
The man was poor and looked down upon by his wife's in-laws, but he saved the white fox while hunting

author:Eyes full of hello to you

The man was looked down upon for poverty, but he saved the white fox while hunting

In the remote northeastern border town, there lives an ordinary hunter named Li Ergou. Li Ergou's family is poor, but his hunting skills are famous far and wide. However, his life was not satisfactory, especially his wife Zhang and his in-laws, who looked down on him because of his poverty and often sneered at him.

"Ergou, look at other people's men, which one hasn't built a new house and bought a new land?" his wife Zhang often counted him like this.

Li Ergou always bowed his head and was silent, he knew that his family background was indeed inferior, but he had no choice but to endure these cold words silently.

On this day, as soon as the sky was bright, Li Ergou picked up his shotgun and led the hunting dog Rhubarb into the vast snowfield. He hoped to hunt some valuable prey in exchange for some silver taels to subsidize his family.

It was cold and windy on the snowfield, but Li Ergou had long been used to it. He and Rhubarb searched the snow for signs of their prey. Suddenly, Rhubarb's ears pricked up, apparently discovering something. Li Ergou followed Rhubarb's gaze and saw a snow-white fox staring at them.

Li Ergou quietly raised his shotgun, but he suddenly found that the white fox's eyes revealed an indescribable sorrow and begging. His heart moved, and he lowered his shotgun.

"Rhubarb, stop chasing. Li Ergou said softly.

Rhubarb seemed to understand his master's words and sat down obediently.

The white fox seemed to sense Li Ergou's kindness and walked over slowly.

The man was poor and looked down upon by his wife's in-laws, but he saved the white fox while hunting

"You...... Are you alright?" asked Li Ergou tentatively.

The white fox seemed to understand human speech, and it nodded slightly, and then suddenly said, "Thank you, hunter." ”

Li Ergou was stunned, he had never met an animal that could speak. But he quickly calmed down and asked curiously, "You...... How can you speak?"

The white fox sighed and began to tell its story.

It turns out that this white fox is not an ordinary fox, but comes from a distant and mysterious group. They originally lived deep in the mountains, and the water from human wells did not interfere with the water of the river. But in recent years, as humans continue to expand, their habitat has gradually decreased, and many members of the group have been hunted or lost their homes.

"We could have changed into human form and lived in human society, but that would have been too dangerous. "So we can only choose to survive in the deep mountains and old forests." ”

Li Ergou was deeply sympathetic after hearing this, and he promised not to harm the white fox and would do his best to protect this forest.

The white fox was very grateful and told Li Ergou a secret about their race: deep in this forest, there is a hidden gem called "Spirit Fox Tears", which is said to bring good luck and wealth.

"Would you like to help me find this gem?" the white fox looked at Li Ergou expectantly.

Li Ergou nodded, he decided to help the poor white fox. So, one person and one fox embarked on a journey to find the "tears of the spirit fox".

The man was poor and looked down upon by his wife's in-laws, but he saved the white fox while hunting

They made their way through dense forests, across rugged valleys, and finally came to a mysterious cave. The entrance to the cave is obscured by dense vines, and it is difficult to spot a cave unless you look closely.

"This is it. The white fox pointed to the cave and said, "The 'Spirit Fox's Tears' are inside. ”

Li Ergou nodded, carefully brushed aside the vines, and led the white fox into the cave. The cave was dark and damp, with only the occasional sound of water droplets and bats flying to break the silence. They walked along the winding passage, and after an unknown time, a faint light suddenly appeared in front of them.

As they walked out of the passage, their eyes suddenly opened up. They were in the middle of a huge cave with countless crystal-clear stalactites on the top, and in the center of the cave, a jewel with a sparkling rainbow of light lay quietly on a stone platform.

"That's the 'Spirit Fox's Tears'. The white fox said excitedly.

Li Ergou stepped forward to take a closer look at this gem, only to see that it was constantly flashing with colorful light, as if it had mysterious power. He carefully picked up the gem and handed it to the white fox.

