
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.

author:Wise Pencil S
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.
I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority.

I don't know until I have a car, and when I drive on the road, remember the seniority. This sentence echoed in Ash's mind, as if it was a revelation of life, giving him a deeper understanding of driving.

Ash is a young man who has just entered society, full of curiosity and yearning for driving. Finally, one day, he got his wish and bought a car of his own and started his driving journey.

However, things are not as simple as Ash imagined. When he first started on the road, he was always cautious for fear of anything going wrong. However, as he gained driving experience, he gradually became more confident and began to let his guard down.

One day, Ash was driving on the highway when suddenly a slow car appeared in front of him. In a hurry, he accelerated to overtake. Just as he was about to overtake the car, he noticed that the car was also accelerating. The two went back and forth and started a fierce chase.

Just then, a police car suddenly appeared in front of them and signaled them to stop. Both Ash and the driver of the car were taken to the police station for questioning.

At the police station, Ash learned that the driver of the car was an experienced veteran driver. He told Ash that when driving on the road, seniority is very important. Although young people have good driving skills, they lack experience and calmness, and are prone to impulsiveness and mistakes. Veteran drivers, on the other hand, have experienced a variety of road conditions and situations and are better able to cope with unexpected situations.

Ash listened to the old driver's words and was deeply touched in his heart. He realized that he still had a lot of shortcomings in driving and needed to be more cautious and humble. Since then, he has been humbly asking veteran drivers for advice and learning from their driving experience and skills.

As time passed, Ash's driving skills became more and more proficient, and he gradually understood the meaning of seniority. In driving, he no longer has blind confidence, but has learned to remain calm and composed. He learned to respect other drivers, obey traffic rules, and stop being easily provocative and risk-taking.

Once, Ash was driving on a city road when he suddenly encountered a pedestrian running a red light. He quickly slowed down and avoided a possible accident. Afterwards, he recalled that experience and couldn't help but feel emotional. He realized that driving on the road is not only respect for himself, but also respect for others. Only by respecting others can you ensure the safety of yourself and others.

Ash's story spread through the circle of friends, and many people were inspired by him. They began to re-examine their driving behaviour and learned to be more cautious and respectful of others. In their minds, driving on the road is no longer just a skill, but also a responsibility and responsibility.

As time passed, Ash's driving skills became more mature, and he also became an "old driver" in the hearts of his friends. Whenever a novice friend asks him for driving skills, he always patiently answers and tells them to remember the importance of seniority.

Ash's story teaches us that driving on the road isn't just a skill, it's an attitude. We need to be humble and cautious, respect others, and obey the rules of the road. Only in this way can we ensure the safety of ourselves and others and enjoy the pleasure of driving.

Finally, let's go back to the revelatory sentence: "You don't know until you have a car, and when you drive on the road, remember the seniority." This sentence is not only a reminder of driving, but also a warning to life. Let us always be humble and respectful on the road of life, live in harmony with others, and create a better world together.