
The secret realm of health and well-being, self-cultivation and self-cultivation

author:Tianyan News
The secret realm of health and well-being, self-cultivation and self-cultivation

The southwest of Guizhou Province shines in the mysterious life belt of 25 degrees north latitude. Here, the natural conditions of the natural talents and the rich cultural heritage complement each other, and together build a unique health paradise.

Between the greenery of Yuntun Ecological Park, take a deep breath of fresh air and feel the healing power of the forest, run freely against the wind on the bank of the Sancha River in Zhenfeng to release the shackles of body and mind, look up at the starry sky and find the tranquility of the soul in the quiet courtyard of Wanfeng Lin B&B, and enjoy the tranquility of the years on the leisurely trail of "Nagu Heyuan Health Care Town...... Southwest Guizhou, where every inch of land exudes a healing breath, is the best place for the mind and body to recuperate.

The secret realm of health and well-being, self-cultivation and self-cultivation

Guizhou Mellow Scenic Area, Xingyi City. Photo by Hu Yunjiang

Qianxinan Prefecture, blessed with unique natural conditions, actively responds to the call of the central and provincial party committees, seizes the development opportunities of the new era, and plans for the future with a forward-looking vision. Cultural tourism, leisure and vacation, outdoor sports, food and medicine, and health care, these core forms of health care are booming here, forming a unique new pattern of coordinated development of "health care +" multiple formats.

The secret realm of health and well-being, self-cultivation and self-cultivation

Visitors play in the Yuntun Ecological Sports Park in Yilong New District. Photo by Liu Chaofu

The air here, as if magical, transforms the fresh air into "wealth" that promotes development. Southwest Guizhou is not cold in winter or hot in summer, and the annual air quality index rate reaches 100 percent, making it a truly climate-suitable area.

The secret realm of health and well-being, self-cultivation and self-cultivation

A corner of the tea garden in Union Village, Chayuan Street, Pu'an County. Photo by Tang Bo

The "green water" in southwest Guizhou is a gift from nature. With a forest coverage rate of 61.17%, every inch of land here is full of life. Fresh air without smog and high-quality water add infinite vitality to the urban living environment. The average life expectancy of the people living here is higher than the national average, which is enough to prove that southwest Guizhou is a rare health resort in the country.

The secret realm of health and well-being, self-cultivation and self-cultivation

A corner of the Sunshine Valley scenic spot. Photo by Hu Yunjiang

What is even more commendable is that southwest Guizhou also has rich cultural resources. Geological culture, archaeological culture, national culture, "refueling culture", etc., blend and collide here, injecting soul into the continuous improvement of tourism quality and image. These profound cultural heritage not only enrich the connotation of health tourism, but also provide solid support for the development of southwest Guizhou.

The secret realm of health and well-being, self-cultivation and self-cultivation

Chuiheng Wanzhongshan B&B. Photo by Hu Yunjiang

According to the data, by the end of 2023, Qianxinan Prefecture has successfully built 33 health care bases and 10 forest health care pilot bases, of which 3 have won the title of "National Forest Health Care Pilot Base". B&B inns here have also sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, with as many as 218 in the core area of Wanfeng Forest alone, and it is worth mentioning that it is also the only scenic spot in the country that has two Grade A B&Bs at the same time.

The secret realm of health and well-being, self-cultivation and self-cultivation

Xingyi City Fenglin Buyi Scenic Area at night. Photo by Hu Yunjiang

In today's southwest of Guizhou, cultural tourism and health care, leisure and vacation health care, outdoor sports and health care and other forms of business are becoming more and more mature, and continue to bloom with the unique charm of "health and wellness resort, humanistic rejuvenation". It is the perfect place for everyone who is looking for health and relaxation. Come to southwest Guizhou and start your health journey!

Guizhou Daily Tianyan News reporter Tang Bo

Edited by Peng Zhili

Second instance Song Jie

Third Trial: Chen Yanyu