
More than 63 million users have been "deceived"! The People's Daily urgently stopped the angry criticism, see if you are among them

author:Yoko 娱乐


Mobile Corporation, a once glorious communications giant, has suffered an unprecedented loss of subscribers in recent years. This phenomenon has not only aroused widespread concern in the industry, but also made people wonder what is wrong with mobile companies, and why would users choose to leave the brand they once trusted.

More than 63 million users have been "deceived"! The People's Daily urgently stopped the angry criticism, see if you are among them


1. The number of mobile company users has decreased sharply: the giant is no longer in the limelight?

Looking back, mobile companies have won the hearts of a large number of users with their strong network coverage and quality services. However, over time, users' needs for communication services are also changing. They are no longer satisfied with basic calling and texting functions, but pay more attention to aspects such as network speed, cost-effectiveness of plans, and quality of service. And mobile companies don't seem to have kept up with this change in time, causing users to start losing confidence in it.

More than 63 million users have been "deceived"! The People's Daily urgently stopped the angry criticism, see if you are among them

In fact, the decline in the number of mobile subscribers did not happen overnight. From the initial signs of user loss to today's serious situation, there have been many stages in between. Each of these phases exposes operational and management issues for mobile companies. These problems eventually led to the loss of users and the loss of mobile companies.

More than 63 million users have been "deceived"! The People's Daily urgently stopped the angry criticism, see if you are among them

2. Revealing the "routines" of mobile companies: when will communication fraud stop?

Behind the loss of mobile company users, there are shocking "routines" hidden. These routines not only damage the interests of users, but also seriously damage the image of the communications industry.

More than 63 million users have been "deceived"! The People's Daily urgently stopped the angry criticism, see if you are among them

One of the most criticized is the problem of communication fraud. In order to pursue higher profits, mobile companies do not hesitate to launch some fancy packages to attract users to buy. However, these packages often hide various pitfalls and strings attached. Once a user buys, they find themselves trapped in an endless "trap".

More than 63 million users have been "deceived"! The People's Daily urgently stopped the angry criticism, see if you are among them

For example, mobile companies often adjust the price of their plans, and users don't know in time. By the time it is discovered, it has often caused a lot of damage. In addition, mobile companies will also set up some seemingly attractive "perks", such as unlimited data, free broadband, etc., but these perks are often just bait, and users will find various restrictions and additional conditions along the way.

More than 63 million users have been "deceived"! The People's Daily urgently stopped the angry criticism, see if you are among them

These communications scams not only leave users angry and disappointed, but also undermine their trust in mobile companies. In this context, it is inevitable that users will choose to leave mobile companies.

3. The user's package selection becomes a "trap": the mobile company's "circle money" behavior has caused public anger

In the operation of mobile companies, the choice of user plan becomes a "trap". This trap may seem simple, but it is actually unfathomable, allowing users to fall into it unknowingly.

More than 63 million users have been "deceived"! The People's Daily urgently stopped the angry criticism, see if you are among them

When users want to choose a suitable plan, mobile companies do not provide users with clear and transparent information, but instead use various means to induce users to choose a more expensive plan. For example, when a user asks for a package, the customer service staff of a mobile company often recommends some expensive plans with a lot of features, and does not say anything about the more cost-effective package.

More than 63 million users have been "deceived"! The People's Daily urgently stopped the angry criticism, see if you are among them

In addition, mobile companies put various barriers and restrictions on the user's selection of a plan. For example, for certain promotions or benefits, mobile companies often set some harsh conditions or restrictions, making it difficult for users to actually enjoy the discount. These actions not only make users feel unhappy and angry, but also make them question the integrity of mobile companies.

This kind of "circle money" behavior of mobile companies not only damages the interests of users, but also damages the image of the entire communications industry. In this context, it has become an inevitable choice for users to choose to leave mobile companies.

Fourth, the People's Daily angrily criticized the mobile company: what is the responsibility of the enterprise?

In the face of various problems of mobile companies, authoritative media such as the People's Daily have spoken out and severely criticized the behavior of mobile companies. The People's Daily directly pointed out on its media account that the mobile company's behavior of playing tricks and exposing but not admitting it not only violates business ethics, but also violates the bottom line of the law.

More than 63 million users have been "deceived"! The People's Daily urgently stopped the angry criticism, see if you are among them

The criticism of the People's Daily has aroused widespread concern and discussion in society. People have begun to reflect on whether enterprises should assume corresponding social responsibilities while pursuing profits, and should enterprises respect the rights and needs of users, rather than blindly pursuing profit maximization?

In fact, corporate social responsibility is not only a moral requirement, but also a legal obligation. Enterprises should comply with relevant laws and regulations, respect the rights and needs of users, and maintain fair competition in the market. And the problems that mobile companies have in the process of operating clearly violate these basic principles.

More than 63 million users have been "deceived"! The People's Daily urgently stopped the angry criticism, see if you are among them

Therefore, the criticism of the People's Daily is not only a warning to mobile companies, but also to the entire communications industry. Enterprises should take user feedback and complaints seriously, and improve their products and services in a timely manner to win the trust and support of users.

5. The bond of trust between users and enterprises: Can mobile companies regain the hearts and minds of the people?

Behind the loss of mobile subscribers is a breakdown of trust between users and businesses. This breakdown of trust has not only cost mobile companies a large number of users, but also severely damaged their brand image.

More than 63 million users have been "deceived"! The People's Daily urgently stopped the angry criticism, see if you are among them

It's not easy for mobile companies to regain the trust of their users. First of all, mobile companies need to face up to their own problems and shortcomings, have the courage to admit mistakes and actively improve. Only in this way can users see the sincerity and determination of the enterprise.

Second, mobile companies need to improve communication and interaction with users. By establishing effective communication channels and feedback mechanisms, we can understand the needs and feedback of users in a timely manner to provide users with better products and services. At the same time, mobile companies can also enhance their social image and influence by carrying out some public welfare activities and social responsibility projects.

More than 63 million users have been "deceived"! The People's Daily urgently stopped the angry criticism, see if you are among them

Finally, mobile companies need to focus on user experience and quality of service. Only by providing high-quality services and experiences can users truly feel the value of the enterprise. Mobile companies can improve user experience and satisfaction by optimizing network coverage, improving service quality, and reducing tariffs.

In short, if mobile companies want to regain the trust and support of users, they need to make comprehensive improvements and enhancements from multiple aspects. Only in this way can the bond of trust between enterprises and users be repaired and rebuilt.

More than 63 million users have been "deceived"! The People's Daily urgently stopped the angry criticism, see if you are among them


The phenomenon of user churn in mobile companies is not only a problem for one enterprise, but also a topic that needs to be pondered by the entire communications industry. In the fierce market competition, if enterprises want to be invincible, they must always adhere to the principle of user-centricity and continuously improve the quality of products and services. At the same time, enterprises should also assume corresponding social responsibilities and respect the rights and needs of users. Only in this way can we win the trust and support of users and realize the sustainable development of enterprises.