
Ye Mei: Su Dongpo's "Meg"

author:Harato Academy
Ye Mei: Su Dongpo's "Meg"
Ye Mei: Su Dongpo's "Meg"
Ye Mei: Su Dongpo's "Meg"

Among the poets of the Song Dynasty, the most popular must be Su Shi.

Father Su Xun, that is, the "Su Laoquan" of "Twenty-seven, Beginning to Struggle" mentioned in the "Three Character Classic". Although Su Xun worked hard, he worked very hard and was extraordinary, and the names he gave to his sons were also very unusual. Su Shi's name "Shi" means the handrail in front of the car, and it is indispensable to help the poor and save the needy. Su Shi's unbridled and fresh expansiveness made him a leader in the literary world in the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, and he made amazing achievements in poetry, poetry, prose, calligraphy, and painting. He debuted with a fairy posture, stood proudly in the ups and downs of his life, and even if he moved several times, he was unwilling to bow to the stream, and he was always free and easy, just like his praise for Mei. He mentioned "Meg" for the first time in the term "Fixing the Storm: Red Plum", which elevated Yongmei from the past to taste, style, and pioneering. It's a good night's sleep. Self-pity ice face is not appropriate. Occasionally, small red peach apricot color, idle and elegant, still lonely and thin snow frost. Hugh is idle with the state of things, what's the matter, the wine is slightly dizzy. The poet didn't know that Meg was there, chanting, and looking at the green leaves and green branches. In the first year of Jiayou (1056), Su Xun took the 21-year-old Su Shi and the 19-year-old Su Zhe from the remote West Shu Meizhou, along the river to the east, and entered Beijing in the second year of Jiayou (1057) to participate in the imperial imperial examination. At that time, the chief examiner was Ouyang Xiu, and the junior examiner was Mei Yaochen, a veteran of the poetry world. The title of the policy is "The Theory of Punishment and Loyalty", Su Shi's article is written heroically and freshly, Ouyang Xiu didn't expect that there are such talents in the world, so he guessed that it was made by his disciple Zeng Gong, as the chief examiner, in order to avoid suspicion, he only gave the second article, and later realized that it was from a young man in Sichuan and Shu. Su Shi wrote in the article: "Gao Tao is a soldier and will kill people. Gao Tao said the third killing, and Yao said the third of You. Ou and Mei admired his text, but they didn't know the source of these words. And Su Shi thanked him, that is, he asked Shi with this, but Su Shi replied: Why do you know the source! Ouyang Xiu was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help but applaud Su Shi's heroism and ingenuity, and said privately: "This person can be said to be good at reading and using books, and he will be alone in the world in his writings." Since then, Su Shi has really become famous, and every time there is a new work, it will immediately spread all over Beijing. Su Shi's works in his life are like surging rivers, with more than 2,800 poems and even 4,000 poems, including 42 poems and 6 poems by Yongmei. Su Shi mentioned several times in Yongmei's works: "The poet doesn't know where Meg is", and the reason why the red plum is different from the peach and apricot is that the green branches and green leaves are not there? What he appreciates most is the attitude of life that is poor and self-controlled, which is the fit between the flower and the personality. Most of his Yongmei works were written after he was relegated to Huangzhou, before which his poems were mostly peonies and apricot blossoms, and on the way from the capital to Huangzhou, the plum blossoms in the barren mountains and valleys and the drizzle made him suddenly have a tacit understanding. Since then, every time there is a big ups and downs, the ups and downs of the Huan Sea, the joys and sorrows of glory and decline, I can't help but enter his Yongmei's poems, and the plum blossoms have become his confidant. Su Shi's cursive calligraphy "Plum Blossom Poems", a combination of poems and books: the spring comes to the valley and the water is murmuring, and the plum blossoms and grass are thorny. One night, the east wind blew the stone cracked, and half crossed the mountain with the snow. Who comforts the wine deeply, and opens it from boredom and is even more sorrowful. Fortunately, there are 300 songs of Qingxi, which were sent to Huangzhou without resignation.

