
The boy broke his bone in the 800-meter physical examination, but insisted on climbing the whole way: this is a real man!

author:Little Lu is secular


Hey, have you ever heard of the boy who broke his bone, and still managed to climb the whole course on the 800-meter track of the Nanjing Physical Examination in Nanjing, Jiangsu?

On that day, the sun was just right, and the stadium in Nanjing was full of people. A group of teenagers sweat on the track, competing for good results. Among them, there was a boy who ran very fast, and everyone thought that he would definitely get a good ranking. However, not far from the end, an accident happened.

The boy broke his bone in the 800-meter physical examination, but insisted on climbing the whole way: this is a real man!

The boy suddenly fell on the lawn and rolled in pain. Everyone was terrified, thinking that this was over, he must have to quit the game. However, what was unexpected was that the boy struggled to stand up. Although he was unsteady on his feet, he decided to keep running towards the finish line.

In this way, he crawled forward step by step, crying as he crawled. Everyone was very moved when they saw this scene. Although he was disqualified because he fell off the court, everyone thought he was better than those classmates who got good grades!

The boy broke his bone in the 800-meter physical examination, but insisted on climbing the whole way: this is a real man!

An ambulance quickly arrived at the scene and took the boy to the hospital. After examination, the doctor found that he had fallen into a comminuted fracture!

The boy's story quickly spread online. Everyone said that he was a real man, with backbone and perseverance. His deeds not only showed everyone what true courage is, but also inspired many people to be stronger and brave in the face of life's difficulties and challenges.

The boy broke his bone in the 800-meter physical examination, but insisted on climbing the whole way: this is a real man!

To be honest, when I saw this boy's story, I was also moved to tears. Think about how difficult it is for a person to continue to finish the race despite such a serious injury!

I think this boy is not only an excellent athlete, but also a person worthy of our learning and respect. He told us with practical actions: As long as we have firm faith and courage, nothing can stop us from moving forward.

The boy broke his bone in the 800-meter physical examination, but insisted on climbing the whole way: this is a real man!

So, everyone, when we encounter difficulties, we might as well think about this boy's story. Think about how he persevered in the face of adversity, and how he earned everyone's respect and admiration with his actions. In this way, we will have more confidence and courage to face life's challenges.

Of course, we're not talking about taking risks or holding on blindly. Sometimes, it's also important to take proper rest and adjustment. But when we decide that we want to do something, we must have the determination and courage to follow through. Just like that boy, even if you encounter great difficulties, you must face it bravely and overcome it.

The boy broke his bone in the 800-meter physical examination, but insisted on climbing the whole way: this is a real man!

I want to say to that guy: You're awesome! Your story shows us what true courage and perseverance are. We will always support you and cheer for you, and hope that your injury can recover soon, and continue to create more brilliance in your sports career!

This story gives us a glimpse of what true masculinity is. He not only moved us, but also made us understand a truth: as long as we have courage and perseverance, nothing can stop us from moving forward!