
Nanzheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Care for the health of the elderly and popularize health knowledge

author:Glory Shaanxi Net

In order to further improve the society's attention to the health of the elderly, help the elderly establish a healthy outlook on aging, and enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of the elderly. On April 12, the Nanzheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, together with the District People's Hospital, carried out the activity of "Popularization of Health Knowledge and Free Clinic for the Elderly" at the teaching point of the University for the Elderly in Nanzheng District.

Nanzheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Care for the health of the elderly and popularize health knowledge

During the event, Wang Yuan, director of the vaccination clinic of Nanzheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, gave a lecture on the theme of "The Hazards and Preventive Measures of Common Infectious Diseases in the Elderly" in view of the health characteristics of the elderly and the infectious diseases that the elderly are prone to. The vaccination process and precautions, and answered the consultation of the elderly on health issues on the spot.

Nanzheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Care for the health of the elderly and popularize health knowledge
Nanzheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Care for the health of the elderly and popularize health knowledge

After the lecture, health services such as free clinics and free hepatitis B antibody testing were also carried out for the elderly present, and more than 100 small gifts and promotional color pages were distributed free of charge, so that the elderly could harvest health knowledge in a happy atmosphere and enjoy their old age. (Contributed by Nanzheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

Editor-in-charge: Yang Yang

Edit: Spirited