
There was almost no before, why is there so much school bullying in primary and secondary schools now?

author:Zhen said Fengyun


Discuss the reasons for the increase in school bullying in primary and secondary schools

In recent years, the phenomenon of bullying in primary and secondary schools has gradually increased, which has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. This phenomenon not only affects the physical and mental health of students, but also destroys the harmonious atmosphere of the campus. So, why is bullying in primary and secondary schools so common? This article will explore many aspects.

There was almost no before, why is there so much school bullying in primary and secondary schools now?

1. Changes in the social environment

With the rapid development of society, people's pace of life is accelerating, and the pressure of competition is increasing. This change in the social environment is also reflected on campus. Students face academic, family, social and other pressures, which may lead some students to develop anxiety, depression and other psychological problems, and then seek psychological balance by bullying others.

Second, the lack of family education

Family is the cradle of children's growth, and family education has a crucial impact on children's character formation and behavioral habits. However, some families pay too much attention to grades and the satisfaction of material conditions when educating their children, and ignore the emotional needs and moral education of their children. The lack of this type of education may lead to a lack of empathy and respect for others, making it easy for children to become perpetrators of school bullying.

There was almost no before, why is there so much school bullying in primary and secondary schools now?

3. Inadequate school management

Schools are places where children learn and grow, and they are also the first line of defense against bullying in schools. However, some schools have deficiencies in campus management, such as insufficient supervision and insufficient attention from teachers to students. These issues can cause some students to feel isolated on campus and thus become victims of bullying.

Fourth, the negative impact of Internet culture

The Internet has become an indispensable part of modern society, and the culture of the Internet has had a profound impact on the thinking and behavior of students. Some online platforms are filled with violent, vulgar and other undesirable content that can mislead students into believing that bullying is a "cool" or "fun" behavior.

There was almost no before, why is there so much school bullying in primary and secondary schools now?

To sum up, there are many reasons for the increase in bullying in primary and secondary schools, including changes in the social environment, lack of family education, insufficient school management and the negative impact of Internet culture. In order to effectively curb the phenomenon of school bullying, we need to start from multiple aspects, strengthen family education, school management and social supervision, and at the same time create a good online cultural environment, and jointly create a safe, harmonious and healthy environment for children to grow up.