
Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

author:Jie Fei follows the shadow
Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

In the final battle of the NBA regular season, a thrilling matchup sparked heated discussions among fans.

On April 15, Beijing time, the Suns were burdened with a key mission to challenge the Timberwolves away, and this game determined whether they could successfully advance to the playoffs, which really carried the expectations of the team and fans.

The Suns are all in the squad and are aiming to win this game and then wait and see how the Lakers play to determine their standings in the West.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

At the same time, the Timberwolves are also desperate for victory, and they are competing for the first spot in the West in the competition with the Thunder and Nuggets.

At the start of the game, the Suns showed great strength and confidence.

In the first quarter, they took a 24-14 lead with the excellent play of Booker and Durant, extending the advantage to 10 points.

In the second quarter, the Suns held the lead even as the Timberwolves began to chase points, and at the end of the first half, they led by 13 points.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

As the game progressed, the fierce competition stimulated the fighting spirit of the players more and more.

In the third quarter, the Suns were under some pressure on the defensive end, but they still held on to the lead.

In the fourth quarter, the Suns showed determination and perseverance, widening the margin again in the final period, and finally defeated the Timberwolves 125-106, earning themselves a ticket to the playoffs.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

The key to this victory was the excellent play of the Suns players, especially Beal's amazing performance.

A basketball fan named Xiao Ming wrote excitedly on social media: Bill is really crazy today! 36 points! He is simply a superhero in basketball! His words have been liked and retweeted by many fans.

At the same time, another netizen Xiaohong commented: The other players of the Suns should not be underestimated, Booker, Durant and Allen have played well, this is the strength of the team!

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

However, some netizens expressed some regrets about the Timberwolves' performance.

A user who identified himself as a veteran basketball viewer commented: Edwards and Gobert of the Timberwolves did try, but they still seemed to lack something to prevent the Suns from winning.

These words resonated with some fans, who expressed their expectations and disappointment with the Timberwolves.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

In addition, some netizens began to discuss the Suns' prospects in the playoffs.

One user posted: The Suns' victory not only means they have successfully qualified for the playoffs, but also shows what they are capable of.

I'm sure they'll do even better in the playoffs!, and this optimistic statement was echoed by many fans, who expressed their expectations and support for the Suns' future.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

After the game, the Suns managed to finish sixth in the West, and for a while, there was a lively discussion on social media about their prospects and that of other teams.

A user who claimed to be a veteran basketball viewer commented: The Suns' performance this season is really unexpected, and they successfully qualified for the playoffs, which is impressive! His words caused a lot of discussion, and many fans expressed their recognition and support for the Suns.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

However, there are also some netizens who regretfully expressed concern about the Pelicans.

One user who calls himself a big fan of the Pelicans wrote: "It's heart-wrenching that the Pelicans have been doing great this season, but losing their chance to advance to the playoffs at the most critical moment.

The remarks struck a chord with some fans, who expressed their pity and regret for the Pelicans.

Just then, news came that the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the same day's game to prepare for the playoffs or play-in tournaments with the Suns.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

A Lakers fan named Xiao Ming wrote excitedly: The Lakers performed well today and finally managed to advance to the playoffs!

I'm sure they'll do even better!His words immediately elicited an enthusiastic response from Lakers fans, who expressed their support and expectation for the team.

This final battle has aroused heated attention and discussion among the majority of basketball fans.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

A user named Basketball Maniac wrote on social platforms: This game is so exciting! The Suns' performance is really eye-catching, they show a strong team strength! His remarks were immediately liked and retweeted by many fans, and everyone expressed their recognition and support for the Suns.

At the same time, another netizen expressed his appreciation for Bill in the comments: Bill played the best performance of his career today, and the feat of 36 points was simply surpassing himself! This remark also resonated with some fans, who expressed their shock at Bill's amazing performance.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

However, some netizens have raised some doubts about the performance of the Timberwolves.

One fan commented: "It's really disappointing that the Timberwolves lost the game at a critical moment!" His words caused some discussion, and some fans expressed surprise and regret at the Timberwolves' performance.

After the news that the Suns had successfully qualified for the playoffs, fans expressed their expectations and blessings for the team.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

A user named Basketball Fan Mei wrote: "The Suns' victory is too important! Looking forward to their success in the playoffs!" Her words resonated with many fans, and everyone expressed their expectations and support for the Suns' future.

At the end of the day, I don't know if fans who like the Suns know what the Suns' logo is, the Suns' logo has changed many times, and the current one has been in use since the 2013-14 season.

This change has sparked a lot of discussion and reaction from fans.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

On the basketball forum, a fan named Basketball Fan Mei posted: I think the current logo design of the Suns is very cool! The black background is more domineering, and the orange sun is like a burning flame, which makes people feel their blood boiling! Her words immediately caused a heated discussion, and many fans expressed their love and support for the new team logo.

However, there are also some fans who have raised some questions about the changes to the Suns' logo.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

A user named Basketball Maniac commented: I think the previous team logo of the Suns is also very good-looking, why change it? Although the new team logo is cool, it feels a bit against the traditional style of the Suns.

His words struck a chord with some fans, who expressed their nostalgia and affection for the old team's goal.

On the Suns' official social media, fans are also actively discussing the details of the new team logo.

One fan commented: I especially like the basketball pattern on the team logo, it is so creative! This design not only reflects the basketball culture of the Suns, but also makes the team logo more vivid and interesting.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

His words were praised and responded to by many fans, and everyone expressed their satisfaction and recognition of the design of the team logo.

At the same time, there are also some fans who have put forward their opinions on the details on the team logo.

A user named Basketball Little Prince left a message: I think the font under the Suns team name is a bit small, not easy to read clearly, I hope to be able to adjust it.

His suggestion was echoed by some fans, who also expressed the hope that the Suns could make some minor adjustments to the team logo to make the overall effect more perfect.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

The design of the Suns' logo has sparked widespread attention and discussion among fans.

Whether it's the praise of the new logo or the nostalgia for the old one, the fans have expressed their opinions and opinions.

In such an interactive exchange, the Suns' team logo has also become one of the hot topics among fans.

In the future, let's look forward to the Suns' wonderful performance in the playoffs.

Magically, the Lakers beat the Pelicans in the playoffs, and the Suns ranked 6th against the Timberwolves, so they don't have to go back to their home court

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