
What to do if your EA account is compromised/you can't receive emails Try these tricks

author:Humor cookies MQ

What to do if your EA account is compromised/you can't receive emails Try these tricks

Have you ever encountered this situation: your EA account suddenly disappeared from you, or the email disappeared like a stone in the sea? At this time, you may be so anxious that you can't find a novice player in the north. But don't worry, here are a few earthy solutions to help you solve the problem properly.

What to do if your EA account is compromised/you can't receive emails Try these tricks

What to do if your EA account is compromised/you can't receive emails Try these tricks

The first trick: to give the network environment a "big health care"

If your EA email is like a lost child who can't find his way home, it's likely that the network environment is causing trouble. At this time, you have to call in our online "masseur" - dolphin. Use it to give the EA platform a deep "massage", so that the network environment is comfortable, and the email will naturally appear obediently.

What to do if your EA account is compromised/you can't receive emails Try these tricks
What to do if your EA account is compromised/you can't receive emails Try these tricks
What to do if your EA account is compromised/you can't receive emails Try these tricks

The second trick: find the customer service "big brother" for help

If your EA account is stolen, or the account is locked up in a "little black house", then you have to find a customer service "big brother" to get out of the way. Log in to the EA help website, find the account management location, and see if your account is "in trouble". If you find that there is a ban record, then click the "Appeal" button and talk to the customer service "big brother". Remember to use English so that communication is smooth. Tell them that your account is innocent and that all operations are your own. After the EA reply, follow the instructions to change a strong password, and then log in through Xunyou Accelerator, so that your account will be much safer, and you will not be accidentally injured because of the IP address.

What to do if your EA account is compromised/you can't receive emails Try these tricks

The third trick: look for it in the spam folder

Sometimes, your email may be mistaken by the mailbox system as spam and thrown into the corner of the spam folder. It's like if you go to the supermarket to buy something, and the change is mistakenly dropped into the donation box. So, don't forget to rummage through your spam folder, and maybe your EA email is waiting for you.

What to do if your EA account is compromised/you can't receive emails Try these tricks

Well, that's all there are to solve EA account and email problems. Hope it can help you and make your gaming experience no longer hassle. If you have any other incurable problems, just ask, and we'll take care of it together!