"Thank you, hunter. The white fox said gratefully, "This gem means a lot to our people. In return, I can tell you a secret about your humanity. ”

Li Ergou leaned in curiously, only to see the white fox gently open his mouth and spit out a golden bead.

"This is the 'pearl of wisdom'. "It contains endless wisdom and power, as long as you use your heart, it will guide you to find your wealth and happiness." ”

Li Ergou took the golden beads, only to feel heavy in his hands. He bowed deeply to the white fox, then turned and left the cave.

The man was poor and looked down upon by his wife's in-laws, but he saved the white fox while hunting

On the way home, Li Ergou kept thinking about what the white fox said. His heart was full of expectations and doubts, not knowing what kind of changes this "pearl of wisdom" would bring to him.

After returning home, Li Ergou carefully hid the "Pearl of Wisdom" in a secret place. He began to follow the white fox's instructions to sense the power of the bead. Gradually, he discovered that he was able to see many details and opportunities that he hadn't noticed before.

He began to use these insights to do some small business and investments, and soon made a lot of silver taels. His wife and in-laws began to look at him with admiration, and even began to take the initiative to communicate with him about business matters.

However, Li Ergou was not complacent because of this. He knew that all this was brought about by the "pearl of wisdom". He began to think about how to use this power for a bigger cause, to help more people.

As time passed, Li Ergou's fame grew. Not only has he achieved great success in business, but he has also been actively involved in philanthropic causes, helping many needy families and children.

However, just when his career was in full swing, he suddenly received mysterious news: the white fox's population was in crisis, and their habitat was about to be developed into a tourist area by humans.

Li Ergou's heart tightened, and he immediately remembered the poor white fox and the mysterious "Spirit Fox Tears". He decided to put down everything he was doing and go to the forest to help the White Fox Clan.

After some twists and turns, Li Ergou finally found the habitat of the white fox group. He saw a flock of panicked foxes, who were clearly helpless and terrified of the impending disaster.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to help you. Li Ergou said loudly.

Using his influence and resources, he began to negotiate with local governments and developers. He explained to them the importance of protecting the forest and these rare animals. After much effort, the government finally decided to suspend the development plan and set up a nature reserve to protect the forest and its animals.

The man was poor and looked down upon by his wife's in-laws, but he saved the white fox while hunting

The white fox group survived, and their gratitude to Li Ergou was beyond words. The white fox who had met Li Ergou came to thank him in person.

"Thank you, hunter. "You not only saved our entire race, but also showed us the kindness and bravery of humanity." ”

Li Ergou smiled modestly, and he said, "Actually, it should be me who thank you." It was that 'pearl of wisdom' that allowed me to find my own value and direction. ”

Since then, Li Ergou and the White Fox Clan have become best friends. Together, they guard this mysterious forest, but also guard the friendship and trust between each other. And the story of Li Ergou has also been passed down as a good story in the town, becoming a folk legend full of suspense and mystery.

As the friendship between Li Ergou and the white fox group deepened, he often visited the forest and spent time with the white foxes. The white foxes are also happy to share with him the secrets of the forest, as well as their unique wisdom and insight.

One day, Li Ergou was strolling in the forest, when suddenly, a white fox came running in a hurry, holding a stone with a faint light in his mouth.

"Li Ergou, look at this. The white fox carefully placed the stone in his hand.

Li Ergou carefully looked at this stone and saw that its surface was rough, but the inside seemed to contain great power.

"What is this?" he asked curiously.

"This is the 'Stone of Strength' that our race has passed down from generation to generation. "It is said to grant the wielder extraordinary powers, but we don't know exactly how to use it. We feel that you may be the one who can unlock its secrets. ”

The man was poor and looked down upon by his wife's in-laws, but he saved the white fox while hunting

Li Ergou was very surprised, and at the same time full of anticipation. He decided to delve into this mysterious stone to see if he could unearth its hidden powers.

