that is, how to re-examine the values education of contemporary young people. Passion is laudable, but it must be built on the cornerstone of a sense of responsibility, otherwise it can turn into cold-bloodedness.

Moreover, the serious consequences of this incident have once again highlighted the importance of national education.

Finally, we must recognize that this incident is in fact a strong call for life education. How precious life is, how can it be easily squandered? In difficult times, heroes are often those who have great righteousness in mind and sacrifice themselves for others; in daily life, we should be all the more cautious in our words and deeds, think of the wise, and constantly improve our own quality and civilization level.

This is not only the literacy that the 18 Fudan students from famous families lack, but also an immortal warning that must be forever engraved in the hearts of every citizen of every era!

In the "Fudan Eighteen Donkeys" incident, the 24-year-old martyr who sacrificed his life rescued 18 ungrateful white-eyed wolves

As students of a world-renowned university, these 18 energetic young people should have had the opportunity to receive more rigorous academic training, shape firm and correct beliefs and values in life, and learn to cherish and appreciate the help and dedication of others.

Looking back at the whole process of the whole situation, not only does their sense of security seem so pale and powerless, but even their attitude towards life-saving benefactors and life itself is full of indifference and disdain, fully exposing their deep flaws in values and ethics.

We deplore the root cause of this and deplore the huge loopholes in the system of excellent human resources cultivated by society as a whole. Although the school has already arranged ideological and political theory courses and military training in the curriculum, it is obvious that these alone are far from meeting the actual needs.

We should start from the details of daily life, start from the cultivation of good behavior habits, and pass on correct values to future generations in a subtle and silent way.

In the "Fudan Eighteen Donkeys" incident, the 24-year-old martyr who sacrificed his life rescued 18 ungrateful white-eyed wolves

As the old saying goes: "Raising children knows the kindness of parents". The heroic sacrifice of Officer Zhang Ninghai, he exchanged his young and precious life for 18 lives, but those who were saved were indifferent to this, which is really chilling.

Such tragedies are not uncommon in real life, but they happen repeatedly. We must not treat it as an isolated incident, but rather draw painful lessons from it.

It is true that young people are enthusiastic and curious, but this does not mean that safety should be taken lightly. In the aftermath, some of the 18 did reflect and admit their mistakes, but the crime was irreparable.

If they had thought carefully from the beginning, they might not have made the regret they have today.

In the "Fudan Eighteen Donkeys" incident, the 24-year-old martyr who sacrificed his life rescued 18 ungrateful white-eyed wolves

Therefore, from an individual point of view, we should always maintain a high level of safety awareness, cherish our own lives, respect the selfless dedication of others, and devote ourselves to building a better future.

Valuing youth and life is the most precious lesson of this tragedy, which deserves to be remembered forever.