
How to use the law of attraction to create the life you want

author:Reading Action

How can we use the Law of Attraction to create the life we want?

Before you want to create, you must first know how the law of attraction is used, first know, and then deliberately practice, in order to create the life you want and what you want through the law of attraction.

So what are the steps in the creation of the Law of Attraction? There are three steps in the creation of the Law of Attraction.

How to use the law of attraction to create the life you want

Step one, place an order with the universe

Tell the universe what you want, for example, whether you want money, a house, a car, or a partner, you first have to let the universe know what you really want in your heart.

One thing you need to pay attention to when placing an order is that what you want must be very specific and not too general. For example, if you want money, you have to tell the universe how much money you want, and you have to say a specific and definite amount.

If you want a car, you have to be specific about what brand of car you want, what color, such as an Audi, or what car, and what color car you want. If you want a house, how square do you want it, where do you want to buy the specific location of the house, and place an order with the universe, the more specific the better, so that the universe knows exactly what you want.

How to use the law of attraction to create the life you want

Step two, believe you already have it

The moment you place an order with the universe, you have to believe that what you want, you already have, you have gotten.

You have to believe 100% to achieve it, if you don't believe it, it won't come true, only what you believe in your heart will come true.

The best way is to pretend, pretend that you are a very rich person, pretend that you have achieved your dreams, this step is really difficult to do, but you still have to deliberately practice believing. Believe in the power of believing, the hardest part is this step, you have to believe that what has not yet been realized has been realized.

Step 3: Receive with joy

You have to imagine that you have achieved your dream, you have to imagine that you are with what you want, you have to imagine what it feels like that you already have, you have to imagine that you are using what you already have.

How to use the law of attraction to create the life you want

The point of doing this step is that you have to have the corresponding feelings to manifest, such as what will feel in your heart when you get what you want, the feeling of happiness, the feeling of joy, the feeling of excitement, you have to express all these sensory feelings.

Because the universe is a sentient universe, when you have a feeling, the universe doesn't know whether the feeling is true or false, the universe can't tell the truth from the false, and when you show that feeling as if you really have that feeling, the universe will mobilize the corresponding people and things to come to you.

These are the three steps of the creation of the Law of Attraction, and if you want to use the Law of Attraction to create the life you want, you must deliberately practice it, and don't feel that it is a chore.

Teacher Zhang Defen said that what you pay attention to will definitely expand and enhance because of the energy you focus. So what you want, pay attention to. Focus on what you want, don't focus on what you don't want, focus on money if you want money, and focus on health if you want health.

Remember, what you want, what you focus, will be magnified. Just like an enlargement mirror, when you focus on a point, that point is infinitely magnified.