
Why does the phenomenon of make-up classes continue to be banned? Who is the culprit? The truth was told in the comment section

author:Shijin Akino

The problem of children's make-up classes has become a problem that plagues many families. The phenomenon of make-up classes has existed on the mainland for a long time, and although it has been repeatedly banned, it is still difficult to eradicate it. From the reasons for this, it is not difficult for us to find that parents' cognitive misunderstandings and the mentality of eagerness for quick success are the main culprits of this social cancer.

Why does the phenomenon of make-up classes continue to be banned? Who is the culprit? The truth was told in the comment section

When it comes to make-up classes, many parents react strongly. On the one hand, parents complain that their children's homework is too heavy and there is a lack of rest time, and on the other hand, parents have to pay high prices for tutors or send their children to make-up classes for fear that their children will not be good at learning. It's like falling into a strange circle, where parents know that make-up classes are useless, but they can't get out of this hole.

Why does the phenomenon of make-up classes continue to be banned? Who is the culprit? The truth was told in the comment section

The reason for this is, first of all, that there are misunderstandings in parents' cognition. Many parents believe that learning in school cannot master knowledge, and only make-up classes can make up for the shortcomings. In fact, the school curriculum already covers the basics, which can be mastered by normal learning.

For students with learning difficulties, it is not necessary to increase the study time to solve the problem. Parents should rationally analyze their children's real problems, rather than simply adding to the learning burden.

Why does the phenomenon of make-up classes continue to be banned? Who is the culprit? The truth was told in the comment section

Parents have a mentality of quick success. They want their children to excel academically in order to go on to higher education. For this reason, we do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to let our children participate in various make-up classes. As everyone knows, the quality of grades is not directly related to the make-up time, the key lies in the child's learning method. Parents should not rush to achieve results, but should cultivate their children's interest in learning and develop good study habits.

The social environment also contributes to the craze for remedial classes. The current system focuses too much on test scores, and parents panic in order to fight for better opportunities for their children's higher education. Correspondingly, various tutoring institutions have taken the opportunity to cater to the needs of parents and hype up the effect of tutoring, which has further stimulated the demand for tutoring. It becomes a vicious circle.

Why does the phenomenon of make-up classes continue to be banned? Who is the culprit? The truth was told in the comment section

Many experts point out that excessive make-up lessons are not only unhelpful, but can have a negative impact on children. Increasing the learning burden will squeeze children's interest in learning and affect physical and mental health. Parents should face up to the side effects of make-up classes and analyze the actual needs of their children rationally.

To eradicate the harm of make-up classes, we need the joint efforts of parents, schools and all sectors of society. First of all, parents should change their concepts, do not believe all kinds of supplementary class advertisements, and cannot blindly follow them.

Why does the phenomenon of make-up classes continue to be banned? Who is the culprit? The truth was told in the comment section

Schools should strengthen the construction of normal curricula so that students can master knowledge through school learning. The relevant departments should reduce the excessive dependence on scores by reforming the system of higher education. The whole society should carry forward the true meaning of learning and advocate a scientific and rational educational policy.

The reason why the phenomenon of make-up classes continues to be repeatedly banned is that parents' cognitive misunderstandings and the mentality of quick success and quick profit are a very key factor. This is not only a question of family education, but also a question of the social environment. In order to eliminate this drawback, parents need to be aware of the misunderstanding and change their mentality; Positive values are created in society.

Why does the phenomenon of make-up classes continue to be banned? Who is the culprit? The truth was told in the comment section

Only through the cooperation of parents, schools, and society can the phenomenon of make-up classes be fundamentally solved. We need to create a sunny learning environment for children, so that they can learn happily and grow healthily in school, so that the shadow of make-up classes can really disappear.

There are still many difficulties in achieving this goal. First and foremost is the difficulty of parents' cognitive change. Make-up classes seem to be a quick way to improve children's grades, which has become a kind of dependence for many parents. To truly change this mindset, long-term guidance and education are needed.

Why does the phenomenon of make-up classes continue to be banned? Who is the culprit? The truth was told in the comment section

Limitations of the school's normal teaching and curriculum. The current curriculum is complicated, and the examination requires high mechanical memorization of answers, which is not conducive to students' real mastery of knowledge and ability. Curriculum reform has a long way to go to replace make-up classes through school-based education.

The negative impact of the social environment is difficult to isolate. All kinds of tutoring institutions do not hesitate to spread misleading information for profit, and parents are also susceptible to the influence of external competitive pressure, which requires the establishment of correct educational value orientation and scientific educational concepts in order to fundamentally solve the problem.

Why does the phenomenon of make-up classes continue to be banned? Who is the culprit? The truth was told in the comment section

The root cause of the problem of make-up classes is complex, and it will take concerted efforts from all walks of life to eradicate this stubborn disease. Parents are the starting point, to be calm and not to put extra pressure on their children, schools are the key to improving the quality of school education through teaching reform, and society is the cornerstone to create a sunny environment for education.

Only when the three work together can the shadow of make-up classes really dissipate. In this process, the main role of parents is particularly crucial. A stable and high-quality family education environment can enable children to grow up healthy and happy, and will not be easily tempted by make-up classes.

Why does the phenomenon of make-up classes continue to be banned? Who is the culprit? The truth was told in the comment section

I wish all parents can firmly cultivate their children's ability to learn independently, get out of the fog of supplementary classes, and find a simple and happy way to grow.