
Look, Nansha in the eyes of AI, does it surprise you?

author:Guangzhou Nansha release
Look, Nansha in the eyes of AI, does it surprise you?
Look, Nansha in the eyes of AI, does it surprise you?

The breeze is light, the greenery is full of greenery, and the picturesque Nansha presents a different style in the eyes of AI.

Nansha Free Trade Zone

Look, Nansha in the eyes of AI, does it surprise you?

When you drive to Nansha, you can see the arch landmark of Nansha Free Trade Zone at first sight. The traffic on the road is orderly and orderly, and the lanes are lined with greenery, colorful flowers and lush foliage, adding a touch of color to the busy traffic.

The Nansha Free Trade Zone is not only a highland of economic development, but also a model of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Here, we can enjoy the flowers and enjoy the gifts of nature, and also witness the vigorous development of this land and feel the pulse of the times.

On both sides of the Jiaomen River

Look, Nansha in the eyes of AI, does it surprise you?

On the banks of the Jiaomen River, egrets soar in the blue sky, Metro Line 4 shuttles through, blue double bridges are reflected in the river, and swans frolic in the river, which is beautiful.

Look, Nansha in the eyes of AI, does it surprise you?

People paddle their kayaks as if they are in the lap of nature. Along the way, there are green trees and flowers, and every scenery makes people forget to leave.

The kayaking trip is not only a warm embrace of nature, but also an affectionate confession of the beautiful scenery of Nansha.

The tip of Lingshan Island

Look, Nansha in the eyes of AI, does it surprise you?

The tip of Lingshan Island is an excellent place for camping.

People pitch their tents and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of nature. Surrounded by greenery and fragrant flowers, the occasional seabird flies low in the sky and makes a crisp call. Children are running and playing on the grass, laughing and cheering, feeling the different style of camping on the beach.

The sea water is as blue as jade, sparkling, and the sea breeze blows gently, which makes people feel refreshed.

Huangshan Lu Forest Park

Look, Nansha in the eyes of AI, does it surprise you?

Hiking and climbing the mountain, Huangshan Lu Forest Park is the first choice for people.

Backpackers hike along winding trails to the top. The trees along the way are verdant and green, and the air is filled with a fresh scent, as if you are in a natural oxygen bar. Occasionally stop by the lake, the lake is as calm as a mirror, reflecting the surrounding scenery, which is refreshing.

The breeze blows, bringing the coolness of the lake and the aroma of plants and trees, making people forget the hustle and bustle of the city.

Children's park

Look, Nansha in the eyes of AI, does it surprise you?

In late spring and early summer, when the sun is warm and shining, the children's park becomes a playground for children to enjoy outdoor activities.

In the park, colorful amusement equipment sparkles in the sun, slides, sand dredging pools and other amusement facilities are readily available, so that children have a lot of fun, laughter and laughter, full of innocence and joy. Parents also got involved and enjoyed parent-child time with their children.

Every place is filled with happiness and harmony, showing the beautiful picture of Nansha's vitality and harmonious coexistence.

Tianhou Temple

Look, Nansha in the eyes of AI, does it surprise you?

Nansha Tianhou Temple is a tourist attraction integrating natural beauty, historical culture and cultural customs.

Stepping into this green world, it is like entering a dreamy fairyland, with green trees and flowers. Tianhou Temple carries a profound cultural heritage, and there are many interesting cultural experience activities here, so that people can appreciate the history and culture of Nansha while going out.

In the fantasy world of AI,

Nansha seems to become

A fantastic fairytale kingdom.

Such Nansha,

Is it "amazing" to you?

Invite friends to come together,


Look, Nansha in the eyes of AI, does it surprise you?
Look, Nansha in the eyes of AI, does it surprise you?

Xiao Nan will show you


Let's get on the subway and →

Curators: Li Lizhi, Pan Xiaoting, Shi Jinhan

Text: Pan Xiaoting

AI Mapping: Shi Jinhan, Pan Xiaoting

Editor: Pan Xiaoting

Proofreading: Wu Jiaojiao

First instance: Li Xiatong

Second trial: Qi Huawei

Final review: Ye Pingsheng

Producer: Nansha District Rong Media Center

Submission email: [email protected] (This article was originally published by "Guangzhou Nansha Release", without authorization, any media and public account shall not be reproduced and adapted, welcome to share it with friends.) )