
Troublesome children in the spicy strip world: Weilong spicy strips, why are you becoming more and more spicy and unreliable?

author:Pineapple said

Weilong spicy strips don't taste good

Weilong spicy noodles used to be the "first brother" in the spicy noodles industry, but now some consumers feel that its taste is becoming less and less good. Everyone complained one after another,

Troublesome children in the spicy strip world: Weilong spicy strips, why are you becoming more and more spicy and unreliable?

Eating Weilong spicy strips is like nibbling chili peppers, and the hot and spicy taste is simply breathless. Some netizens ridiculed: "Weilong spicy strips, eating a pack is like being punished in hell, who is still in the mood to enjoy snack time!" It can be seen that the taste problem of Weilong spicy strips has become a "fragrant dumpling" that makes people can't help laughing.

Troublesome children in the spicy strip world: Weilong spicy strips, why are you becoming more and more spicy and unreliable?

The price of Weilong spicy strips is getting more and more expensive

In addition to the taste problem, the price of Weilong spicy strips is also worrying. Some consumers lamented that the price of Weilong spicy noodles is getting more and more expensive, and sometimes the price of a pack of spicy noodles can buy a light meal. This made many netizens ridicule: "At the price of Weilong spicy noodles, it is better to have a big meal, at least it will not be so spicy that it will burp!" It can be seen that the "sky-high price" of Weilong spicy noodles makes people worry about "poor snacks".


Weilong spicy strips have forgotten the pro-people route

Some netizens pointed out that Weilong Spicy Strip seems to have forgotten the original pro-people route. The Weilong spicy strips, which used to be cheap and delicious, now seem to have changed their personality and become not only expensive but also unpalatable.

Troublesome children in the spicy strip world: Weilong spicy strips, why are you becoming more and more spicy and unreliable?

A netizen joked: "Does Weilong Spicy Tiao feel that he has a 'lipstick effect', so he has started to increase the price?"

It can be seen that Weilong Spicy Strip ignores the needs of consumers and pursues the high-end route instead, which makes people a little confused.

There are better and cheaper options for spicy strips on the market

While Weilong Spicy Noodles has forgotten the people-friendly route, more delicious and cheap spicy noodles have emerged in the market.


Some consumers have found that other brands of spicy noodles are not only more affordable to the people, but also have a better taste, and they can't stop eating at all.

Troublesome children in the spicy strip world: Weilong spicy strips, why are you becoming more and more spicy and unreliable?

A netizen joked: "The gap between Weilong spicy noodles and other spicy noodles is like the gap between beef noodles and instant noodles, which is simply not the same!" It can be seen that Weilong spicy noodles are facing challenges from other brands in the competition in tasting.

Troublesome children in the spicy strip world: Weilong spicy strips, why are you becoming more and more spicy and unreliable?

Weilong spicy strips may be eliminated from the market

Considering that the taste is not good, the price is getting more and more expensive, and the competitors who are more delicious and cheaper in the market, it is very likely that Weilong spicy strips will be eliminated from the market.

Some netizens said that since there are more options, they would rather give up Weilong spicy noodles and choose other spicy noodles brands that are more palatable and accessible to the people.