is just 56 words, but there is a vast atmosphere. Su Shi is good at calligraphy and regular script, and his penmanship is full of flesh and bones, ups and downs are natural, giving people the artistic beauty of "the air of the sea and waves" and "the shape of the ancient strange stones". Although the first two lines are still "line meaning" is more important than "grass meaning", but the overall cursive interest, from the beginning of the low to the last flying, like a stormy wave from the thousands of mountains and ravines rushed out in an instant, after the sound abruptly stopped in the calm sea, people feel "the palm is excited, there is the heart of the middle stream" shock. When Su Shi was writing this post, Ren pen galloped, and countless dragons seemed to be born at the place where the pen fell, flying into the sky, and there were thousands of strange phenomena in an instant. There is also "Nanxiangzi Plum Blossom Words and Yang Elements":

The cold finches are full of sparse hedges. Fight for Han Ke to see Yurui. Suddenly, I saw a guest come to sit down and fly in shock. Scatter the wine.

Drink and be able to poetry. The guests are drunk without feeling. Spend all the wine and spring to leave. A little sour has already branched.

Su Shi's poem was written when he was appointed as a general judge in Hangzhou, and he had a good relationship with Yang Yuanyuan, who was the governor of Hangzhou at the time, and the two often sang plum together, admired plum blossoms and sang harmony. The wind is cold in the twilight, there is no news about the flowers, only the plum blossoms are embellished with trees, and the flowers are like jade. The cold finch that has survived in the ice and snow for a winter, on the occasion of the plum blossoms, knows that the earth is about to rejuvenate, and has infinite joy. "Fighting for the cold to see the jade fern", vividly depicts the scene of the birds flying on the plum tree, seeing the gap, and then competing to fly on the branches. The predecessors Yongmei, more to give the plum blossoms lonely and cold, Su Shi is not, from the happy flying finches to lead out the plum blossoms, there is the fragrance of birds and flowers, with the warmth of plum blossoms. Suddenly, I saw a guest come to sit down and fly in shock. Scattered Fangying fell into the wine", the finch saw the guest to come to the flower, should have been frightened to fly, but the flower love branch could not bear to leave, even to the flower under the guest on the plum tree was unaware, until sitting down to drink wine, only to see the finch scattered Fangying, impartial just fell in the wine glass, to the plum appreciator added infinite elegance. "Leave, a little sour has been on the branches", from the cold Ke Yurui to the full branches of green plums, one stroke, not directly said plums, only said "a little sour", suddenly felt the tongue with relish. This word does not have a word sticky plum, but when you read it, you will feel that there is no stroke that is not plum, and the magic is boundless. Su Shi's Yongmei poems are self-contained, and their writings are as passionate and vigorous, detached and comfortable, sentimental and thoughtful, both to the inner world and to the external world. Su Shi's character Zizhan, as Huang Tingjian said in "Bazi Zhan's Drunkard Exercise": "The pen is beyond the dust." He also called him in "Badongpo Ink": "The world is wonderful with articles, and the spirit of loyalty runs through the sun and the moon." Brother Su Zhe sighed at him in the "Epitaph of the Deceased Brother Zhan Duanming" written for Su Shi: "He is good at people, if he is afraid of it, if he is afraid of it, if he is not good at reprimanding it, he is afraid of it, and he has the courage to act when he sees righteousness, and he does not care about the harm." Trapped in the world with this number, but never hate. These words are the personality that Su Shi has created in his life, and they are in line with what he said about "Meg". Su Shi washed all the lead and saw the snow muscles, and wanted to fight the true color to grow branches, lonely and elegant, lonely and thin snow and frost, which influenced a large number of literati in the Song Dynasty to sing the aria of plum blossoms, from Meg to personality, each showing its style.

Ye Mei: Su Dongpo's "Meg"

Ye Mei, who has been engaged in literary writing and editing for many years, is now the president of the Chinese Prose Literature Association and the vice president of the China International PEN Center. Many of his works have been translated into English, French, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Arabic, Hindi, Bulgarian, Russian and other languages.

Ye Mei: Su Dongpo's "Meg"
Ye Mei: Su Dongpo's "Meg"
Ye Mei: Su Dongpo's "Meg"