
The Hong Kong media can't stand it! The Hong Kong Star newspaper criticized: Managing the sky, the earth, and the air, should we manage wild fishing

author:Big A International

In Hong Kong, wild fishing has always been the choice of many citizens on weekends, and a fishing rod and a bucket of bait are enough for them to find a piece of peace in their busy city life.

The Hong Kong media can't stand it! The Hong Kong Star newspaper criticized: Managing the sky, the earth, and the air, should we manage wild fishing

A recent management decision could change all that. According to reports, due to the need for environmental protection and public order, the government suddenly tightened the management of wild fishing, a decision that immediately triggered a violent public reaction.

The government has proposed that fishing in public waters will require a permit, and fishing without a permit will be considered illegal.

The Hong Kong media can't stand it! The Hong Kong Star newspaper criticized: Managing the sky, the earth, and the air, should we manage wild fishing

When, where and how fishing can be done will be severely restricted. For example, in some protected waters, fishing will be completely prohibited, while in areas where fishing is allowed, anglers will need to comply with a series of environmental regulations, such as the use of biodegradable bait.

The original intention of these new regulations is undoubtedly good, and the purpose is to protect the ecology of the waters and maintain public order. However, the "one-size-fits-all" policy in the implementation process has left many fishing enthusiasts confused and dissatisfied.

The Hong Kong media can't stand it! The Hong Kong Star newspaper criticized: Managing the sky, the earth, and the air, should we manage wild fishing

Many have questioned whether the government's management measures are too harsh and whether they really take into account the feelings and actual needs of citizens. For example, Mr. Chen, a veteran angler with 20 years of fishing experience, expressed strong dissatisfaction with this policy.

"I go fishing at the lake near my house every weekend, and it's my way of relaxing myself," he says. Now we suddenly say that we want to restrict, not even catch a fish, isn't this restricting our freedom?" Mr. Chen's dissatisfaction is a true portrayal of many citizens.

The Hong Kong media can't stand it! The Hong Kong Star newspaper criticized: Managing the sky, the earth, and the air, should we manage wild fishing

The announcement of the policy has also sparked heated discussions on social media. There are pro-government voices arguing that with the development of cities and the increase in population, the protection of the environment is particularly important and proper management is necessary.

More voices are criticisms of the way policies are being implemented. Many people believe that the government lacks effective communication with the public when formulating policies, and the decision-making process is not transparent enough and does not fully take into account the actual needs of citizens.

The Hong Kong media can't stand it! The Hong Kong Star newspaper criticized: Managing the sky, the earth, and the air, should we manage wild fishing

This controversy over the management of wild fishing is not only about fishing, but also about how to balance environmental protection and the quality of life of citizens.

In the process, the role of the government has been put under a magnifying glass, and the voice of the people has become louder. How to find a mutually acceptable solution has become the focus of attention from all walks of life.

The Hong Kong media can't stand it! The Hong Kong Star newspaper criticized: Managing the sky, the earth, and the air, should we manage wild fishing

It is reported that the relevant authorities are already considering how to respond to the problem in a more flexible way, including possible policy adjustments and wider public consultation.

A number of environmental groups have also joined the discussion, supporting the government's efforts to regulate wild fishing, but suggesting that the government should adopt more scientific and humane management measures.

The Hong Kong media can't stand it! The Hong Kong Star newspaper criticized: Managing the sky, the earth, and the air, should we manage wild fishing

For example, specific fishing areas can be set up, different levels of protection measures can be taken for different waters, and at the same time, publicity and education on fishing culture can be increased to guide citizens to engage in environmentally friendly fishing.

Representatives of fishing associations also expressed their opinions, and they hope that the government can have a more in-depth dialogue with the fishing community to discuss how to achieve the goal of environmental protection without affecting the leisure life of citizens.

The Hong Kong media can't stand it! The Hong Kong Star newspaper criticized: Managing the sky, the earth, and the air, should we manage wild fishing

In this series of discussions and feedback, the government has come to realize that restrictive measures alone may not be the best option. Public participation and advice have become particularly important, not only to help the government better understand the needs of citizens, but also to enhance the acceptability and implementation of policies.

As the debate continues, the topic continues to ferment in major news outlets and social platforms. From the streets to the Internet, from ordinary citizens to experts and scholars, everyone is expressing their opinions and suggestions.

The Hong Kong media can't stand it! The Hong Kong Star newspaper criticized: Managing the sky, the earth, and the air, should we manage wild fishing

The debate on how to properly manage wild fishing clearly goes beyond fishing to include public policy development, implementation, and citizen participation.

The government's next steps will be key, and they will need to come up with a new plan that is more reasonable and acceptable to the public, after listening to a wide range of views.

The Hong Kong media can't stand it! The Hong Kong Star newspaper criticized: Managing the sky, the earth, and the air, should we manage wild fishing

This is also an important moment to test the government's ability to communicate with the people and resolve social conflicts. Finding a balance between environmental protection and leisure needs will be at the heart of this discussion.

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