
The men handed down by the ancients are strong, and those who can't afford to wilt can use them, and they are back to the top!

author:Director Yang Fengxiang
The men handed down by the ancients are strong, and those who can't afford to wilt can use them, and they are back to the top!

My family has practiced medicine for generations, and there are many ancient medical books in my family. Adults usually get together when they are free, and discuss how to use the recipes in the book, and whether they can add or subtract the improvement effect? I have loved Chinese medicine since I was a child, so I will sit next to them and listen to them when they discuss.

Later, I became a Chinese medicine practitioner, and those discussions really helped me a lot. In the ancient book "Jin Kui Yaolu", there is a recipe for supplementing yang and taking yin, which is called Tianxiongsan.

The men handed down by the ancients are strong, and those who can't afford to wilt can use them, and they are back to the top!

Zhang Zhongjing once pointed out that this recipe is composed of Tianxiong, Atractylodes, Guizhi, and Keel, and the usage is to turn the four flavors into a powder, and take it with rice wine, three times a day.

Later, this prescription was recorded in the "Prescription Medicine Examination", which mentioned that Tianxiongsan could be used to treat men's problems of sperm loss and cold pain in the waist and knees. After that, Tenxiongsan was often used to solve andrology problems.

I once saw a patient who said that he often had self-discharge in his dreams, about 3 times a week, and had dizziness, general weakness, backache and weak legs, cold limbs, frequent urination, clear and long urine, light tongue, tooth marks, white and slippery moss, weak pulse and other problems.

The men handed down by the ancients are strong, and those who can't afford to wilt can use them, and they are back to the top!

I subtract Tianxiong, cinnamon branches, keep atractylodes, keel, add aconite, cinnamon, psoralen, raspberry, epimedium and gourd to the patient.

The patient took it for a week and his symptoms lessened. Later, after taking it for 4 months, the symptoms basically disappeared.

The men handed down by the ancients are strong, and those who can't afford to wilt can use them, and they are back to the top!