
The woman was pregnant without marriage, the monk was wronged and seriously injured, and the monk became an immortal when the truth was revealed

author:Elegant Jean 3B0m

The woman did not get married, but she was pregnant, and the monk was kind enough to help but was wronged and was seriously injured, and the monk turned into an immortal after the truth was revealed

In a distant town, there is a beautiful and mysterious woman named Qinglian. She was gentle as water, and there was always a touch of sadness in her eyes. Qinglian has been single and unmarried, but one day, the people of the town are surprised to find out that she is pregnant. The news was like a bombshell, causing an uproar in the town.

"Qinglian, what the hell is going on?" the mayor asked solemnly, his brows furrowed.

Qinglian lowered her head and was silent, just gently stroking her slightly bulging abdomen, her eyes flashing with determination.

Meanwhile, in the temple of the town, there is a monk named Mingxin. He was compassionate and deeply respected by the townspeople. When the news of Qinglian spread, Monk Mingxin also heard the news. He felt sympathy and decided to visit Qinglian, hoping to give her some help and comfort.

"Qinglian monk, are you okay?" asked Monk Mingxin with concern.

Qinglian raised her head and saw that it was a Mingxin monk, and a trace of gratitude flashed in her eyes. "Thank you Master for your concern, I'm doing well. ”

Monk Mingxin noticed Qinglian's abdomen and sighed in his heart. "Layman, if you have any problems, just tell me, and I will do my best to help. ”

Qinglian was silent for a moment, and finally spoke: "Master, I can't hide it, the child in my womb is destined to return, and his arrival has a special significance. But I can't reveal too much, except to tell you that this is very much about the future of our town. ”

Monk Mingxin was puzzled when he heard this, but he chose to trust Qinglian. However, the good times did not last long, and the news of Qinglian's pregnancy spread more and more, attracting attention and questions from the outside world. Some people began to suspect that there was an improper relationship between Monk Mingxin and Qinglian, and even rumored that the child's father was Monk Mingxin.

The woman was pregnant without marriage, the monk was wronged and seriously injured, and the monk became an immortal when the truth was revealed

The gossip soon reached the mayor's ears. The mayor of the town was furious, and he thought that the monk Mingxin, as a monk, had done such a degrading thing to corrupt customs, which was simply a blasphemy against Buddhism. So, he ordered the monk Mingxin to be arrested and interrogated in public.

"Mingxin, as a monk, you should be pure-hearted and have few desires, why did you do such a shameful thing?" the mayor rebuked angrily.

Monk Mingxin looked bitter, "Mayor Town, this is a misunderstanding. I am innocent and have no improper relationship with Qinglian layman. ”

"Then what do you say, what's going on with Qinglian's child?" the mayor asked.

Monk Mingxin couldn't explain, so he could only smile bitterly and shake his head. At this moment, Qinglian stepped forward and defended Monk Mingxin: "Mayor Town, this matter has nothing to do with Master Mingxin. The child in my womb is indeed not the work of mortals, but the gift of destiny. Ask the mayor to take a look. ”

However, Mayor Mare's explanation is not convinced, believing that it is just a quibble between the two. In a fit of rage, he ordered the Mingxin monk to be beaten with fifty boards as a punishment.

Monk Mingxin was beaten all over his body and was dying. Qinglian's heart hurts, but she knows that she can't change the mayor's decision. She could only silently take care of Monk Mingxin, hoping that he would recover soon.

Under Qinglian's careful care, Monk Mingxin's injuries gradually improved. However, the wounds in his heart are difficult to heal. He began to wonder if he had really done something wrong and if he had really tarnished the reputation of Buddhism.

Just then, a mysterious old man suddenly appeared in the temple. He told Mingxin Monk and Qinglian an amazing secret: the child in Qinglian's womb was indeed not a mortal child, but the reincarnation of a star in the sky. This child will become a great person in the future and bring benefits to all living beings in the world.

The old man also revealed an even more important information: the monk Mingxin was actually the reincarnation of Manjushri, and he could return to the heavenly realm after he had completed his cultivation in this life. And this grievance is a test of his cultivation.

The woman was pregnant without marriage, the monk was wronged and seriously injured, and the monk became an immortal when the truth was revealed

Monk Mingxin and Qinglian were shocked when they heard this, and they finally understood the truth of the matter. The pain in Monk Mingxin's heart also disappeared in an instant, and he knew that he had done nothing wrong, and everything was arranged by heaven's will.

Over time, Qinglian successfully gave birth to a healthy and lovely baby boy. The baby boy showed unusual intelligence and talent from an early age, becoming a child prodigy in the town. And the monk Mingxin also continued to practice in the temple, his state of mind became more tranquil, and his cultivation also improved by leaps and bounds.

Finally, one day, in full view of everyone, the body of the monk Mingxin gradually rose to the sky, turning into a golden light and disappearing into the clouds. Qinglian and the townspeople knelt down and bowed down one after another, thanking Monk Mingxin for his many years of protection and education. They knew that the Mingxin monk had passed the test and returned to the heavenly realm to become a true bodhisattva.

And Qinglian's children thrived under the protection of the Mingxin monk, and eventually became a generation of great men, bringing endless well-being to the people of the world. The town also prospered thanks to the blessing of the monk Mingxin, and became a legendary place.

This mysterious and suspenseful story has been circulated among the people for a long time and has become a good story. People have lamented the subtlety of Providence and the boundless power of Buddhism. The story of Mingxin Monk and Qinglian has also become an inspiring example of convincing people that kindness and perseverance will always be favored by God.

