
Men don't think it's okay to do whatever they want with an open woman

author:Indifferent leaves
Men don't think it's okay to do whatever they want with an open woman

In this complex society, everyone has their own way of life and choices. However, some people mistakenly think that they can do whatever they want to others, especially those who are open to women. This is a story full of pain and lessons, and let's explore the truth and deeper meaning of it.

Men don't think it's okay to do whatever they want with an open woman

The protagonist of the story is a man named Li Ming, who is a handsome and personable man who is popular with women. However, there is a dark side hidden inside him, and he believes that open women are objects that can be used at will.

Men don't think it's okay to do whatever they want with an open woman

Li Ming frequented various places and met many open women. With his appearance and speech, he easily attracted their attention. He loved to associate with these women, but he never took any of them seriously.

Men don't think it's okay to do whatever they want with an open woman

One day, Li Ming meets a girl named Xiaomei, who is an open and independent woman who often travels alone and enjoys the pleasures of life. Li Ming is attracted to Xiaomei's beauty and independence, and he feels that he has found an object that he can play with at will.

Men don't think it's okay to do whatever they want with an open woman

So, Li Ming began to pursue Xiaomei, and he approached her in various ways to get her favor. Xiaomei is not exclusive to Li Ming's pursuit, she feels that Li Ming is an interesting and charming man, and is willing to establish a relationship with him.

Men don't think it's okay to do whatever they want with an open woman

However, as time passed, Li Ming gradually revealed his true colors. He doesn't really like Xiaomei, but wants to possess her and satisfy his selfish desires. He begins to put pressure on Mei to do things she doesn't want to do, and even threatens to leave her.

Men don't think it's okay to do whatever they want with an open woman

Xiaomei felt very sad and disappointed, she thought that Li Ming was a person who really liked her, but she never thought that he just wanted to take advantage of herself. She felt cheated and lost faith in love and men.

Men don't think it's okay to do whatever they want with an open woman

However, Xiaomei did not choose to sink and despair, she bravely left Li Ming and started her life again. She understands a truth, that is, men should not think that they can do whatever they want with open women, and everyone should be respected and cherished.

Men don't think it's okay to do whatever they want with an open woman

This story teaches us that love is not a game, nor is it a possession. Everyone should be respected and understood, not used and harmed. Men don't think it's okay to do whatever they want with open women, everyone has their own bottom line and dignity and should be respected and protected.