
4-16 At 00:01, due to traffic control, trucks are prohibited at the entrance of the toll station of the S85 Qinbin branch line.

author:Tianjin Expressway


2024-4-16 00:01,

Due to the control of the flow rate,

G0111 Qinbin Expressway Hangu West Toll Station, Qinghe Farm West Toll Station, Huanggang Toll Station, Jiujie Toll Station (Binzhou direction), Jiujie Toll Station (Qinhuangdao direction), Western Xincheng North Toll Station, Western Xincheng South Toll Station, Textile City South Toll Station, Minus Hebei Toll Station, Nangang Toll Station Entrance Restricted Trucks are prohibited.

G0211 Jinshi Expressway Seaview Avenue Toll Station, Dongtaizi Toll Station Entrance Restricted Trucks are prohibited

The entrance of the toll station of the fishing port in the center of S11 Haibin Avenue is restricted, and trucks are prohibited.

The entrance of the toll station of the S85 Qinbin branch line is restricted and trucks are prohibited.

4-16 At 00:01, due to traffic control, trucks are prohibited at the entrance of the toll station of the S85 Qinbin branch line.
4-16 At 00:01, due to traffic control, trucks are prohibited at the entrance of the toll station of the S85 Qinbin branch line.
4-16 At 00:01, due to traffic control, trucks are prohibited at the entrance of the toll station of the S85 Qinbin branch line.
4-16 At 00:01, due to traffic control, trucks are prohibited at the entrance of the toll station of the S85 Qinbin branch line.