After returning home, Li Ergou began to devote himself to the study of the "Stone of Strength". He consulted a large number of ancient books and materials, and even consulted some well-known sorcerers and wise men. After a period of hard work, he finally discovered the mystery of this stone.

It turns out that the "Power Stone" does not directly give power to the holder, but stimulates potential abilities by resonating with the holder's spirit. Li Ergou established a connection with the "Stone of Power" according to the method in ancient books. He felt a powerful surge of energy rush into his body, as if he was one with the whole world.

After gaining the power, Li Ergou did not abuse this power, but used it more cautiously. He used this power to help many people in need and solve many difficult problems. His fame grew, and people began to call him the "Hunter of Divine Power", and the admiration for him continued like a surging river.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, an evil warlock learns that Li Ergou has the "Stone of Strength", and he tries to snatch this mysterious stone in order to increase his power. The warlock sent his men to attack Li Ergou in an attempt to seize the gem in his hand.

In the face of the sudden attack, Li Ergou did not panic. He calmly responds to enemy attacks while fighting back with the power bestowed upon him by the Power Stone. After a fierce battle, Li Ergou successfully repelled the enemy and protected the "Stone of Strength".

But Li Ergou knows that this is just the beginning. The evil warlock will not rest on his laurels, and he must be well prepared for greater challenges.

In order to protect the safety of himself and the White Fox Clan, Li Ergou began to strengthen his cultivation and preparation. He consulted more wise men and masters to learn more advanced martial arts and spells. At the same time, he also maintained close contact with the white fox group to discuss countermeasures.

Soon after, the evil warlock attacked again. This time, he personally stepped out and led his more powerful men to snatch the "Power Stone". In the face of a strong enemy, Li Ergou did not flinch. He bravely rose to the occasion and engaged in a thrilling duel with the warlock.

In the duel, Li Ergou made full use of the power of the "Power Stone" and his own martial arts. He is a bolt of lightning that moves freely across the battlefield, constantly attacking the Warlock's weak points. And the Warlock is no slouch, he uses strange spells and powerful weapons to fight back. The two of you come and go, and the fight is inseparable.

The man was poor and looked down upon by his wife's in-laws, but he saved the white fox while hunting

However, good will triumph over evil. With the tenacious struggle of Li Ergou and the help of the White Fox Clan, he successfully defeated the evil warlock and guarded the "Stone of Strength" and the peace of the forest.

After the Warlock was defeated, the town regained its tranquility. People's admiration for Li Ergou has deepened, and they have come to thank and congratulate them. However, Li Ergou modestly said that all this is the credit of everyone, and it is the result of the joint efforts of him and the White Fox Clan.

Since then, Li Ergou and the White Fox clan have become the guardians of the town. They are always on the lookout for external threats and protect the peace and harmony of the land. The "Stone of Strength" has also become a symbol of their friendship and courage, witnessing the adventures and challenges they have experienced together.

The story of Li Ergou has been circulating in the town for a long, long time. His bravery, wisdom and kindness became a role model and example in the hearts of the people. And his friendship with the White Fox Clan has crossed races and boundaries and has become an eternal legend. When night falls, children gather around the old man and listen to this suspenseful, mysterious, and heartwarming story......

As the years passed, Li Ergou gradually grew old. But he still retains that brave and kind heart. He passed on the secret of the "Stone of Strength" to his trusted juniors, and told them to cherish this power and use it to protect their homes and the weak.

On the day of Li Ergou's death, the whole town fell into mourning. A solemn funeral was held in his honor and gratitude to him. And the white foxes who had fought alongside him also came to see him off, and they silently waited in front of the tomb, as if telling of eternal friendship and loyalty.

Li Ergou's story did not end because of his death, but became more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. His legendary experience, deep friendship with the white fox, and his dedication to protecting his homeland have become eternal memories in people's hearts. Whenever his name is mentioned, people show admiration and emotion......