
The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

author:Brother Gang said sports

For a talented interior player who is seen as the future of the Chinese men's basketball team, Yang Hansen's performance this season has undoubtedly been disappointing. In the CBA playoffs, his performance was far below expectations, and even made people feel a little dazed. So, why is this highly anticipated "basketball genius" so lost at a critical moment, and how can he overcome the current bottleneck and rush to a higher stage?

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

As a rookie in the CBA, Yang Hansen performed well in the regular season, winning several individual awards such as Best Rookie and Best Defensive Player for his excellent interior control and defensive intensity. This undoubtedly makes people look forward to his performance in the playoffs.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

However, in the life-and-death battle in the first round of the playoffs, Yang Hansen's performance was a big surprise. In the two games against Guangzhou, the "basketball genius" averaged only 8 points and 11 rebounds per game, and his performance fell far short of fans' expectations. His shooting percentage was outrageously low, and he also missed three-pointers and free throws, which was a bit unbelievable.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

The reason for this may be that Yang Hansen is unable to fully exert his strength in the face of stronger opponents. In the regular season, he could dominate the rhythm of the court with his height advantage and excellent defensive ability, but in the playoffs, his weaknesses were exposed against a more complete and more tactically refined Guangzhou team.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to a fledgling rookie. From the first half of the regular season to the playoffs, he seems to have fallen into a state of "confusion" from which he could not extricate himself.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

In the regular season, Yang Hansen went all the way, winning important awards such as Best Newcomer and Best Defensive Player, which is enough to prove his unique position in the CBA league. He not only stood in the main position of the team with his excellent interior control and defensive intensity, but also became a "basketball idol" in the eyes of fans to some extent.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

However, when he suffered Waterloo in the first round of the playoffs, this "icon" image was shattered. He was unable to perform as expected in key moments, but instead exposed his shortcomings in some basic skills, which made people wonder if he was really ready to make a splash in the NBA.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow for a young player who is just starting to make a difference. In such a slump, he not only needs to re-examine his strength, but also face doubts and pressure from the outside world.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

At the critical moment, Yang Hansen's heart must be full of confusion and anxiety. He may be reflecting on why he is abnormal at a critical moment, whether it is a technical problem or a psychological shortcoming. At the same time, he also had to face the doubts of fans and the media, and had to bear the heavy expectations of "basketball genius".

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

Such an inner struggle is undoubtedly embarrassing. As a 19-year-old player, Yang Hansen is not perfect, and he still needs to continue to explore and hone on the difficult road of growth. But this kind of expectation of the outside world, as well as his own difficult goals, may have made him fall into a state of "confusion" that is difficult to get rid of.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

Although Yang Hansen was a little disappointed in the playoffs, that doesn't mean he lost his chance to land in the NBA. On the contrary, it may become an important node in his future growth path.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

For a rookie, making mistakes at key moments is nothing new. Many NBA stars have faced a similar dilemma when they first entered the league, and it took a while to get used to the higher level of competition.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

What Hansen Yang is currently experiencing may be the path he must take to move from the CBA to the NBA. After all, it is not an overnight thing to grow from a standout in Chinese basketball to a main player in the NBA. He needs to constantly improve himself in the more brutal competition, and temper more excellent technical and psychological qualities.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the road to godhood has never been easy. The current predicament that Yang Hansen is facing may be the necessary stage for him to reach a higher stage. Only by truly experiencing the troughs and challenges can he encounter greater opportunities on the road ahead.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

Therefore, at this critical moment, what Yang Hansen needs most is to re-examine himself and sort out the path of future growth. He needs to objectively recognize his current shortcomings and develop targeted improvement measures. For example, he can develop a special training plan for the problems exposed in the playoffs, such as shooting accuracy and offensive skills, to continuously improve his overall strength.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

At the same time, he also needs to adjust his mental state and reshape the blueprint for the future. For a rookie who is only 19 years old, being expected to do so can undoubtedly cause a lot of psychological pressure. However, Yang needs to understand that in order to become a true basketball superstar, he must learn to face and withstand this pressure.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

Only in this way can he go further and further on the road in the future and finally reach a higher stage. Although the current downturn may make him feel lost and lost, as long as he can learn from it, he believes that he will reap more gains and glory on the road ahead.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

For a 19-year-old basketball rookie like Yang Hansen, facing so much pressure and doubt is undoubtedly a huge test. But as mentioned earlier, this setback may also be a key node in his future development.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

It doesn't happen overnight for a person to become a true basketball superstar. He needs to continue to accumulate experience on the long and arduous road of growth, and overcome one difficulty and challenge after another. And the trough that Yang Hansen is currently experiencing may be the only way for him to reach the top.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

Let's take a look back at the growth trajectories of some of the most famous stars in NBA history. Take superstars like James and Curry, who also faced lows and doubts when they first entered the league. But it is through relentless hard work and self-transcendence that they have finally grown into the top players in the league today.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

In the first few seasons after joining the NBA, James also suffered a lot of criticism and questioning. Some argue that his attacking style is too one-dimensional to fit into the higher-level competition. But James was not deterred by these voices, but continued to improve his skills and tactics under these pressures, and eventually grew into a league-recognized all-round player.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

The same goes for Curry. When he first entered the league, his size and fitness were questioned about his inability to adapt to the fierce competition in the NBA. But after years of hard work, he eventually broke through those bottlenecks and became one of the league's most influential goalscorers.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

It can be said that the key to these basketball superstars being able to reach the top is that they continue to surpass themselves in the face of adversity and constantly improve their skills and will. It is this dedication to their dreams that has allowed them to overcome many obstacles and become the benchmark of today's league.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

For Young, he is undoubtedly facing the same test. The predicament he is facing now may just be the only way to the top. The key is whether he can correctly recognize his own shortcomings under such pressure and take effective measures to correct them.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

For example, he can develop a special training plan for the weaknesses he exposed in the playoffs, such as shooting and free throw accuracy, to continuously improve his basic skills. At the same time, he also needs to strengthen his mental training, learn to stay calm and focused under pressure, so as to perform at his best in critical moments.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

Only in this way can Yang Hansen truly come out of this trough and reshape his future blueprint. Maybe at the moment, he will feel lost and lost, but as long as he persists and works hard, I believe that one day, he will become a dazzling star in the Chinese basketball world.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

As the old saying goes, "Blue is better than blue". Through this downturn, Yang Hansen is expected to reap more growth and progress. He can learn valuable lessons from them, constantly improve himself, and lay the foundation for greater achievements in the future.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

It is believed that as long as he can calmly cope with the current predicament and make unremitting efforts for it, Yang Hansen will eventually become an indisputable superstar in the Chinese basketball industry in the near future. At that time, those doubts and sarcasms that once questioned him will also turn into reverence and praise for him.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

As a 19-year-old rookie, Yang may still be a little immature now, but this is exactly the process he has to go through on the road to growth. As long as he can correctly recognize his shortcomings and work hard for them, I believe that one day, he will be able to break through the shackles and reach his own peak.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

Perhaps one day in the future, when we mention the name Yang Hansen again, he has become a well-known star in Chinese basketball and an idol admired by basketball fans across the country and even in Asia. At that time, those doubts and reflections will probably become an indispensable part of his growth process.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!

History always favors those who persist in pursuing their dreams. I believe that as long as Yang Hansen can calmly cope with the current predicament and make unremitting efforts for it, he will eventually become the next legend of Chinese basketball. Let's look forward to the future of this 19-year-old and believe that he will be able to go further and further on the road in the future and create his own glory.

The genius of the men's basketball team can't even understand the CBA playoffs, how can he play the NBA? Blame had to sign up for the draft!