
Poisonous, don't approach! If you accidentally eat it, please save yourself like this

author:Red Net

Red Net Moment News reporter Liu Xuan reported from Changsha

Spring comes, the grass grows and the warbler flies, and all kinds of wild plants enter the vigorous growth period.

There are many kinds of wild plants, and many of them contain toxins that can cause damage to the human body, and in severe cases, even life-threatening. For example, some wild mushrooms, wild vegetables, wild herbs, etc. may contain highly toxic substances, if ingested, it will cause poisoning symptoms, such as: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness, dizziness, visual impairment, hallucinations, etc., and in severe cases, breathing difficulties, coma, and even death!

Recently, there have been poisoning deaths from eating poisonous wild plants in some areas of Hunan. The Office of the Provincial Food Safety Commission reminds the general public: Don't pick! Do not eat poisonous wild animals and plants, and beware of poisoning by mistake.

Common poisonous wild plants

Wild poisonous mushrooms: more than 1,000 species of toadstools are known in the world and more than 430 species are known in the mainland. The common poisonous mushroom species in Hunan include Amanita grosis (highly poisonous), Amanita schizophylla, and red mushroom.

The main clinical manifestations of ingestion of poisonous mushrooms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness, dizziness, visual impairment, hallucinations, etc., and in severe cases, dyspnea, coma, and even death!

Poisonous, don't approach! If you accidentally eat it, please save yourself like this

The most poisonous mushroom.

Hook kiss (commonly known as "broken intestine grass"): The main symptom after poisoning is respiratory paralysis, with difficulty breathing in mild cases and death from respiratory arrest in severe cases.

The flowers of the hook are easily confused with honeysuckle, and its rhizome is easily confused with the five-fingered peach.

Poisonous, don't approach! If you accidentally eat it, please save yourself like this
Poisonous, don't approach! If you accidentally eat it, please save yourself like this

Hook snout (commonly known as "broken intestine grass").

Aconitum poisoning: Aconitum is a plant of the family Trichophyllaceae, including Chuanwu, Caowu, Aconite, Epiphyllum and Artemisia sinensis, etc., and its main component is Aconitine, which is a highly toxic diester alkaloid.

Oral administration of pure aconitine 0.2mg can be poisonous, 3-5mg can be fatal, and it is difficult to destroy its toxicity by ordinary processing methods such as stewing and soaking!

Main symptoms: numbness of the mouth, tongue and limbs, feeling of tightness throughout the body, etc., excitating the vagus nerve, damaging the peripheral nerves, and in severe cases, death due to arrhythmia and respiratory depression.

Poisonous, don't approach! If you accidentally eat it, please save yourself like this


Mandala: It is often found in wasteland, dry land, next to houses, sunny slopes, forest edges, and grasslands.

The whole grass of mandala is poisonous, especially the fruit, especially the seeds, is the most toxic, followed by the young leaves, and the dried leaves are less toxic than the fresh leaves.

Mandala poisoning, generally half an hour after eating, the fastest 20 minutes to appear symptoms, no more than 3 hours at the latest, the symptoms mostly disappear within 24 hours or basically disappear, severe cases after 24 hours into dizziness, spasms, cyanosis, and finally faint death.

Poisonous, don't approach! If you accidentally eat it, please save yourself like this

Datura stramonium.

Oleander: It is cultivated in all provinces and regions of China, especially in southern China, and is often cultivated in parks, scenic spots, roads, rivers and lakes. The flowers are large, showy, and have a long flowering period, and are often used for ornamentation.

It is extremely toxic and can be fatal to humans and animals if eaten by mistake. Main symptoms: Mild cases may have digestive symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, and severe cases may have convulsions, coma, respiratory failure and other serious consequences.

Poisonous, don't approach! If you accidentally eat it, please save yourself like this


Lily of the valley: also known as Junying grass, valley lily, bellflower, is the only species in the genus Lily of the Valley.

Sweet in taste, poisonous, poisonous in various parts of it, especially the leaves, and even the water in which the flowers are preserved can be poisonous.

Facial flushing, nervousness and irritability, headache, hallucinations, erythema, dilated pupils, vomiting, stomach pain, nausea, slowed heartbeat, heart failure, coma, death.

Poisonous, don't approach! If you accidentally eat it, please save yourself like this

Lily of the valley.

Portion vegetables:

Poisonous, don't approach! If you accidentally eat it, please save yourself like this

Wolf poison weed.

Poisonous, don't approach! If you accidentally eat it, please save yourself like this


Poisonous, don't approach! If you accidentally eat it, please save yourself like this

Ear ears.

Poisonous, don't approach! If you accidentally eat it, please save yourself like this

Husband silver.

Poisonous, don't approach! If you accidentally eat it, please save yourself like this

Poisonous seri.

How to save yourself by accidentally ingesting poisonous wild plants?

Induce vomiting as soon as possible while the poisoned person is conscious. Vomiting can be caused by picking at the throat with fingers or pressing the base of the tongue with an instrument, which can be repeated many times, and the food in the stomach can be vomited out as much as possible to reduce the absorption of toxins.

Immediately after poisoning, go to a regular hospital for treatment, and if the situation is critical, call the 120 emergency number in time.

Bring fresh wild mushrooms or leftover mushrooms and wild plants to the doctor as much as possible in case of identification of the type of poisoning, determination of effective treatment measures and judgment of prognosis.

Precautionary measures

To prevent poisoning of wild plants, we must achieve the "three nos", that is, do not pick, do not buy, sell, and do not eat.