
won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

author:Film Magazine

There are a few such old people.

They are old, but their hearts are not old.

has worked hard to save most of his life's savings, and is stared at by his children......

In order to prevent the children from secretly selling their property, they can only run away from home with their real estate documents......

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

In the face of illness, they are helpless but do not want to burden their children......

On the one hand, he hates the child for not being angry, and on the other hand, he complains about his incompetence......

All of the above are from the recently released Korean movies, with a Douban score of 8.4.

Netizen comments: Raising children to prevent old age is one of the biggest lies in East Asian countries......; When we were born, we had no choice, and it was a kind of happiness to end our lives soberly and dignified.



won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

Grace, an old man with Parkinson's disease.

I often hallucinate under the side effects of long-term medication, and I always see scenes when I was with my mother when I was a child.

Her mother's love for herself made her miss it often when she was over sixty years old.

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

After a short lunch break, Enxin was woken up by the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets, and it was her unruly son who had returned.

My son is the head of a food company, and now because of food safety problems in franchise stores, a lot of negative news has caused his son's company to face an economic crisis.

The son who gnawed on the old man's mouth came to ask for help to wipe his ass whenever there was a stir.

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

Enxin fulfilled her obligations as a mother, but she failed to have the joy of family, and she was worried about her later life when she watched her son repeatedly get into trouble.

So, with a heart, she and her old best friend Jin Shun returned to their childhood hometown together.

After a few decades, I returned to my hometown, and the places I saw were familiar and unfamiliar, my walls were white, my hometown was still that hometown, but I was no longer a young girl.

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

Following Jin Shun back to the old house, the two sat on the bamboo bed in the courtyard and chatted about family life, although they hadn't seen each other for a long time, the tacit understanding between the two was still the same.

The sky came to an end in the comings and goings of the two.

The next day, Enxin followed Jin Shun to catch up with the big set.

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

Although she is already a handful of years, because she has lived in the city for a long time, she feels kind and curious about things in the countryside. Seeing an old man older than herself squatting on the side of the road selling vegetables, she relented and bought a handful.

This scene was seen by Jin Shun, who was also selling vegetables in the market, earning money by himself, and his girlfriend sending money out. Jin Shun was angry, so he left his kindness behind and went home alone.

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

The old girlfriend is awkward, and she can always reconcile in less than a meal. Eun Xin ate soup and rice at the market without care. It was also here that she met a male classmate who had a crush on her when she was a student, Tong Ho.

The young man in white has become an old man with raunchy and gray hair.

Tong Ho looked at his original sweetheart, and now he is also perming the cabbage hairstyle that is popular among aunts. Seeing this, I can't help but sigh, between the world and the world of life, if the white horse passes through the gap, it will be all of a sudden.

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

With the meeting of the three people, the three-person team of the year is now assembled.

They went to the beach together, drank rice wine, and sang, although their bodies were no longer as flexible and light as when they were children, they also had more freedom and refreshment to wash the lead.

The three old people got together to witness the changes of time and each other's youth. They are like bridges, connecting the past and the present, showing how time has left traces on the body.

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

Eun Xin, Kim Soon and Tong Ho all have children, although they are not empty nesters in the traditional sense, but they all have unspeakable loneliness and loneliness in their hearts.

Enxin was worried that her son would take the opportunity to sell the house if he knew that he was sick, so he kept hiding his illness.

Jin Shun seems to be unforgiving, but he is a hard-mouthed and soft-hearted person. Because of lumbar spine problems, I often lie in bed for several hours and cannot move, so I can't control my incontinence.

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

The daughter's family has its own bad things, and the son has become eccentric because of the pressure, but it is conceivable that even if his condition will become more serious in the future, there is still no one to take care of him.

Tong Ho, there is a rice brewery that has been passed down for three generations at home, and the taste of the wine is mellow and cold, and it is deeply loved by the local villagers.

But he also has regrets in his heart, the family winery needs his daughter to inherit, but if he wants to inherit the winery, he will be trapped in this small village, and the father wants his daughter to go to the big city to develop.

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

In addition to this, he also hid the fact that he had brain cancer from his daughter.

They gathered together with their own hearts, and used each other's familiar ways to warm the loneliness in each other's hearts.

Even when people are old, they still have troubles that are difficult to relieve and difficulties that they cannot handle.

Being old is getting old, and life starts to get difficult for them.

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

Many things are unimaginable to onlookers, and the body gradually differs from young people in silence, such as not being able to control the shaking of hands, always raising the voice because they can't hear each other's voice clearly, dropping the food clip halfway, and getting up at night more and more frequently......

When the various parts of the body do not listen to the call, the things that were previously thought to be easy to do are no longer taken for granted.

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

More difficult than that, however, is that they have to accept their biological changes.

Among them, Jin Shun plays an old man who is gradually disabled.

"One person is disabled, the whole family is unbalanced", it is also because of this sentence Jin Shun has the mentality of liberating himself and his children, and he started the last outing in his life with Kindness.

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

The two sisters were dressed up and set out on a country road. Although the steps along the way were faltering, the mountains were full of flowers, the clouds were clear, and Enxin saw the young people who came out to play, and once again thought of his childhood.

Dressed in school clothes, he and Kim Soon wander among the flowers, and the pickaxe, who has a crush on him, follows behind like a fart.

The past is presented in front of us like a marquee, and the clearer the memory of youth, the weaker the old body.

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

According to the latest survey estimates, there are about 160 million "60+ people" living independently, of which the proportion of elderly people over 80 years old living independently has risen the fastest, accounting for half of the current independent residents.

Although most of the elderly living alone have children, due to the influence of living space and survival pressure, many children will still choose to go out for development, so that even if the elderly have difficulty taking care of themselves, it is difficult to get the care of their children.

won the hemp, worthy of being the best Korean movie this year

Aging is not an isolated case, but an eventual destination for everyone.

When you are young and have physical strength, plan for your old age, because it is unknown whether the child will support you or not.

Whether you play a role in life as a worried mother or a father who is a quiet man, please put yourself first, first experience your life bravely and boldly, and live a happy and happy life in your lifetime.

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