This is the end of the first half of the story, and the second half will continue to depict the miraculous deeds of the Mingxin monk who became an immortal and the growth process of Qinglian's children. This story is a blend of suspense, mystery and Buddhist elements, and aims to convey the philosophy of life of perseverance and courage through the spiritual journey of the monk Mingxin and the growth story of the Qinglian child. I hope this story can bring some inspiration and insights to middle-aged readers, so that they can be more firm in their beliefs and pursuits on the road of life.

After the monk Mingxin became an immortal, the lives of Qinglian and the children also changed. The people of the town are full of respect for Qinglian and her children, believing that they are people who are related to the gods. Although Qinglian still maintains a humble and low-key profile, her heart is full of gratitude and relief.

As his children grew up, he showed extraordinary intellect and leadership. He often helped the townspeople solve various difficulties, and won everyone's respect and love. People praised him as the reincarnation of a monk with a clear heart who came to save sentient beings.

Qinglian's child, named Ling'er, has known that his background is unusual since he was a child. He often sat alone in the temple meditating, trying to communicate with the Mingxin monks. He believed that his destiny was intimately linked to that of the former Bodhisattva.

The woman was pregnant without marriage, the monk was wronged and seriously injured, and the monk became an immortal when the truth was revealed

One day, while Ling'er was meditating in the temple, suddenly a golden light fell from the sky and enveloped his whole body. Ling'er felt a powerful force surging into his body, and his mind was instantly sublimated. From then on, he was able to communicate with all things in heaven and earth and learned many mysteries of the universe.

After Qinglian found out about Ling'er's changes, her heart was full of relief. She knew that her child was destined to become a great person and seek the well-being of all living beings in the world. So, she began to do her best to support Ling'er's growth and development.

As Ling'er's fame grew, more and more people came to seek his help. Whether it is illness, disaster or strife, Ling'er is always able to use his wisdom and strength to resolve all difficulties. People sighed that this young prodigy was really the reincarnation of the stars in the sky and came to save the world.

However, as Ling'er's reputation became more and more famous, it also caused jealousy and dissatisfaction among some people. They began plotting to frame Ling'er in an attempt to ruin his reputation. These people spread rumors and falsely accused Ling'er of being a demon in an attempt to confuse people's hearts.

After Qinglian and Ling'er heard these rumors, they were not angry. They knew that this was a test of their practice. So, they chose silence and patience, and continued to use their actions to help those in need.

Finally, one day, those who framed Ling'er showed their feet. When their conspiracy was revealed, people spat on their actions. And those who had been helped by Ling'er were even more grateful for his kindness and stood up to defend him.

After this turmoil, Ling'er and Qinglian's reputation became even louder. Their acts of kindness and compassion touched more people and attracted more people to come and ask for help. The town is also becoming more prosperous and harmonious.

As time passed, Ling'er gradually grew into an adult. He carried on the legacy of the monk Mingxin and became a great Buddhist and leader. He used his wisdom and strength to seek the well-being of the people in the world and became a legend of a generation.

And Qinglian also got a good death in her old age, she died peacefully in her sleep, it is said that on the night of her death, auspicious clouds appeared in the sky, as if the monk Mingxin came to pick her up and go to the West Heaven Bliss.

Shortly after Qinglian's death, Ling'er suddenly realized something during a meditation. He decided to leave the town and go further afield to spread the teachings of Buddhism and help more people. He knew that this was the expectation of his mother and the monk Mingxin, and it was also his own mission.

The woman was pregnant without marriage, the monk was wronged and seriously injured, and the monk became an immortal when the truth was revealed

Under Ling'er's leadership, the teachings of Buddhism spread rapidly. More and more people are turning to Buddhism in pursuit of inner peace and detachment. Ling'er also became a leading figure in the Buddhist community and was admired and loved by the people.

However, as Buddhism flourished, it also attracted the envy and attacks of some opponents. They tried to destroy the reputation of Buddhism and prevent it from spreading. However, under the leadership of Ling'er, the Buddhists united and successfully resisted these attacks.

After years of hard work, Ling'er finally realized her mission. He spread the teachings of Buddhism farther afield, bringing hope and strength to more people. He also became a Buddhist master of a generation, which is remembered by future generations.

In Ling'er's later years, he returned to the town where he once lived. He saw the prosperity and harmony of the town, and saw that the people he had helped lived happily ever after. His heart was filled with gratitude and satisfaction.

Finally, on a hazy moonlit night, Ling'er passed away peacefully in the temple. It is said that when he died, a golden light appeared beside him, as if the Mingxin monk and Qinglian had come to pick him up and go to the Western Heaven Elysium. People lamented that the death of this great man was a great loss to the Buddhist community, but his teachings and spirit will live on forever.

The story of Mingxin Monk, Qinglian and Ling'er has been circulated among the people for a long time. Their acts of kindness and compassion have touched countless people and become inspiring models. People believe that kindness and perseverance will always be favored by God, and their stories have become a beacon in people's hearts to guide people forward.

To this day, the town's temples still enshrine statues of the monks Mingxin, Qinglian and Ling'er, and people come to worship them on Buddhist festivals and important celebrations to thank them for the blessings and wisdom they bring to the world. Their stories have also become cultural treasures of the town, passed down from generation to generation, inspiring people to constantly pursue the realm of truth, goodness and beauty.