
The school finally responded, there is a new development in the boy and drunk man incident, or is it not far from the truth of the matter?

author:Stars of benevolence

Recently, an incident in which a boy Xiaochao had an argument with three drunks sparked heated discussions on the Internet. The twists and turns of events are always foggy, making people curious about the truth. Under external pressure, the school finally officially responded to the incident, and Xiaochao's father is also going through the bail procedures, which undoubtedly indicates that the situation is developing in a favorable direction, and we may soon be able to unveil the incident.

The school finally responded, there is a new development in the boy and drunk man incident, or is it not far from the truth of the matter?

The school's attitude has made the outside world suffocated

The incident occurred at the gate of a school, where a male student, Xiao Chao, clashed with three drunk men, and then Xiao Chao was criminally detained. But in the face of such a major incident, the leaders of the school have not expressed support for Xiaochao, nor have they given an explanation on the issue of campus security, which is bound to hit the morale of teachers and students, and it is no wonder that the outside world feels suffocated by the attitude of the school.

In fact, as a school, it should first stand on the side of students and take the initiative to fight for the rights and interests of students. The school's cold handling may cause parents and students to worry about their safety responsibilities. In addition, the university should also reflect on the problems of campus security and take measures to strengthen management to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.

The school finally responded, there is a new development in the boy and drunk man incident, or is it not far from the truth of the matter?

However, the university has finally officially responded recently, saying that it will fully cooperate with the relevant investigation, which can be seen as a change of attitude. The school's timely response indicates that it has begun to pay attention to the concerns of all sectors of society, which is a positive sign.

Xiaochao's father is going through bail procedures

According to reports, Xiaochao's father is already going through bail procedures, which indicates that Xiaochao may soon be free. Considering that Xiao Chao is only a high school student, he has already spent two weeks in a detention center, which is undoubtedly a huge torture for a minor. Being able to go home on bail as soon as possible is a great comfort to Xiao Chao.

The school finally responded, there is a new development in the boy and drunk man incident, or is it not far from the truth of the matter?

This also reflects from another side that after a preliminary investigation, the public security organs believe that the crime constituted by Xiao Chao may not be serious and there is no need to continue to detain him, so they agreed to release him on bail pending trial. This undoubtedly indicates that the situation faced by Xiaochao may not be as serious as the outside world speculates.

When Xiaochao returns to school and sees the teachers and classmates who have not spoken up, how will he feel in his heart? I believe that the school and teachers will give Xiaochao warmth and support to help him get out of the shadows and return to normal study and life.

The school finally responded, there is a new development in the boy and drunk man incident, or is it not far from the truth of the matter?

Doubts about the content of the surveillance remain to be clarified

Despite the favorable signs, we are not yet entirely sure of the truth of the incident, as doubts remain about the content of the surveillance. According to Xiaochao's father, the surveillance only recorded the process of the three beating Xiaochao, and did not photograph the cause and effect.

So why did the three suddenly break into the campus? Were they drunk and brutal? Did Xiao Chao clash with her female classmates to protect them? There is still no definite answer to these questions. The identities and motives of the three are also unclear, so why did they flee the scene irresponsibly?

The school finally responded, there is a new development in the boy and drunk man incident, or is it not far from the truth of the matter?
The school finally responded, there is a new development in the boy and drunk man incident, or is it not far from the truth of the matter?

Clearly, the core evidence has yet to be added. We need to conduct further investigation and evidence collection on the surveillance, and listen to more statements from the parties to sort out the front and back of the incident. I believe that with the efforts of all parties, the truth will eventually come out.

The girl's silence may be out of self-preservation

Another suspicion is that it is rumored that Xiaochao had an argument with a drunk man in order to protect a female classmate, but the girl has been silent and refuses to show up. This silence may be motivated by self-preservation, and she may fear being implicated or retaliated.

The school finally responded, there is a new development in the boy and drunk man incident, or is it not far from the truth of the matter?

But we should also understand that righteous and courageous actions deserve attention and praise, and a girl should not deny the truth out of fear, she should have the courage to tell the truth. I believe that under the appeal from all walks of life, girls will choose to stand up and complain for Xiaochao.

It is a just act for the relevant authorities to intervene

It is reported that higher authorities have intervened in the matter, which is a righteous act. The department's involvement is conducive to clarifying the facts of the case and finding out the real culprit. It will urge schools to rectify safety hazards as soon as possible. It will also pay attention to Xiaochao's rights and interests and help him return to normal study and life.

The school finally responded, there is a new development in the boy and drunk man incident, or is it not far from the truth of the matter?

It is foreseeable that with the intervention of the department, the facts of the case will be quickly clarified, those who fail in their duties will be held accountable, and justice will be served. This is not only beneficial to Xiao Chao personally, but also to ensure the safety of the campus and safeguard the interests of teachers and students.

The school finally responded, there is a new development in the boy and drunk man incident, or is it not far from the truth of the matter?

To sum up, with the new development of events, the dawn of truth unveiling has appeared on the horizon. We have reason to hope that, with the efforts of all walks of life, the fog of this incident will soon dissipate and the truth and justice will come to light. At that time, we will re-examine the values of the incident and learn from the lessons to protect campus safety.