
It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true


Jia Ling, a comedy queen who has made countless audiences laugh and cry, was born as a cross talk actor and studied under the famous comedian Feng Gong.

crushed Guo Degang, the leader of Deyun's class, at his peak, because of the recession in the cross talk industry at that time, Jia Ling was forced to enter the field of sketches!

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true

Some professionals said frankly: Jia Ling can get everything she wants in the field of comedy! With such a pertinent answer, why did Jia Ling take the initiative to give up comedy?

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true

From cross talk to director

The bits and pieces on the cross talk stage have forged Jia Ling's basic skills, but what really brought her into the public eye were those hilarious movies and TV series.

From "Hello, Li Huanying" to "Hot and Hot", she not only won billions of box office for two consecutive years during the Spring Festival, but also proved her unique position in the field of comedy with her talent and charm.

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true
It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true

However, behind the laughter of the audience is her constant reflection and challenge of her own role.

Just this year, Jia Ling appeared in front of the public with another face, and she lost a hundred pounds, which surprised many fans.

What is even more surprising is that she decided to withdraw from the field of comedy and began to experiment with more serious film themes.

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true

In the eyes of the industry, this is an extremely bold decision.

In an interview, Jia Ling talked about her next work, called "Blossoming Flowers", in which Jia Ling will challenge a heavy character involving pyramid schemes, which is very different from her previous image.

For Jia Ling, the change of identity may mean a fresh beginning.

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true

In "Flowers of Thought", she is not only an actress, but also deeply involved in the discussion of the script and the production of the film.

This work gave her the opportunity to delve into social issues and show her deep understanding and excavation of acting.

This transformation of the role may allow her fans to see a more real and multi-dimensional Jia Ling.

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true

From a comedian who makes people laugh easily to a filmmaker who reveals social issues, Jia Ling's transformation is not only a test of her acting skills, but also a profound baptism of her acting career.

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true

Wang Jing's prophecy

What is the reason behind Jia Ling's initiative to give up comedy?

This has to mention Director Wang Jing's evaluation of another comedy master, Stephen Chow.

He once pointed out that the reason why Stephen Chow has reduced his appearance in comedies is because it is difficult to face his age and the solidification of his comedy image.

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true

This view may have resonated in Jia Ling's heart.

Today, Jia Ling is a woman in her forties, and she has never stopped raising her standards.

Perhaps, in her opinion, every stage of life should try something new, even if it means giving up what you were best at.

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true

Jia Ling's change, although some comedy fans feel sorry, has also won her more attention and respect.

After all, there are not many artists who can choose to break through themselves at the peak and show different faces.

Her courage and determination show her true pursuit of art, not just resting on her laurels and glory.

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true

The influence of predecessors

When it comes to comedy transformation, we have to see the choices of other predecessors.

Huang Bo, Xu Zheng, Shen Teng and others also have similar changes.

They used to be the benchmark for comedy in the hearts of audiences, but as time went on, they began to experiment with more diverse characters and works.

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true

Their successful transformation provided Jia Ling with a case to learn from, and at the same time gave her the confidence to transform.

This shift from comedy to deeper expression is not only an elevation of personal artistic pursuits, but also an adaptation to the changing tastes of the audience.

While Jia Ling's transition may have brought some uncertainty, her artistic career has been enriched by it.

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true

The audience has great expectations for her new role and new movie, hoping to see a different Jia Ling from the past.

At the same time, it may also attract a new audience who may not be familiar with the comedy Jia Ling, but will be interested in her attempts at new areas.

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true


Jia Ling's story reminds us that even if we have achieved success in the eyes of the public, we still need to keep exploring and challenging ourselves.

Through her example, we see how an artist can renew himself in his career and have the courage to take on new challenges, which is worth learning from everyone.

Over time, Jia Ling's new work will prove that the true value of an artist lies not only in the role they play, but also in how they continue to move forward on the path of art and relentlessly explore.

It's scary to be out of phase, and she took the initiative to give up comedy, what happened to Jia Ling? Director Wang Jing's prediction came true

Disclaimer: The process of the article, the details of the description, and the pictures are all from the Internet, and this article is to advocate positive social energy writing, without vulgarity and other bad guiding behaviors. If it involves copyright or character infringement, please contact the editor in time, and we will delete the work as soon as possible!

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