
I don't want to be involved! The US side has said it again and again


On the 14th local time, U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin had a phone call with Israeli Defense Minister Gallant. Austin stressed that the United States does not seek a conflict with Iran, but will continue to take all necessary actions to protect the safety of Israeli and American personnel.

US Secretary of Defense: The United States does not seek conflict with Iran

I don't want to be involved! The US side has said it again and again

According to a statement from the U.S. Department of Defense, Austin briefed Gallant on the U.S. willingness to work with allies to strengthen the international community's resolve to respond to Iran's actions. Austin said that while the United States does not want to see tensions between Israel and Iran escalate, the United States will continue to take all necessary measures to protect the safety of Israeli and American personnel. At the same time, Austin stressed that the United States does not seek a conflict with Iran. According to the US media, Austin's statement shows the determination of the United States to maintain regional stability and the security of its allies, and also reflects the cautious attitude of the United States to avoid direct military involvement.

Senior US official: The United States supports Israel's self-defense, but does not want war to break out

I don't want to be involved! The US side has said it again and again

John Kirby, coordinator of strategic communications at the White House National Security Council, also said in an interview with the US media on the 14th that the United States will continue to support Israel's self-defense actions, but resolutely does not want war to break out.

U.S. official: The U.S. will remain divided on the issue of providing additional funding to Israel

I don't want to be involved! The US side has said it again and again

According to a CNN report on the 14th, U.S. President Joe Biden held a conference call with congressional leaders on the same day to discuss the situation in the Middle East. According to an aide to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, members of Congress are still divided over how to provide additional funding to Israel. According to previous news, Johnson, speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, said that the House of Representatives will try to pass a bill to provide additional aid to Israel this week, but the details have not yet been finalized.

U.S. Secretary of State: The U.S. side will remain vigilant against all threats

I don't want to be involved! The US side has said it again and again

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken had a telephone conversation with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron and German Foreign Minister Baerbock on the 14th to discuss the situation in the Middle East. Blinken reaffirmed the U.S. strong commitment to Israel's security, emphasizing that the U.S. side will remain vigilant against all threats and will take all necessary actions to protect the American people.

Reuters: Biden has made it clear that the US will not intervene in any counter-attack by Israel

I don't want to be involved! The US side has said it again and again

According to the US media, the Biden administration does not want to be drawn into a wider regional conflict. NBC, citing multiple sources, reported that Biden had previously privately said he was concerned about Netanyahu's "attempts to drag the United States further into a wider conflict." According to Reuters, multiple U.S. officials confirmed that Biden had clearly told Netanyahu that the U.S. would not intervene in any Israeli counterattack against Iran.

Expert: The United States is worried about reckless follow-up

After the attack, the United States immediately stated that it would not participate in and oppose Israel's counterattack against Iran, and demanded that Israel inform the United States of the relevant plans before taking any action. How to interpret this subtle statement of the US side? Click on the video to listen to the analysis of Ms. Su Xiaohui, a special commentator on this station

Expert: The United States and Israel have coordinated, but the differences have not eased

Israel did not immediately launch a counterattack against Iran, and the United States played a major role in exerting pressure, and the United States and Israel had serious differences over attacking Rafah, but have the differences between the two sides been eased now? What will be the impact on Israel's next move in Gaza and the ceasefire negotiations that are at a stalemate? Click on the video to listen to the analysis of Ms. Su Xiaohui, a special commentator on this station

Source: CCTV4 "China News"